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    Re: ENT S4: These Are the Voyages...

    I think the reason they skipped the 6 years was because they wanted to get the charter signing and no way it would have been signed after the events of Tera prime. This episode was mediocre as a stand alone but awful as a series finale.

    Re: ENT S2: A Night in Sickbay

    The episode wasnt that bad. But Archer is really getting on my nerves. He’s a complete idiot and I definitely wouldn’t want to serve under his command.
    Archer is dead last. I’d probably be better off serving on a cargo ship under some Ferengi with no lobes.

    Re: TNG S6: Birthright, Part II

    I don’t k ow if I’m an “alienist” but I seriously hate the Klingons and all their fake honor. If death is so glorious, why don’t they just commit mass suicide and be done with that species.

    Re: VOY S6: Unimatrix Zero, Part I

    Did anyone notice this. While the borg attacked the matrix, Axum talked about Hirojin hunting parties? I thought it was said in an earlier episode that the borg have not encountered the Hirojin yet.

    Re: VOY S6: Virtuoso

    Does anyone rally view the Doc as a person. I can’t bring myself to think of him of more than a sophisticated subroutine. “Hell no you’re not leaving Doc, you don’t really WANT to leave, you’re just programmed to act this way, so I’m rewriting your program.”

    Re: VOY S5: Equinox, Part I

    I hate Janeway. Such a hypocrite with her “not breaking prime direct”. Also, she was willing to destroy and kill the EQ crew trying while trying pretend she was the epitome of a star fleet officer.

    Re: VOY S5: The Disease

    What a great review lol. But the episode is 2.5 stars IMO, there’s been worse. Janeway is such a hypocrite in almost every way. Sex, prime directive, and so on.

    Re: VOY S5: Gravity

    Glad to see many comments stating how obnoxious Paris is in this episode. Leave Tuvok alone, if he doesn’t want to get into a relationship, for whatever reason, that’s Tuvok’s problem, not Tom’s.

    Re: VOY S5: Counterpoint

    They messed up on this. During the last scene, the telepaths are seen leaving by shuttle, however, where is Tuvok and Vorik? Wouldn’t they have been detecting if they were beamed out? Or they went through the wormhole with the other telepaths?

    Re: VOY S5: Infinite Regress

    Lol whenever Tuvok or any Vulcan recommends a mind meld, we always get the usual protest from a doctor only for the meld to proceed anyways. Can we just skip the predictable protest?

    Re: VOY S5: In the Flesh

    One of the things that 8472 got wrong was the number of Ferangi star fleet officers. I saw at least 3 of them when in reality Nog was the first and only Ferangi to join star fleet.

    Re: VOY S2: The Thaw

    I watched this episode on Netflix 2 months ago.... I cannot stop having detailed dreams about The Spectre. I have an extremely strong urge when I wake up to find/have/wear the costume. It has become an obsession controlling all parts of my life. Does anyone have any information about where the prop may have ended up? Money is no issue.

    Re: DS9 S7: Take Me Out to the Holosuite

    Rom was more annoying than usual in this one. Seriously, can’t even throw a ball?? I just wish there was an episode where Rom would get shot by the Jem’hadar with anticoagulant rifle and die slowly like Quique Muñiz in episode “Starship Down”.

    Re: DS9 S7: Afterimage

    I seriously hate how everyone has to accommodate Worf’s or the Klingons’ feelings/culture/customs etc... Worf should’ve been charged with assault. Who cares what Worf wants, if Julian wants to tap that a**, then he can. Afterwards, O’Brian goes to see “what’s bothering Worf” to make him feel better. Chief!! Worf just assaulted your best mate.

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