Star Trek: Enterprise

“These Are the Voyages...”

2 stars.

Air date: 5/13/2005
Written by Rick Berman & Brannon Braga
Directed by Allan Kroeker

"Computer, end program." — Star Trek: Enterprise signing off with a stunning anticlimax

Review Text

In brief: Some individual moments are good, but overall it's an unsatisfactory way to "wrap up" this series.

One of the interesting things about Star Trek after 39 years is how the library and time settings have grown so expansive, and yet so familiar, that storylines can drop us into the middle of wherever (and whenever) and we instantly recognize where (and when) we are. We don't bat an eye, because we realize that, hey, here we are in TNG's seventh-season episode "The Pegasus," which happened 11 years ago and now is happening again (for us, anyway). In Star Trek, it's almost a natural occurrence. Timelines don't matter for the audience because Star Trek, at this point, is happening simultaneously in all forms at all times, as a part of the imagination.

"These Are the Voyages" knows this about Star Trek, and that's somehow comforting. Flashback, flash-forward, whatever you want to call it: In this universe it's a perfectly appropriate approach that allows for an unusual way of telling a story. And, more than that, it demonstrates how Star Trek itself has transcended its own mythos and exists as a larger-than-life milieu, TV ratings and box-office sales notwithstanding.

On any other day, that would be what we might see is being demonstrated here. On this particular day, however — on which Star Trek: Enterprise is airing its final episode and the franchise itself is going away for the first time since TNG started 18 years ago — I'm not so sure it works. Check that; I know it doesn't work — not as presented. What I don't know is whether it could've worked given better execution. I suspect it maybe could've.

The central conceit of "These Are the Voyages" is that it's actually framed as a TNG episode (I'm tempted to call it "Pegasus 1.5") in which Commander Riker looks at a holodeck program depicting the crew of the NX-01 on their final mission before the signing of the charter that will eventually form the United Federation of Planets.

The central problem with "These Are the Voyages" is that, really, this doesn't make any emotional sense as a series finale for Enterprise. Riker looks at events in order to gain insight about himself (a recommendation from Counselor Troi), and to decide what to do about the central dilemma he faced/faces in "The Pegasus." In short, he's using the NX-01 crew as a tool to resolve a personal conflict. Wouldn't it have been better for this premise to simply look back at the NX-01 crew to study it as history, as a turning point in human society? By making the show about Riker's personal problem, the show painfully short-changes the historical context of the NX-01 crew. Granted, the historical context is a focus in the episode, but it really doesn't have much to do with William Riker (or vice versa).

I guess it's just as well that Enterprise was canceled, because by the looks of things from what this episode tells us — which takes place six years after the events of "Terra Prime" — nothing of any significance would've have happened in the course of the next six hypothetical seasons of this series. The members of the Enterprise crew are not going to change. Not. One. Single. Bit. Hell, they don't even look any older. Forget six years; this episode might as well take place six weeks after "Terra Prime."

Quite frankly, that's depressing. If the narrative is going to move forward several years into the future, couldn't it at least show that the characters have changed ... even a little? TNG's finale, "All Good Things," and Voyager's finale, "Endgame," both showed hypothetical futures in which characters had moved on to new things. But here, Sato is still a communications officer, Mayweather is still a helmsman (both are apparently still ensigns, which is just ridiculous), Trip is still the chief engineer, and so on. Everyone is exactly where they were six years earlier, and there isn't even so much as a hint that they've advanced during that time.

What about Mayweather's talk in "Demons" about reconsidering his personal options and possibly moving back to Earth? I guess it was just that — talk. And what about Trip and T'Pol, who went through the agonizing loss of their child in "Terra Prime"? You might think that their relationship would've evolved after such an emotional turning point. But from the looks of things, they've soldiered on in neutrality for the last six years ... until the prospect of the crew now about to split up forces them to take stock of their relationship one last time. One would hope that they haven't been spending the last six years playing Will They or Won't They. If they have, we can at least be glad we didn't have to watch it.

And yet the framing device of TNG is somehow comforting. I grew up on TNG and will always have a soft spot for it, and there's something reassuring about the idea of future generations looking back upon the past. Several sets from TNG have been reproduced for a number of scenes aboard the Enterprise-D, much the way the TOS sets were reproduced for "In a Mirror, Darkly." The emotional nostalgia is present and accounted for. There's also a new CG version of the Enterprise-D that looks great.

But there's a built-in problem with the use of flashback for the storytelling, which is that the scenes don't gain any momentum. Every time we start getting into the scenes involving the NX-01, Riker pauses the program, or fast-forwards to later in the day, or inserts himself into the story, until we're all too aware that he's literally driving the narrative and that none of these events are actually happening, except in a holodeck.

There's also the bigger problem of the historical record, which is to say, most of this shouldn't even exist on record. There are private conversations here that couldn't be a part of any record, unless they were reproduced from published memoirs or extrapolated from someone's subjective interpretation. There can be no objective truth in a recording like this — at least as far as private conversations go — and we begin to realize that we must be watching the 24th-century equivalent of a made-for-TV movie in which the narrative is "based on a true story." After getting over the initial gee-whiz effect of TNG settings, the holodeck framing device gradually becomes a distraction and a big liability for the events being depicted.

The final mission of the Enterprise before it returns to Earth to sign the charter is less than enthralling. It involves Shran coming to Archer and asking for help (Archer, of course, owes him) to rescue his kidnapped daughter from some aliens whom he'd had some vague dealings with. They want something that might best be described as this week's MacGuffin, because it certainly has no more relevance than that. This leads to some typically generic action scenes with a less-than-epic scope, hardly befitting a series finale. It's perhaps ironic that Shran is the only character in the story to have changed in any significant way in six years (he has a family), while the human characters have apparently all become mechanical slaves to their jobs.

Foreshadowing alert: Troi in the holodeck mentions how Trip doesn't know he won't return from this mission. Trip sacrifices himself in the course of the episode to save Archer. It might be called a heroic sacrifice, if not for the sheer incompetence of how it's depicted. First there's the whole silliness of how the aliens so swiftly get aboard the Enterprise after we've already been told the Enterprise is safe. Then there's the way the hostage situation actually plays out — underwritten and overplayed — with Trip flipping out, knocking Archer down, and then leading the aliens to a panel where he pulls out a cable and blows himself up along with the bad guys.

This is painfully contrived and poorly, ham-handedly executed. It's exactly as if Trip had said to himself, "Well, this is where I've been preordained by an already-written history to sacrifice myself, so let's git 'er done!" How many times have we seen exactly this sort of crisis situation play out, where the Enterprise crew is always able to figure out how to cleverly escape — but not this time, simply because the plot demands that Trip die. This is not a satisfying death scene for a major character by any stretch of the imagination. It borders on goofy.

Similarly, the all-too-muted reaction to Trip's demise is puzzling. Archer consoles T'Pol, but the episode never stops to think that maybe it should be the other way around, considering how Archer has been best friends with Trip for countless years and T'Pol is, well, a Vulcan. There's no funeral, no service, nothing — at least, not on-camera. Perhaps funerals, services, etc., have been done to death and are seen as cliché, but you simply can't purport a heroic death of a major character and then not deal with it.

All that said, the level of downright hate for this episode is strangely fascinating. Jolene Blalock famously called it "appalling" in an interview, and fans denounced it on the Internet as an unmitigated travesty — sight unseen — weeks before it even aired.

Personally, I find the vitriolic bile leveled at this episode (and the vilification of Berman and Braga in particular) from the Internet Trek community to be somewhat over-the-top. Judging by comments I've seen on message boards, you'd think Berman and Braga had strolled into a hospital nursery and murdered a room full of newborn babies. No, this episode does not work, but is it the worst episode of Enterprise ever made? Worse than "Precious Cargo" or "Bound" or "A Night in Sickbay" or a dozen others? Hardly. This isn't even the worst episode this season. It's a mediocre show with some highlights and lowlights. The episode itself probably would've fared better had the concept not unfortunately also served as the series finale.

What's kind of sad is that the episode is actually, genuinely well-intended. It has general ideas and sentiments and historical perspectives that are in the true spirit of Star Trek. It's just that the generalities are not adequately developed as specific ideas for the Enterprise characters, and the show ultimately comes across as an ill-executed, ponderous, miscalculated melding of two Trek series, neither of which comes into real focus. Like much of Enterprise as a series, it doesn't stop and ask: Who are these people, exactly? What do they want out of life? What makes them tick? Perhaps it's not about the individuals but about the state of the Federation — but even then, I was left confused because this story seems to make a distinction between the alliance being formed here and what will ultimately become the Federation. My thinking is, if we're going to fast-forward six years, why aren't we seeing the actual Federation charter being signed? Perhaps I'm confused.

And perhaps that confusion is justified. The whole episode builds up to a speech that Archer is scheduled to deliver, and just as he's walking out to deliver it, Riker interrupts with, "Computer, end program." The sound you heard immediately after that line was fans across the country throwing objects at their television sets. Perhaps ending two episodes in a row with a speech by Archer would not have been ideal, but the anticlimax of ending the story before the would-be dramatic payoff is just flat-out wrong.

As a final act of redemption, "These Are the Voyages" does get the last 30 seconds right, with a series-melding montage that blends TNG, TOS, and Enterprise, with three captains speaking the famous Star Trek mantra. It's the right note for an episode that contains a number of wrong ones.

And that's how Trek comes to an end after a run of 18 consecutive years — with a somewhat ponderous whimper that still manages to show its self-affection. Maybe too much misdirected affection for TNG. And not enough for the characters we've been watching for the past four seasons.

Previous episode: Terra Prime

End-of-season article: Fourth Season Recap

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167 comments on this post

    I just read the Enterprise novel "The Good Men That Do". Basically it goes over the real events of what happened and that this depiction of history was a Section 31 cover up, which for me makes this episode more watchable.

    It gives Trip a much more heroic send off and what's even better he doesn't kick the bucket.

    It was just a total mess. Why bring back two TNG characters? Why kill off Trip? Why set it years after the previous episode? The blame lies in the people who wrote the episode and responsible for ENT's failure in the first place. Braga and Berman did a lot of good for ST but by the time VOY ended it was time for them to move on and bring in new blood for a new age of sci fi. They refused and the rest is history. Most of ENT doesn't hold up well to the current sci fi gold on TV these days. Unsuprisingly DS9 is just as strong as it was 10 years ago. You can see its influence over everything. And guess what? Neither Braga or Berman (he just paid the checks) had anything to do with it.

    I always prefer to think of this episode as a "dream in a shower", because it so rampantly destroys all the good will that seasons 3 and 4 had built up towards Enterprise. More especially, it came straight after a much more appropriate ending in "Terra Prime", which, whilst not a superlative episode in itself, at least managed to treat the characters with respect and give them a hopeful and proper ending. This episode just shits all over that. I think maybe the worst idea is that the absolute nothingness that happens to the characters during 6 whole years. It is so out of step with the realistic 'people' that the last couple of seasons had built up, that it really always feels like it was just tacked on by a completely separate writing team.

    Zero stars from me, solely for those reasons.

    Well, I finally made it through Enterprise. And this was my reward.

    I couldn't quite believe what I was watching. Mayweather is more Harry Kim than even Harry Kim was. Still and ENSIGN after 10 YEARS?

    I assumed that Trip's overacting in his final scene, and that apparent ease of the aliens boarding Enterprise where down to the holodeck trying to piece things together the best it could (not even the writers of the show could expect us to accept all this at face value could they?)

    I had to take it all as historical mistakes (similar to Living Witness from Voyager)

    What exactly did the cast of Enterprise do to deserve this finale?

    Is it only me that thinks Riker and Troi should have been filmed from the neck up and not full body shots? And even then they should have used soft focus. Neither of them aged well. I also found the 'fake' Picard in Ten-Forward far too cheesy (Well, the back of his head anyway).

    Even 'The Sisko' had a better death then 'The Trip'

    "At least it wasn't 'Bound'" is about the best thing I can say about this episode.

    I would have given this episode Zero stars. You were far more charitable than I would have been. This was NO way to end 18 years straight of Trek on TV. Totally unacceptable. And just when Enterprise was starting to get compelling too.

    I have to agree with the general consensus and disagree with the 2-stars given. This episode had nothing to do with the Enterprise crew and everything to do with Riker... a slap in the face to the actors of Enterprise. All of the weaknesses and ridiculousness has already been pointed out above, so I won't rehash them, but I felt NOTHING over Trip's demise, except glad for Mayweather (maybe he'll be able to pilot the shuttle more) and Reed (maybe he'll be able to get in on future heroics for a change). Trip was completely over-used throughout the series doing things that had nothing to do with engineering (it was like Geordy performing Data and Worf's jobs in every other script). This is nothing against Trineer as an actor because I liked him immensely, but he was given too much screen time in nearly every episode, leaving Hoshi, Reed and poor Mayweather with little to do.
    I'd give this one a half of one star. It wasn't an episode of Enterprise... it was a belated episode of TNG. I feel insulted on behalf of the Enterprise cast.

    I'd have to agree with the consensus on this as well. This is a slap in the face especially to everyone who has been with Trek for so long. (I personally have seen every episode of every series over my lifetime.) To end 18 years of consecutive mainly very good programming with TNG masquerading as ENT is like handing someone dog sh*t after saying it's caviar.

    However I DID see some of the good intentions you pointed out Jammer and I agree with the vast majority of your reviews but I can't go above one star on this one. I just can't.

    It's just sad that Star Trek had to end this way especially after the major improvement in the 3rd season (minus the Temporal Cold War) and the bile that Voyager pumped out in 60% of it's episodes (though the high points of Voyager were so good that it left me scratching my head wondering why they couldn't keep it up).

    Maybe if they took the phenomenal storytelling of DS9 and Ron Moore's BSG and applied it to Enterprise and even Voyager Star Trek might still be alive today as a series. In fact I guarantee that if Ron Moore had full reigns on Enterprise it'd be a far superior show than what Berman, Braga, and Coto produced.

    I'd say as a series whole I'd rate them like this:

    BSG - *****
    - only show I've ever seen in my life with only a few mediocre eps and absolutely ZERO flops - show isn't over yet but continues to impress me - halfway through 4th and final season - definitely onboard for Caprica series

    DS9 - *****
    - a few flops along the way but an outstanding series that challenged everything Star Trek but yet remained more true to Star Trek than any other series - should have gone for at least one more season - also best series finale ever

    TNG - ****
    - four stars being generous given that the first 2 and a half seasons really sucked but once it improved it improved drastically - had my favorite overall crew out of all series save for maybe DS9 - series finale outstanding - disappointed that TNG movies were never good except First Contact though Insurrection was entertaining

    TOS - ***
    - got to hand it to TOS the start of it all - still amazed at how good a lot of the stories are in these episodes but unfortunately their were a lot of bad ones as well - didn't have a true series finale - had some of the best Star Trek movies ever and then there's the one I won't mention...

    VOY - **1/2
    - very disappointed in this series for it could have been so much more - could've had story arcs right at the beginning dealing with integration of Maquis into the ranks that would have made great storytelling - as earlier stated the high points of the series were so good, I mean SO good, that I was completely confused why there was so much crap - series finale was entertaining (albeit filled with wormholes...sorry...plot holes) but ultimately a major letdown

    ENT - **1/2
    - ah Enterprise the show that could have been - I was actually quite impressed with the season opener then it kinda was bland throughout the whole run with it's share of low points (a lot) and high points (not enough) - parts of season 2 and a lot of season 3 was the only thing that kept me going - season 4 dropped the ball with only 3 episodes that I truly liked a lot and was kind of glad it was cancelled - worst series finale ever

    My rant is over. kthxbai

    ..There was a time, in the very beginning, where Stark Trek was about ideas.Thoes ideas were fresh and original, at that time... TOS
    ...So Trek ends with a wimper, as Enterprise
    caters to fanboy wimperings of mere continuity,and posturing bravado...
    An era is truly over...

    ^ They are. It's called rebooting the original series as a film franchise. (I guess in regard to your hope, though, that's not what's happening.)

    The reboot definitely worked for the Batman franchise (Academy Award snubs notwithstanding); seems to have worked with James Bond (Casino Royale was one of the best action films of the decade, and Quantum of Solace has its defenders, although I am not one of them); and may have worked with Superman (Superman Returns was a decent movie that had the misfortune of only making $200 million in North America and $200 million in the rest of the world. Its costs were rumored to be as high as $270 million, though, so in Hollywood terms, it was considered a financial flop, and there may be no sequel).

    No one would argue with respect to any of these three series, though, that the reboot effort was a resounding failure. As the concept of "reboots" is gaining hold (and favor) in our moviegoing consciousness, it would look all the more disappointing were the Star Trek reboot to fail. Star Trek has been unofficially rebooted more times than Billy Martin was fired by George Steinbrenner - most successfully in 1982 and 1987, and kind of in 1992 when DSN launched. Ub But since then, it's been more booted around than successfully "rebooted," as the Next Generation films failed to improve creatively and as Enterprise failed to stanch the decline in the quality of Star Trek television that started with Voyager. This is one of those moments - there were really only three others - 1979, 1982, and 1987, where it is do or die, and if this latest effort falls down, Star Trek may not be able to get up again. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. In earnest.

    Bit strange. Because of all the bad press "These are the voyages" got, I avoided watching it until just now.
    The effect was that while I surely do agree with all the points of critique posted here, I in fact didn't find the episode half as bas as I *expected* it to be. Maybe if it isn't seen as "the episode that ended Enterprise" or "the episode that ended 18 years of continuous Treck", Jammer's two points go ok.

    I don't consider this to be an ENT episode. Instead, I consider this to be an addendum to the TNG episode Pegasus. The episode was about how Commander Riker used one of the Enterprise-D's holodecks to reach his decision to reveal the truth to Captain Picard in that TNG episode.

    This was a tremendous insult to the ENT cast. Why not simply have a series finale which dealt solely with the ENT cast? What the reasoning for bootstrapping this episode to TNG? The best thing to do to honor the ENT cast is to treat Terra Prime as the series finale of ENT and treat this insult as an addendum to Pegasus.

    I understand what they were trying to do. They knew it was the absolute end of 18 years of star trek, and wanted to say goodbye to the franchise. But they messed it up so badly. They should of made an episode set in normal space and time, and like terra prime..sort of pointing to it being an integral moment. Or made a super two parter, like All good things. The fact is, viewers saw this simply as an series finale not a franchise finale so it just looked insulting and cheesy.

    Chris H. wrote: "I understand what they were trying to do. They knew it was the absolute end of 18 years of star trek, and wanted to say goodbye to the franchise."

    I think that's only part of it. By creating this prequel, they were canonically putting the adventures of Captain Archer and the NX-01 in the past of Captains Kirk, Picard, Sisko, and Janeway (i.e., retconning). But none of those captains ever mentioned Jonathan Archer or the NX-01, for the obvious reason that from a real-world standpoint, they hadn't been created yet. Nemesis had sucked and there probably wasn't going to be another TNG movie, and no one knew in what form Star Trek would return when it finally did. I think Berman and Braga, before Star Trek The TV Franchise ended, wanted to canonically place Archer & Co. in the other Star Treks' past. Well, not canonically, because the events of "Enterprise" were always canon -- more like "dramatically."

    I believe they thought we fans would appreciate this, hence their saying the final episode was a "valentine" to the fans.

    It's a pretty cool idea had it not served as the series finale, as I think Jammer noted. But why oh why oh WHY they decided to stick it into "Pegasus" is way beyond me. I didn't buy Frakes and Sirtis as their 7th season selves anymore than they seemed to...the only thing that worked was the new Ent-D shots and Spiner's voiceover cameo. Given the fact that the actors have aged beyond the realm of convincing us we're in 1994, they should have set it on the Titan or something. But even then, all the stupid things like No One Changes on the NX-01 and Trip's silly death wouldn't be fixed. Oh well, a huge missed opportunity on more than one level, although I think 2 stars is a fair grade for it.

    This episode was horrible.

    The only nice thing about this episode is that we got to see high-def recreation of the TNG sets.

    I agree that this finale doesn't do the crew, the arcs or anything justice. Of course, it's written by B&B... so why would they care about all the hard work that Coto and company did throughout the final season?

    Coto really did have changes to put in play in season 5 (if they kept going). There would have been changes, but we simply didn't see it. B&B just don't care, so we get a horrible story that is totally irrelevant and doesn't tell us anything about the characters. The whole affair just doesn't matter.

    1 star, if that.

    I agree that the episode was a huge disappointment. One thing that really bothered me, though, was the fact that the timing of events in this ep doesn't work with "Pegasus." Riker wouldn't have had time to spend hours in the holodeck during the actual mission.

    Also, the whole point of "These are the Voyages" was that Riker decided to come clean because of his talk with Trip. But, really, it seemed like Riker decided to come clean once he and Pressman walked around the Pegasus engine room and saw dead bodies -- at least, that's how it comes across in the TNG episode.

    Enterprise was such an odd series overall -- horrible for most of season one and most of season two, very good in season three and decent in season four.

    I think the two stars Jammer gave this episode are a bit more credible than most of you think. It's my understanding (and I could be mistaken) that he tends to review episodes primarily on their own merits.

    There's a higher probability he'd have given this zero stars if he were reviewing it as a 'franchise finale', but he wasn't.

    I'll be honest.

    The thing that bothered me most was that Trip and T'Pol didn't live happily ever after, with a baby. Everything else I can accept - the disrespect of the last episode, the dumb focus on Riker finding his inner child, even the appalingly low quality of the first two seasons.

    But Trip should have lived. And he and T'Pol should have raised the baby.

    Terribly unsatisfying.

    Good lord, this episode is just awful! From start to finish, this episode is a total insult to everyone who stuck this show out for all four seasons.

    Here's what sucked the most:

    • tacking on a TNG episode. Really? I see the good intentions here that Jammer mentioned, and I get what they were going for. But, that doesn't make it right. Making the last voyage of the Enterprise a holodeck adventure to help Riker with his personal issues was a completely insulting way to end this series.

    • No one has made any progress in six years. Totally ridiculous.

    • Trip and T'Pol did not get back together after Terra Prime. I find this terribly disappointing. In fact, it would seem they haven't grown at all, despite going through the terrible loss of a child together. That part is a huge let down.

    • Why was Shran behaving like a criminal? I thought his entire role in this episode was completely out of character. Shran may be a hot head, but he has always maintained a certain level of integrity. Also, I don't think he'd be dumb enough to get involved in something like what they were showing accidentally. The whole thing really made no sense, and it was a really poorly written last appearance for Shran, a character I really enjoyed otherwise.

    • Trip dies a totally pointless death. Not only that, he dies an over the top, ridiculously staged, pointless death. Literally everything that could have been wrong with Trip's death sequence was. The whole thing was a travesty. Plus, I liked Trip. I was sad to see them treat his character this way.

    • Everyone in this episode acted like a cartoon character. God, it was just horrifically bad.

    • We don't get to see Archer's speech.

    • The tacky end sequence was totally lame.

    • this episode crapped all over the progress this show made in the last season and a half and reminded me of just how unbearably awful the first two seasons were.

    Were this episode just another random episode of Enterprise, I might be able to scrape together one star for this mess. But, as a series finale? No. This gets a big, fat zero from me.

    I agree with Jammer's assessment of this episode: It doesn't work.

    Having said that, the decision to make Riker "Chef" was brilliant.

    The episode definitely had it's problems, the largest ones being, nobody on ENT changed in 6 years, Sirtis and Frakes are just too darn old to play season 7 Troi and Riker, and Trip's death was kinda hokey. Otherwise, I see where they were going, and I don't see this episode as being as abysmal as everyone says it is. It's not great, but not the piece of targ dung that fans keep labeling it.
    As far as the accuracy of the holodeck recreation, I kinda took it to be a magical tv story-telling thing that what we, the audience, were seeing was what actually what happened (outside of the Riker-as-Chef scenes, which obviously didn't happen)

    I didn't mind it. It's certainly not great, but it at least kept my interest, unlike probably half of Enterprise.

    I just watched the first minutes of this episode.

    When Riker came up with "computer freeze program", all the ENT cast looked like "children" in front of him... God, I miss TNG so much!

    What a depressing end to the series. First the baby dies for no good reason, and now Trip does.

    I thought Trek was supposed to be uplifting and give us hope for the future? Sounds like Trip wouldn't agree.

    Did make a comment many moons back as Dan...
    My main irk for me is Trip's death. I don't understand this need to kill of a character for the sake of it. Did nothing for the story, wastes all the character progression made over the years.
    I don't mind the idea of the looking back on the Holodeck, even though it screams 'LOOK AT ME, I'M IN A TNG EPISODE!' and seems a desperate ploy to convince fans that despite never being mentioned that in any other episode of Trek that Archer and his crew are pivitol to the Trekverse.
    Shame, the new movie did a better job of that with a throwaway bit of humour.

    As far as Im concerned, this episode does not exist. After killing the baby (totally pointless), there is another, even more pointless, death. Everything appears to have been in vain - noone has advanced, interstellar love did not triumph, we didnt even hear the famous Archer's speech.
    Wrapping it in a TNG episide was clever, but this should have been done in another episode, not the finale!
    And I hate does holodeck programmes, with all those elaborate information and character profiles that seem to predict what each person would say and do better than a real person would know.
    I really do not understand the rating you give to DS9 - for me, this was by far the worst.

    Troi and Riker (especially Riker) out of character. Not only his obvious physical middle-agedness but the contentedness and almost smugness that can come to some people of that age, like nothing matters as much anymore, angst is a folly of youth etc. Nothing like the Riker of the original 'Pegasus' episode. That was one of the most jarring things for me. It was all a game to him in 'Voyages'. He couldn't even take his own supposed big problem seriously; that Picard had literally threatened to kick him off the ship. Very lazy effort by Frakes in particular, he just came across like a bland goober.

    Ugh. I just watched this ep again and, though I stand by my above statement, I do see some more of what they tried to portray. Still bitter though. Just sad they ended it this way.

    Ok, I’m watching the finale out of order since I’ve heard it’s such a stinker. I just finished the Xindi and Temporal Cold War archs with s4e02. Now for the finale!!

    First off, 4 stars for Hoshi’s hair! It looks great out of the pony tail and with that sporty half-bang on the right side, very cool. Impractical? Sure but who cares. Don’t know if this is her hair dew in other season 4 episodes or if it’s a “six years in the future” hair cut.

    Secondly, for a non-fan of T’Pol I really liked her interaction with Archer before he made the speech. I wish B&B wrote her less woodenly like this, especially during s1 and s2. Unfortunately for this epi, it’s all downhill from here.

    I’m a ginormous Jeffery Combs fan and I was determined to watch all his parts and skip the Riker/Troi silliness. But the NG folks kept getting in the scenes, sitting or standing watching, and saying “computer, freeze program.” Nuts. It was awful. About 40% through I had to start skipping looking for Hoshi and Phlox scenes. I found some! But it was with a super-sized Riker in the kitchen (not a surprise) so I had to watch muted. I also watched the amazingly stupid Trip death scene. It could have been worse I guess. Tasha’s death scene was dumb but I think she brought that on herself with contract demands and/or wanting to leave. Why not just critically injure Trip, have Phlox save him with weird creature X from planet Y, and then have a moving scene with T’Pol in sick bay sharing a moment with him, maybe committing? Naw, just have Trip die. No time for that other stuff since Riker/Troi need screen time. I’m glad I didn’t see the bit about their baby dying. I’m just going to pretend that (and this whole episode) didn’t happen.

    While I understand the idea of tying up the whole series, it’s still a bad idea. We had to go through 4 years of ENT ups and downs so the finale should be set in that context and with those characters. I don’t even remember the NG episode Pegasus! To me, that’s a Battlestar, not a Trek episode and I watched NG several times albeit years ago. I’ve moved on through DS9, VOY, and now ENT. Why try to pull the NG cast and story into the finale of ENT? And they did a bad job at it! I think ENT deserved a full, proper finale with no cast from other shows. Afterward, a 2 hour clip show hosted by all of the captains would have been awesome. By combining a series finale with a TV franchise wrap up all in 43 minutes, they ended up doing a bad job at both.

    To sum up: I’m very glad I watched the finale between s4e02 and s4e03. It reminds me of watching BSG’s The Plan just after No Exit and not after the finale Daybreak - you just don’t want to end on The Plan. And I think I’ll be much happier not ending Enterprise on These Are the Voyages.

    1 star because Hoshi's hair looked great and Combs was fantastic in other episodes.

    I think everything has been said that I was thinking about this ending.

    It left me feeling sad in more ways than one but mostly for the actors who were short changed by the writers.

    The bad:

    I've never felt this way watching a TV show before. I got real upset, I actually left the room when it was over in anger. This was different than when our heroes didn't get home right after blowing up the weapon. This hurt.
    #1. Troi and Riker are in Engineering and we hear Troi say: It's sad. Commander Tucker had no idea he wouldn't make it back. . Now WTF! If you are writing the last Star Trek episode EVER, and have planned out the death of a major cast member (one of the "big three" to boot), why on earth would you give it away to the fans there? I'll tell you why... a slap in the face, TNG's "better", that's why... It's hard to explain how mad I got when she said that.
    #2. 6 years into the future and everyone is the same rank? WTF??
    #3. The fact that Trip and T'Pol don't end up together. I was hoping when we were 6 years in the future that they had become married. It would have been nice to have the right closure to their relationship. All we get is T'POL: However long it may be, I believe I'm going to miss you.
    #4. T'Pol's make up and hair. She just looked unhealthy and overdone. They had her looks right in season three. I'm not fond of her final "development". She had this issue for me during most of season four, but it's much worse in TATV.
    #5. Trip's death. I'm mean really. We've fast forwarded 6 year's in the future and the crew that saved earth from the Xindi attack and survived countless other death defying situations can't detect and stop a couple bad guys from boarding? Where was everyone else? Conner's acting was very good once again, but for what? There they go putting Archer up on a pedestal again.
    #6. Archer's speech to the Alliance. The entire series Daniel and company have gone out of their way to keep Archer alive, because HE is the ONLY ONE that can give birth to the Federation; his presence and speech are the bedrock to everything and what... we don't get to hear the speech? Big fat make up caked give the plot away Deanna (an alien) has to memorize this historic speech in grammar school and we don't get to hear it. Yanks blood is boiling here. What we should have seen is our heroes and Trip's parents sitting right up front when Archer gives his speech. A part of that scene, we should have seen T'Pol sitting next to Trip's mom and when Archer mentions the hardship/loss/dedication ... "how worthwhile it's all been." etc, Trip's mother could have taken T'Pol's hand... come on Berman...
    #7. And of course, having the TNG characters close out "our" series. " Computer, end Program" was like a knife in the back.

    The good:

    #1. The whole holodeck idea wasn't a bad one. When Riker said "Computer, freeze programme" I actually liked it, along with Riker taking the place of chef and interacting with our crew. The whole premise doesn't fit with the Pegasus (TNG) episode though.
    #2. I was glad they decided to include Shran in the final episode. I wasn't fond of Shran, a star ship captain in the Imperial Guard, being relegated to a runaway. I liked his daughter. I liked the way they told the story with the "objective mode" and Riker along for the ride.
    #3. I enjoyed Riker's conversation with all our crew in the kitchen. Every one of them was nice.
    #4. While Trips death was stupid, it gave us one of Enterprise's best scenes (in Trip's quarters) and probably Archer's best line.
    T'POL: Trip told me as the years went by that I would miss her less. But he was wrong, because I find myself missing her more. Why would he tell me that?
    ARCHER: Time heals all wounds, but absence makes the heart grow fonder. I guess it's a little tricky. Emotions have a way of contradicting themselves.
    T'POL: And you wonder why we suppress them.
    #5. While I don't believe T'Pol should have been where she was, when Archer stopped, came back down the stairs and gave T'Pol a hug Yanks got all choked up. Full swing of emotions in this one.
    #6. The ending montage. Listening all three captains of the Star Ship Enterprise say their piece was very nice and touching. Very, very nice.
    All in all a very selfish episode WRT Berman. It was obvious to me that this "Valentine to the Fans" was not written for the Enterprise fans, but to satisfy Berman's ego with regard to TNG. I felt left out of the end of Star Trek. I don't understand how Berman could give us so much great Trek throughout the years and then just cast off a group of fans. I guess that's what hurts so much about TATV. So Terra Prime and Archer's speech to the council is the finale for me.

    So here we are. Cut short once again - just like there was no watching Voyager come home, there was no listening to the speech that ultimately gives birth to the Federation. In internet terminology, "we were trolled" - heck, I half expected Riker to turn around after "End Program" and have 4chan's "trollface" grin photoshopped on. Grr.

    Sad at the needless killing-off of Trip, and a bit annoyed also that Troi slipped in a spoiler as a way of revealing it. As someone mentioned, Star Trek was about hope for the future. Kind of fizzled out by this point. Back to ponies for my feelgoods I guess...

    So yeah, plenty of gripes. However, no, I don't think it's the most terrible thing created. It was a 2 star episode, I can agree with that, I would've liked a much warmer and more positively emotional end to the series and to Trek-as-we-knew-it, but it wasn't terrible. It just deserved better.

    Mixing in TNG was a nice idea. It just needed to be better executed, but I enjoyed seeing my old friend TNG.

    Pleasantly surprised at how effective the makeup was in de-ageing Riker and Troi.

    Also the "These are the voyages" montage at the end was a nice way to finish it (better than literally ending at "End Program").

    What else to say... they just had to squeeze Combs in of course, and nice to see him get a happy ending even if getting there wasn't the most gripping thing ever.

    It was one heck of a franchise.
    The bold, daring and optimistic (if sometimes a little over sexed) foundations of TOS.
    The magnificent individual storytelling, great characters and high moral values of TNG
    The amazing long term storytelling and shaking up that came with DS9
    The fun, action packed exploration of Voyager
    The brave new beginnings and fighting through the darkest of times depicted by Enterprise
    Star Trek has had its laughably bad moments, it's had its jaw-dropping moments of sheer brilliance (many in TNG), and sometimes when looking at it all with a critical eye you'd think we hadn't enjoyed it. Don't know about others, but overall, I'd say I damn well have.

    Thanks to everyone who has been involved with the various forms of Star Trek for all the years of smiles and frowns, tears and smiles, and taking us out to the stars and back again. And thanks to Jammer and other reviewers for adding in the fun of reflecting on each episode after watching them. It's been a pleasure adding to the comments.

    So ends TV's Star Trek. In the words of James T Kirk: It was... fun.

    I just happen to watch a the final as a Fan Edit version without realising it. Noticed something was wrong when references to TNG characters were made here. In the Fan Edit there is no TNG at all. However, even without TNG the 6 years without change, especially between Tpol and Trip, and Trip's deaths seemed out of place.

    This also represents my last Star Trek TV episode as part of my epic catch-up endeavours, so quite an anti-climax.

    The ONE thing Enterprise had going for it that no other post-TOS show had? No holodeck episodes!

    I should have trusted my instincts and all the warnings I read and pretended this episode didn't exist. Terra Prime was such a better series finale.

    The really insulting thing? It HAD to be framed by a TNG episode, like there weren't enough movie's or references to them enough...
    How about some DS9 or Voyager characters showing up? the creators dont love them, they just glorify the averageness that is TNG...

    I hesitated to leave a comment, because like many others, I prefer to think it never existed: it was a holodeck novel and nothing in it was true !

    First of all, if the producers wanted to make an homage to the franchise, well, invite the other shows. Even so, Enterprise should have had its own true finale, not a travesty which didn't reflect anything about the whole Trek world. Everyone is out of character, except for Archer.

    So, in my head, Trip (doesn't die)and T'Pol have a romantic relation and another (and very healthy) baby. Shran has a relation with the Aenar and a girl, but joins the Enterprise crew and doesn't become a thug. Travis has settled on earth with the journalist/starfleet intelligence girl, Hoshi becomes an ambassador, Malcolm is forced to rejoin section 31, Phlox has accepted the job of head of xenobiology on Denobula (and Porthos meets a beautiful beagle female).

    I won't say more about all the bad things that happen, but even the end, when Archer is about to make one of the most important speeches in human history, we have Riker say "end program", how disrespectful is that ! Well, everything was about as disrespectful as you can get about the show, but most of all, towards the cast.

    I'm sad it was cancelled as it got better. I had good expectations for a fifth season after the seeds of what was to come were so skillfully planted. Whatever anti-Enterprise people can say, the overall quality of season 4 was as good (if not better than some) as any other Trek, even if there hasn't been a big wow 4 stars. And maybe we wouldn't have had to endure TATV...

    It's interesting that post-Roddenberry televised Star Trek began and ended with an appearance of the Enterprise-D. DS9's "Emissary" and ENT's "These Are the Voyages...". Symmetry, of a sort.

    This episode would be the equivalent of TNG ending with "Skin of Evil". In fact this episode is all level of weird.

    However, it is delightful seeing Riker and Troi again who bring more believable chemistry with each other to this show than the previous 97 episodes of this particular Trek incarnation.

    I'm still upset by the death of the baby, and now they kill Trip, too?

    I guess the writers thought that TNG was the most popular and wanted to tie into it. But Troi and Riker don't look the way they used to. At least they only used Data's voice.

    I don't get it. I wanted a farewell episode to ent and instead got a lukewarm ep of TNG.

    I'm in agreement with the consensus about the series finale. But I'm seeing many comments ragging on the first two seasons which I thought were great. I recently re-watched the series and the first two seasons were actually my favorite. Season 3, with the linear plot line, enthralled me the first time I watched it but I wasn't as impressed watching it a second time. I think this plot line for an entire season contributed to the shows failure. For the casual fan, who didn't watch the show every week, they would have been completely lost tuning in at mid-season. Star Trek was always about exploration and not all out war.

    Season 4 went back to the regular format but it was kind of hit or miss. The hurriedly thrown together series finale was a major bummer to an otherwise solid show. It's too bad SyFy channel never picked up the show. I think it would have been far more successful on cable and available during the age of streaming. Due to their poor advertising, I had no idea that this show even existed when it aired on television.

    TNG is my favorite Trek; Riker and Troi are two of my favorite characters. However, even I found this to be an ill-conceived finale.

    Others have already pointed out why this episode was so disappointing in detail, so I'll just say that I agree Enterprise and its fans deserved better.

    I'm glad I stuck with the show. It did get better. Perhaps it would have become great. We'll never know.

    Calling this a "valentine to the fans" brings to mind Alan Partridge trying to sing "Why do birds suddenly appear". Killing Trip in a fight against kidnappers? Ending a holodeck program right before Archer fulfils the supposed destiny of this show? Presenting a 10-year "missing time" gap in which none of the characters have done anything with their lives? Cheers Bermaga, you romantic sods, you can come to my house and shag my sister!

    If this had been the episode BEFORE the finale, the "end program" would be the most infamous teaser/cliffhanger in Trek legend. Frakes and Sirtis would have been welcome guests with TNG fans and long-term Trekkies buzzing with excitement. In fact, as a crossover episode, many scenes are executed superbly, when Trek crossovers are usually of poor quality.

    Instead, the poorly-judged finale of not just Enterprise, but possibly televised Trek, created howls of outrage that will echo through eternity due to a couple of unbelievable - truly, utterly unbelievable - decisions. This episode epitomises how far Rick Berman has fallen but to my mind, this fall really started when Brannon Braga was hired to bring all the sex, time travel and repetitive crud into Trek. He provided the fatty deposits that blogged Star Trek's arteries, gradually stagnating and eventually killing the franchise.

    It took a mega-budget reboot from a "fashionable" creator like JJ Abrams, who incidentally made a total mess of the "plot" of Lost (it was actually advertised as "Find the Plot" in the UK), to restore some of the damage Bermaga did to the franchise. Long gone are the days when Trek was regarded as "important" and when the show tried to do something daring.

    If the man behind Lost can reboot Trek so successfully, to me that speak volumes about Bermaga.

    I think because I never really clicked with Enterprise and am a TNG groopie that I didn't find this episode as disagreeable as many.

    But I think we need to remember one very important thing that justifies the inclusion of TNG in this- This episode wasn't just a finale for Enterprise but a finale for televised Star trek. The producers knew this was signalling the end of 18 straight years of TV Trek and so sent it out as best they could. Taking that into account this episode isn't as bad as people make out- should it have been produced as a special Star Trek TV movie instead of an Enterprise finale? Sure. It could have included DS9 and Voy cast too and made one big last farewell to TV Trek.

    Seeing it as a conclusion to TV Trek makes it easier and far more emotional a wallop than seeing it as a finale to Enterprise. I do wish however they had used that extra production block to make this a Star Trek special instead of an ENT finale.

    Glad I read this about insulting the cast of enterprise (Blalok said this also). So I decided not to see it and end my trek marathon with the scene where trip and t'pol hold hands. A quite nice end because it is such a basic human gesture. It reaches to the future and maybe to a other child half human half vulcan which is what Roddenberry had in mind - exploring new worlds inside and outside. So be it. It was fun. Have a nice journey. And thanks jammer for these nice and thoughtful reviews.

    Jammer, thanks for the reviews. They made Enterprise all the more fun to watch on Netflix.

    I would have loved Enterprise establishing Jonathan Frakes as the actor to play Chef. He was really great in it! But, no, we had to have the series be like "Remember Home Improvement when you could never see the neighbor hurhurhur"

    I can't support much else of what this finale did, though. Really sad.

    The episode didn't entirely work, but what ittried to do was finish making Archer into such a larger than life character that the TNG crew hero worships him. And that's a pretty cool concept. We've heard other TNG-era Trek character fawn over mentions of Kirk and Co., but never Archer (for obvious reasons). I think this was just a way to retcon the idea that people will still be talking about this voyage 200 years from now.

    As I said, lots of things didn't work, but if TNG is the most popular TV Trek ever (via the ratings), having Riker want to spend time with these guys on the holodeck when he's facing a tough decision to see how his heroes would do it is hardly insulting. If you view it as a Code instead of a finale it's actually pretty decent.

    With the exception of Trip dying and not enough things happening in the last several years. It would have been awesome to get little mentions of what things of actual consequence that everyone has been doing in that time.

    Well, I finally made it to the end after having missed most of the series when it originally aired. I’ve been reading Jammer’s reviews in parallel to watching the entire series, and I suppose it’s fitting that while I often disagreed with him on various episodes, in this case I agree pretty much down the line.

    I too was hoping that the criticism of the episode that I’d read about was overblown, much as I feel the criticism of the whole series was overblown (for me it ranks well above “Voyager”, above DS9, about par with TOS and slightly worse than TNG). Those hopes were dashed. OK, it wasn’t the unmitigated nightmare I expected, but it still wasn’t very good, either, certainly nowhere near the caliber of the rest of the season. It particularly rankled that the characters apparently didn’t change or develop over six years, and that T’Pol and Trip, after going through so much together, *still* don’t stay together for long.

    Even the slightly modified uniforms struck me as goofy, almost like they were trying to echo the Mirror Universe uniforms for some odd reason (like the epaulets). The odd back story for Shran just didn’t add up, and Trip’s death was so contrived and poorly acted that it was a total let-down. They should have just left well enough alone at the previous episode.

    I guess what I’m saying (and I think Jammer says as much) is that this would have been a passable episode if it had been in the middle of the season, but as a finale it stunk and really soured the series for me. More’s the pity that the series was cancelled and left with such a poor ending, just when it was starting to show so much promise.

    @John G: Your thoughts on this episode are pretty much how I feel. I also think it's odd that the Enterprise would be put in mothballs after just 10 years when ships starting in the 23rd century (at least) were commissioned for much longer. Kirk's Enterprise (the first one) launched in 2245 and was in active service (with refits along the way) for about four decades!

    But your larger point about Enterprise's ranking in the series is interesting. I don't agree with it, though I do think Enterprise was better than Voyager.

    The other three series just had more going for them. TOS set everything up and had the best character relationships. TNG set the mold for second-generation Trek, had the best large ensemble cast and the best actor in Star Trek (Patrick Stewart). DS9 was the most daring and is the Trek series that fits best alongside the better serialized shows that have emerged in the past 15 years.

    Enterprise (like Voyager, ironically) just didn't do that much with its own premise. The first season was too vanilla, the second season was just awful and the third season was good (but didn't do much with the show's premise and took too long to ramp up. The fourth season was the only one that really felt like a compelling setup for what we saw later -- but the payoff on a lot of the three-parters was weak.

    Lastly, Bakula's performance was probably the worst of the Star Trek captains (even Avery Brooks had some really great moments as Sisko, and Mulgrew was rarely terrible in her performance). He's too informal in the early season and too Jack Bauer later in season three and four. It's possible the writing was the problem, too.

    I actually think Enterprise is better than it gets credit for. But it's no better than fourth among Star Trek series.

    Bakula's perfromance was worse that Brooks?

    *** blink , blink ***

    You may be thinking of the stories maybe?

    Certainly Scott can act circles around Avery. (and I don't hate Avery)

    YUCK. Hate it. Hated it the first time I saw it 10 years ago, and hate it on rewatch. Horrible, horrible ending to a series I never missed an episode of. It's one of the reasons I never rewatched any episodes until now.

    Way to give the finger to ENT fans. Yes, I watched TNG, though not religiously, but I did enjoy it. I'm an original series fan from way back. Putting the focus on TNG was stupid and insulting.

    Killing Trip was such a huge appalling misstep, the Pocket book novelists set it straight in the very well reviewed "The Good Men That Do. I'm about to start reading it. Anything to wipe this drek from my mind.

    Besides hating pretty much everything about this as a finale, the whole concept is stupid. Six years without any character changes? Trip and T'Pol back to business as usual? Are you kidding me? No changes from before the death of their child? Why would they suddenly act like nothing ever happened?

    Even more ridiculous: Starfleet is retiring their top-of-the-line ship after only 10 years? They honestly want us to think the fleet's flagship is already so crappy it belongs in mothballs? So silly!! The identical Columbia was commissioned just six years earlier in this timeline. Why not retrofit Enterprise with a better engine?

    I hated how perky Archer was right after Trip died, while T'Pol was packing his things (but it's easy for me to hate Archer, he's by far the worst ST captain ever acted.) For that matter, Hoshi, Mayweather, and Malcolm didn't even seem to notice Trip was missing during the speechifying.

    And scuba diving with Archer? Since when? It's like these were completely different people. T'Pol seemed really weird, too, interacting with Chef. I didn't even recognize this woman. Maybe that was an acting choice by Jolene, to separate the "real" T'Pol from this travesty.

    I agree this was an attempt to bolster Archer's rep and try to bring it up to the level of Kirk's, but it's a fail all around, not least of which is Archer never really deserved it. It's telling us he's special, not showing us why. Because we didn't see a particularly remarkable Captain for the past four years, more of a very average fellow who made serious mistakes, often refusing to acknowledge them. You can dress him up in a fancy uniform and send him before a crowd, but that doesn't sell me on him. Sorry, show. I did like his speech in Terra Prime. Archer has always been very hit or miss for me, and at least that one was a hit.

    You really did overrate this one. This is a zero star episode if ever there was one.

    The best was the death scene, when Trip was going into the medical tunnel.

    The smile on his face was the final FU to the fans.


    To this day, this is my benchmark for bad series finales. As far as I'm concerned this ep makes the HIMYM finale look like Shakespeare by comparison (although they are similar in that - spoilers - both killed off a main character for cheap shock value), and does not exist aside from the final montage, which I liked. The series, for all intents and purposes, ended for me with "Terra Prime".

    The only good thing that came out of this was the books, which basically said the holodeck simulation was faked so Trip could go on a secret Section 31 mission (I barely remember, it's been a while since I last picked up those books). Definitely recommend The Good That Men Do and all books following it - will probably start rereading as soon as I finish typing this comment.

    Half star for the ending montage. If it weren't for that montage, this would be a zero star episode for me.

    I agree with everyone that this was a TNG episode and not an appropriate ENT finale. It would have been a clever idea if it was in the middle of the season and a better premise was used other than to piggyback off of a Season 7 TNG episode. To make this the finale is a slap in the face for ENT fans and demonstrates that either B&B didn't give a damn or they are completely out of touch and misguided.

    Even if it had been a mid season episode, I believe it still would have been a mess if B&B wrote it because they have a history of sloppy execution, especially in the latter Trek years. I believe the only reason Braga wrote good episodes on TNG is because he wrote many of those with Ronald Moore, who is more solid with ideas AND execution.

    B&B writing the finale was completely ego driven since they had turned over the day-to-day to Coto and had completely stepped back from ENT. After this the writing drastically improved. I think their egos were more important than preserving the integrity of the franchise.

    Also, on a shallow note if I were Frakes and Sirtis, I would not have appeared in this episode as written. It looked really silly trying to pass them off as their Season 7 TNG characters. If they HAD to be in the finale, it should have been a current dilemma on board the Titan.

    Jen: "I believe the only reason Braga wrote good episodes on TNG is because he wrote many of those with Ronald Moore..."

    To be fair, Braga has solo credit for many fine episodes. However, the entire writers room collaborated on breaking stories into beats. By themselves, B&B may have stumbled for lack of that support.

    I'm still puzzled that Berman, in his Trek dotage, took on so much writing himself. That was never his forte.

    The writers should have taken their own advice to Riker. They should have simply made a decision about the focus of the final episode. Should it be about Archer's big speech? Should it be about Riker's decision? Should it be about Shran and Archer? Should it be about Tucker and T'Pol, or Tucker and Archer, or Archer and T'Pol? They didn't commit to one subject.

    I thought the subject that seemed to be most prominent was the Ricker/chef narrative. The writers should have just focused on Riker as the chef (a character that is much, but whom we never meet) interviewing each character. A quiet show of introspective discussions could have added to the show. Maybe the characters of Enterprise could have retold some dramatic memories for good measure.

    In general, insufficient time was allotted for characterizations in this episode. The relationship between Trip and T'Pol merited more closure. Further, the relationship between Archer and Trip was confusing. Are they life long friends or aren't they? I personally also don't think killing off a main character is respectful to the audience. I like the idea of the characters living on in some capacity in my imagination.

    By the way, I think people shouldn't criticize the episode too much for being a "bad" franchise finale. It wasn't the responsibility of Enterprise writers to provide closure for all other series.

    I still think Enterprise was a good addition to the Star Trek canon. One bad episode does not make run a series. I'm happy overall with the writing during the series.

    Oops: Last line should read:

    I still think Enterprise was a good addition to the Star Trek canon. One bad episode does not ruin a series. I'm happy overall with the writing during the series.

    The second to last sentence reads: "make run" instead of ruin.

    Apart from the fact that there appeared to be no character development over the 6 years after the events of "Terra Prime", I enjoyed this episode. I liked seeing Riker and Troi again and I didn't think they got in the way too much.

    Riker's conversations with the characters were decent and Trip's sacrifice, which was essentially to allow Archer to sign the Charter, made sense to me.

    The ending was terrible though. I did almost throw my remote at the screen when I heard the words "End Program". I didn't think Troi was going to do it when she said "Computer" and paused, but she did.

    If this were a normal episode, I'd have given it three stars, perhaps, but seeing as it was an anticlimactic season and indeed series finale, I'd give it somewhere between 2.5 and 3 stars.

    It also doesn't change my view that Enterprise should have continued. Season 4, with Manny Coto at the helm, was easily the best season of Enterprise and easily better than Seasons 1, 2 and 7 of TNG and most, if not all, seasons of Voyager and the Original Series.

    I thought the series actors did pretty well (although Blalock seemed overly uncomfortable with some dialogue) and Frakes did alright (aside from annoying as Chef) but Sirtis was too dismissive of the characters and sets and events and a lot of the writing didn't make sense.
    It did feel like Berman & Braga were pretty resentful of being cancelled, of Season 4 getting more praise, of T/T and possibly of Moore and took it out on the characters.
    The episode would have been a lot better if Trip hadn't been killed (preceded by Troi saying he would be and followed by complaining about seats and Phlox claiming Archer was very lucky) and there had been somewhat less of Riker playing chef.

    I agree with Jammer's review and two stars. I felt the episode was well-intentioned but with some obvious missteps and off-notes. I loved the recreated TNG sets (my favorite Trek by far), and the last 30 seconds brought a tear to my eye.
    But Trip's death was utterly ridiculous. It felt so off and rushed, like let's just tape this and get it done. How the aliens got on board? Where was security? It was absurd. Too much Riker playing chef. No character development for the Ent principals in 6 years. It could have been much better with a few more rewrites and plot tightening.
    I also think it would have been better received as a regular season episode with Riker and Troi commenting on history through the holodeck (minus Trip's death). That would have been a real love letter to the fans, and allowed Ent to have a more rewarding finale.
    In any case, 10 years later and still not Trek series... just a rather poor alternative universe film reboot. I hope the 50th anniversary next year persuades the suits at CBS to do a new Trek TV series that continues in the prime universe.

    W Smith,

    "I also think it would have been better received as a regular season episode with Riker and Troi commenting on history through the holodeck (minus Trip's death). That would have been a real love letter to the fans, and allowed Ent to have a more rewarding finale."

    Agree, that would have been much more Enterprise inclusive" vice Enterprise exclusive"

    "In any case, 10 years later and still not Trek series... just a rather poor alternative universe film reboot. I hope the 50th anniversary next year persuades the suits at CBS to do a new Trek TV series that continues in the prime universe."

    Agree again. I so wish Enterprise had continued under Coto's lead... they earned it as much as any other trek spin-off.

    I never understood the hype regarding Coto. His writing was below average on the abysmal Enterprise and it continued to be below average when he wrote for Dexter.

    This day marks the final episode of Star Trek Enterprise that I've seen. And thus, I've finally seen every single episode of every single series, all the movies, read a dozen or so of the books, played a handful of the games... this is it. I've reached the end of Star Trek... until the next Abrams movie comes out at least. And I have to say, I feel like Enterprise was given a short shrift. To be brutally honest, I liked it better than Voyager or even TOS. And while I acknowledge the historical relevancy of the Original Series and respect what Gene was trying to convey about a utopian future, I kind of liked seeing the way Archer and the folks in Earth Starfleet struggled to get there.

    Maybe it's a personal moment for me since I've spent so much of my life enjoying the various incarnations of Star Trek. But I couldn't disagree with you more. Far from being 'mediocre', I found myself genuinely choked up watching the crew interact, watching T'Pol and Trip discuss their feelings for one another, watching Archer give T'Pol a hug at the end of the episode. You could tell that the cast was fully aware that this was the end for them. They would not go on to make any more episodes. They wouldn't appear in any movies. Hell... we don't even seem to invite them to all the conventions. It truly is, the end of an era. I really feel like they were finally just warming up to something. And I, for one, will miss these guys.

    Well, I was absolutely dreading this as I have never seen it before-I read loads of flaming reviews and wondered how bad it could be.
    First : a confession. I do not think TNG was the best trek series ever, I do not particularly like Riker,Troi,Data et al.
    If there was one thing done to death and back again in those 24th century shows it was the stupid holodeck so having the blasted thing show up and assimilate the dramatic core of Enterprise was awful.
    Awful too was having no one in the crew developing at all in six years, Trip's pointless death,Shran's total and inexplicable loss of integrity, Archer's speech-'computer off' ( was it that bad-we'll never know?).
    I agree with the comments that maybe it would have worked if it was a mid season episode but I doubt it.

    And now what?

    2 crummy reboot films that have absolutely nothing at all to do with the ethos of Star Trek-more like Starship Troopers and CBS announcing a new show in 2017 with the same guys at the helm.

    Did anyone else notice how overweight riker was? Totally didn't seem like it was from the Pegasus episode. While not quite as bad as threshold, the fact that it's a series finale makes it equally as bad.

    First of all I just have to say how surprised I am that no one seems to have taken notice that Frakes and Sirtis are not playing their season 7 characters. Troi commented to Riker, when he admitted that they had been testing a cloaking device on the Pegasus, that he'd "been carrying this secret around for 12 years."

    That being said, I agree this episode earns tops maybe 2 stars. I liked the crossover idea but it would have been better as a middle of the season episode, and not about Riker making a personal decision. Like others have said, it would have been nice of them to observe a historic moment. Like maybe the 200th anniversary of the signing of the charter or something.

    Other bad: Trip's pointless overacted death, the lack of closure for Trip and T'Pol's love story, the lack of change in 6 years, and most important of all, not seeing Archer's speech! Others have said enough so I won't say any more.

    I tend to console myself by thinking of Terra Prime as ENT's finale and looking at TATV as the finale for all of Trek. To its credit it's not the worst finale ever. How I Met Your Mother's finale was an abomination and made me regret watching the entire series.

    Loved, loved, loved the ending montage. That was a real farewell and made me tear up.

    @William Ballik
    Yes you're right. I'd forgotten that. Still seemed like some time had elapsed between that time in season 7 to this, still not so much to explain the aging.

    I just finished watching enterprise and this will be my first, and I guess last, comment. I really enjoyed the series, even the first 2 seasons. Lots of kvetching from lots of people though.

    Archer was the worst part of the whole series. Trip was the best, so watching him die made me cry. That part was way worse than the holodeck part.

    I haven't liked the last episode on any of the series. Just don't want to say goodbye. Like lots of people , I grew up on star trek, and I never want to see any of the series end.

    And finally, to join in the spirit of all the commenters who nitpick everything, I'll add my own. When the xindi attack Florida, the beam starts right about Orlando and goes south, right through the everglades and keeps going. When I first watched it, I was happy it didn't hit gainesville. Later when trip said it destroyed his hometown, I was puzzled. It was nowhere near Panama city, which is in the panhandle.

    I've been watching all the Trek episodes in Star Trek chronological order (Google "Star Trek Chronology Project"), so I just watched "Pegasus," and now "These Are The Voyages..." But I do not recommend it! Riker and Troi look sooo old; Deanna's hair is bizarrely wrong, so is Will's; they barely fit into their uniforms. What's more, the feeling of fakeness about the TNG scenes is palpable; the TNG uniforms look low quality, like they were ordered online (I think I have the same red uniform shirt and plastic pips that Riker is wearing). Ten Forward looks convincing, but the corridors are all wrong and look like they're made out of cheap, glue-together-starship-model plastic (you all know the type!). The table in the observation lounge has something other than the granite blocks. The lighting there is odd, and off-putting. And, sorry, Jammer, in 2016, the CGI Enterprise D looks atrociously bad; the HD TNG episodes on Netflix make the Enterprise D in season 7 look amazing.

    All this is easy to notice immediately after seeing "Pegasus;" hence my counter-recommendation.

    And Brannon and Braga definitely strangled ENT to death. Ronald D. Moore was badly needed here and on VOY, but thankfully he made BSG which has outshone both and become a timeless masterpiece.

    So I definitely see what this was trying to do, and as a cap to all of the new Trek series it does in fact make a deal of sense. But as a conclusion to Enterprise this didn't really work - not least of which because making it a low rent TNG episode denies the Enterprise crew a final shot.

    The other thing that bothers me is how off it seems tonally - after the down ending last time out the least we could have hoped for as fans is that Trip and T'Pol made it. To find out here there relationship petered out, and then to have Trip killed off in as arbitrary way as any character in the series history, definitely feels like a kick in the teeth. The whole plot line with Shran feels like an afterthought, and it's never really apparent to me how Riker derives any benefit from the whole exercise.

    That said, there are some really nice moments here - the Riker chef scenes are excellent, and never better when carrot-munching Trip reappears post death - and the final 15 seconds almost make up for what came before. But as a sign off to the long-running Trek TV empire - could have done better. "You can all go straight to Hell" indeed. 2 stars.

    *Sigh* not gonna rewatch this. If my dream of an Enterprise return happens, I hope they disregard this episode completely.

    Enterpris Season 4 stepped up the story telling and characterization, then B&B come back for this "finale", and because they only know how to write plot, there's no storytelling, and they bring in the characterization of Voyager, i.e, flat shallow and unchanging.

    I'm sad ENT was cancelled, but I was certainly not sad to see the backs of these two after S3 if this was the path of the series (compaired to Coto's plans, which I incorperate into my head canon) B&B held on the reigns too long and thought they were the be-all end-all for Trek.

    It wasn't VOY or ENT that killed the franchise, it was the smug hubris of it's head writer/producer.

    Oh dear were we really supposed to pretend that Riker looked the same as he did 20 years ago? Troi has admit ably aged better. watching those two pretend that they were still in TNG season 7 was awkward. Should have just made him a Captain or an Admiral dealing with giving his own important speech. The Cameraman always makes sure Riker is in the shot when there actually dealing with the Enterprise crew making it distracting.

    Archer says here's to the Next Generation! now all we need is a wink to the camera and we'll have proof Berman and Braga think TNG was so good they just needed to make one more episode 20 years later. at the cost of the show they were supposed to be wrapping up.

    I think SF debris's review sums up this episode perfectly.
    So here are the plot points that we supposedly would have seen had Enterprise lasted six more years.

    -Hypothetical Season 5 or 6 would feature the beginning of the Earth Romulan war. Also Shran secretly gets married.
    -At one point in hypothetical season 7 Shran was going to fake his death.
    -Hypothetical Season 9 would be the end of the Earth Romulan war.
    -Hypothetical season 10 would be Archer and company trying to organize the "coalition"

    T'pol:gets a new less embarrassing uniform but also a worse hairdo.
    Trip and T'pol never reconsider getting back together and T'pol goes back to acting like a stubborn Vulcan from season 1

    Characters final fate:
    Malcolm:Plans on sticking with Archer as long as possible.
    Travis:Poor guy barely did anything the last 4 seasons what makes you think he'd do anything in 6 more? I think he transfers to a new ship
    Hoshi Not much happens to her but she is going to Brazil
    Phlox is going to retire to Denobula maybe he'll reconcile with his son hopefully?

    This is a TNG episode wearing the skin of an Enterprise episode. Terra Prime is the true Finale of this show and a prospect of what could have been had these two not been in charge the first 2 seasons.

    "...we begin to realize that we must be watching the 24th-century equivalent of a made-for-TV movie in which the narrative is "based on a true story..."

    Have you ever considered the possibility that the entire series was a 24th-century bunch of holo-novels, based on the original Enterprise's crew and adventures, that Riker enjoys on his off hours? Perhaps the 'temporal cold war' that no one ever references in earlier series was just a bored writer's flight of fancy. Perhaps "Bound" was the product of a Reginald Barkley-esque programmer's fantasy. Perhaps the holo-actress who portrayed T'Pol just wasn't very good...

    I think terra prime would have made a better finale for the show. That set aside, and judging this episode as a stand alone or addendum to pegasius, I thought it was ok. I rewatched pegasus right after and tried to piece the 2 together in my head. Maybe one of these days I will re-edit these two episodes together in Adobe premier. Here's my big beef: the holodeck mechanics. So all of the sudden you can materialize clothes in the holodeck? Lol, it's kind of a kick in the balls because in every holodeck scenerio in TNG the gang goes into it already in period appropriate costumes from the replicator. And objective mode? Neat idea, switching back and forth but I don't remember this function in the original series. These continuity errors really bother me with this episode. I can ignore the fact that Riker is old, grey and fat in this, but the holodeck really pisses me off.

    " I can ignore the fact that Riker is old, grey and fat in this, but the holodeck really pisses me off. "

    Spoken like a true Trekkie. I salute you Mr. Vulcan!

    This wasn't good, but it didn't offend me like I expected it to. If we hadn't had Terra Prime just before, THEN I'd be fuming. I'll just pretend that the two-parter is the true finale, and These Are... is a bonus.

    @Other Chris - B&B defined it that way. They really said that this was meant as a Visa to 20 years of Trek. You're supposed to think of it as a bonus

    I just finished this, so maybe I'll change my tune, but I mostly really liked it. Mind you, years ago I'd read a partial spoiler about this and have been laboring under the misconception that the entire series was nothing but a fantasy Riker was living out in the holodeck. Imagine my surprise when that turned out not to be the case at all.

    I loved the final montage. I had no problem with Trip's death, but wasn't so keen on the fact that he and T'Pol didn't end up together. I suppose losing a child can do that to you, though.

    While the parallel between Pegasus and These Are The Voyages isn't entirely clear, I appreciate what they were going for. Since the start of ENT we've had the historical import of these events shoved down our throats. I found it annoying at first (especially with Archer's smug boy-scout attitude), but eventually came to appreciate having the mythos rounded out. In These Are the Voyages, we finally get to see why this mission was so important. And much as we (so often erroneously) look to the founding fathers for at least narrative insight, here Riker looks for some basic principles to guide him. He revisits a time when interplanetary alliances were hard-fought and decides that he has to work to preserve the Treaty of Algeron. Far from being an insult to the characters and series, I think it was an appropriate tribute.

    I always hated this episode, and thought Enterprise (which should never have been cancelled) should have ended this season with Terra Prime. But you know, I just watched TATV again, and while I still thought it was incredibly weak and was
    unfair to the Enterprise actors, I didn't hate it as much as I did the first time. Riker and Troi were not really believable as TNG season 7 actors--as others have said--their aging was too obvious. And the story was unkind to Shran, who is, and should be portrayed as, a much stronger, more heroic character. This script makes him look sleazy...which he isn't. But I think it's a positive that the writers tried to hook the history of Archer's Enterprise to the TNG stories. It has always been troubling that nowhere in the Trek continuum do they mention Archer...yes, of course...because he hadn't been written yet. So this attempt to bring him in was well-meaning I think, if not very well-done. And Trip's death...did he really die?...I recommend reading the follow-up re-launch paperbacks...his death was unnecessary and stupid, as others have posted. Anyway, upon my second viewing, I could see that this was indeed, while ham-handed, an attempt to pay tribute to Enterprise's characters and stories. And the ending montage, I agree, was wonderful

    Star Trek for me will always be TOS, TNG, and those six movies with Kirk and crew. I've seen every other incarnation of Trek - and while each had moments worth watching, none of it felt memoable. That might be a bit harsh, but it's how I feel. Sorry Mr. Berman.
    This episode would have been better if it had actually been about the Enterprise crew, and not about Riker. For some reason Berman believed this would be the end of all Star Trek - was he wrong...
    By the way, did we ever learn who was sending messages from the future?

    As I complete my first ever full watch-through of Enterprise (As a 20-year trekfan, I aborted a Trek series for the first time after only a couple of episodes I couldn't get behind. A friend loaning me a bootleg VCD of the first half of season 3 brought me back around with what I considered to be a VERY compelling Xindi arc (it was binge watching before there was binge watching and I think the arc benefited from the lack of individual episode scrutiny that binging provided. I just had to know the answers to all of the mysteries.

    So I saw this finale the first time. And having rewatched it, it was even more underwhelming the second (or third) time - I've probably rewatched the episode before.

    It's now something of a DECADE later and I don't know if ANYONE will ever read this, but why not. It's a testament to the quality of Jammer's reviews that I still come here to read these reviews alongside the episodes as I watch them because of the depth of analysis they add to the storytelling. I see I'm not alone, with another comment on this episode added just a few days ago.

    I will echo all of the criticisms Jammer had for this episode, but without much of the praise.

    The entire episode is just devoid of anything meaningful. The framing device takes an episode that should be about the crew of the show that is ENDING and makes the whole thing about Riker and Troi - two characters (neither even the lead) of another Trek show, set in the middle of a decent, but certainly not pivital episode of that series. This episode is about Riker, not about the NX-01 crew. I second all of Jammer's comments about the "freeze program" ruining any sense of the NX-01 feeling real and meaningful. The fact that this is a holodeck program means I kind of don't even care for the NX-01 crew, because they are facsimiles of people who have been dead for 200 years.

    The episode also makes no sense even in its own framing device. Go rewatch Pegasus (why the heck did they pick that episode? It's so random!) and you'll find there is no reasonable point in Pegasus for this story to unfold. Based on the Riker we know and that episode, I don't believe for a second Riker confided in Troi what was going on, or that he would seriously consider observing a holodeck program in the middle of the very serious stuff going on at the time. I don't believe anything this holoprogram shows is insightful or novel that would inspire epiphany in Riker. Further, Riker "decides" to tell Picard, yet in the episode, Riker clearly never makes that decision until he's sitting on the bridge and he's had enough of Pressman selfishly endangering the Enterprise crew to keep his secret.

    None of this makes any sense. Riker looks far to happy to be here considering the incredibly heavy dilemma he's supposedly wrestling with.

    Finally, we have the whole Trip thing. Besides all of what
    Jammer said, "intruders are onboard!" When the hell would you EVER see Trip and Archer ALONE... UNARMED.... run headstrong through the corridors right into the intruders? With no security in sight? Seriously? Don't get me started on the fact that Trip's suicide run would never ever happen in any other episode, but the entire basis for Archer and Trip (the two highest ranking people onboard) to be held at gunpoint is so beyond acceptable it makes me angry.

    No real recognition for Trip's passing. No appearance by Shran to console Archer or apologize that he's cost Trip his life... The little moment between Trip and Archer was emotional, and having rewatched the series, I think Conner Trineer was grossly underrated as an actor in this series. He does a phenomenal job at being authentic and bringing emotion throughout, including in that scene.

    I concur that the last 30 seconds are the right ones, but why are we even seeing the Enterprise fly away? It was being decommissioned, and it's crew are all watching Archer give a speech. It shouldn't be going anywhere.

    Sadly, a disappointing end to a very mixed bag of a series that had lots of potential but only a few real gems.

    Finally just watched this for the first time working through to the end of Enterprise, although I hadn't been spoiled or knew exactly what to expect other than a vague idea that the fans weren't happy about the finale of Enterprise, I was pleasantly surprised when watching this episode. I can understand a lot of the criticism and won't repeat the shortcomings highlighted by many here. As Eli said years ago - "In general, insufficient time was allotted for characterizations in this episode." is the most insightful and accurate criticism of this episode, and of ENT in general.

    As I watched it I realized that this was the last piece of Branon and Braga Star Trek TV ever made, but I could sort of see what they were trying to do, they were attempting to spin 'the end of Voyager' into the fabric/history of the whole prime universe and I thought it was logical to try to paint in some details about the crew of the historic NX-01 and link it back into the Star Trek timeline. Who knows - maybe trying to do too much?

    Thangs that worked for me were, lots of funny little 'meta references', wonderful scenes between T'Pol and Archer and T'Pol and Trip. In the TNG framing device - although clunky I could beleive that Riker was struggling with a dilema and sought guidance about what 'the right thing to do' was. There were some playful and good moments of dialogue in the kitchen between Riker and all the NX-01 cast that could have been expanded greatly, some decent writing for both with the NX-01 crew and seeing two of the TNG crew re-united was also good, final montage was well done.

    Bit of a shame to see the Branon and Braga era of Star Trek on TV end up this way and we can only ponder that if they had maybe had a more elegant "hand over" to other people, we might still have had Trek being made now...

    After having now seen most of TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY and ENT would like to thank Jammer and all the other contributers here for a fascinating and enjoyable companion to watching Star Trek.

    So let me get this straight. After all that I've put up wiht on this show we don't even learn who future guy was? What a gip!

    My theory is it's that cheese guy dude from buffy.

    Everything's been said. It was a wretched way to end the series, and Trip's death was utterly pointless. It almost seemed spiteful.

    To anyone who feels bad for ragging on this episode, I read an interview recently which Braga gave in 2012, I think, where he referred to it as 'idiotic', noting that 'the cast hated it' and that it was the 'only time Scott Bakula was pissed with me'.

    (before I get too forgiving of Braga, I've also read him say there was 'nothing wrong' with the writing in Enterprise, that it didn't kill the franchise, and oh yeah, pretty sure he claimed Voyager was better than TNG. But never mind.

    I've just finished watching Voyager and Enterprise back to back, and to be absolutely honest, I think I actually preferred Enterprise. It was hamstrung by the least memorable or well developed cast of characters in Trek, but in certain respects it tried harder than Voyager. Voyager was allowed to just coast under its own inertia when it had become terribly disappointing, perhaps because (inexplicably) at the time it was more popular than DS9. At least on Enterprise the producers got the message and by the end of season two told B&B to pull their fingers out and do something to make the show interesting! To their credit the second half of season three was pretty damn solid, and better than most seasons of Voyager IMO.

    So a dismal end to a series which just never really gelled, but could have been so much more, if the writing hadn't been so unadventerous and lazy, til it was to late to matter.

    Ah what a shit show, hey? I haven't watched this since it aired. Have been doing Enterprise Season four the last month and here we are

    Yeah, Pegasus was just not the right episode for this. First of all, he is telling Troi about the cloak and all that when he was willing to throw Picard under the bus over it? Really? he didn't tell Picard until his hand was forced when Pressman was getting out of control. And she is a Commander! and didn't feel she had a duty to report it to Picard (she could have been stripped of rank for withholding that as she was under no orders to keep it secret). Sure, counseller being confidential but she holds a high rank and something that could start a war is something she has a duty to report. heck, even today if I tell my shrink about a horrible crime that shrink is supposed to call the police, they aren't lawyers. And he was sure happy go lucky in this episode when we know from Pegasus he was going though some serious trauma, anger, guilt, and he was no in the mood to crack jokes.

    So, 90+% of fans disregard this episode ... What i found so funny was the book writers thought so little of it that even they dismissed it during the relaunch of the series on book form and did an entire novel cancelling it out as a cover up / fake holostory and have gone on with years worth of novels in a proper timeline.

    I can sort of understand their desire to bookend TNG in there. It was the end of Trek TV after a very very long time, and TNG is what revived Trek in television. They just went about it the wrong way and in a way that was not a series finale and was a discrespect for Enterprise as a whole. The little montage at the end with the three Enterprise captains and ships talking was cool and they should have just expanded on that as a tribute to ships named Enterprise on television instead of what they did.

    The chef scenes were very good and well acted, just completley out of context with Riker's state of mind in the Pegasus episode.

    What a terrible episode, yes I hold Braga responsible for this rubbish. So conceited with himself he writes this crap. Enterprise to me is what Star Trek should have been all along, exploring strange new worlds, not endlessly exploring the Human condition as in TNG. If I wanted to explore the human condition I can read the newspapers and DS9 was just a weekly soap opera going no where. At least we had Voyager.

    This episode wiped the entire 4 seasons in one go and turned the show into a TNG episode with an appalling ending. Oh Boy for poor Scott Bacula the best Captain next to Kirk, why because he was what a human captain would do including his dog.

    The Tucker character died for absolutely no reason other then to fan Braga's self importance. The reviewer must have been smoking something to give the episode two stars, I even tried to watch it again and had to stop.

    The actors on the show have every right to be pissed off! I would have told Braga to bash it up his date and walked than to appear as a side kick to TNG. Given the show was over they had nothing to lose except their integrity.

    We'll that's my vent.

    Sorry Jamahl you're wrong. This a a terrible episode and the hate and anger leveled towards it is more than justified

    ***1/2 a TNG episode. Like seeing the return of The X-Files, or Will & Grace, seeing this episode was a massive fist pump in the air when watching it in its entirety today on Netflix. Even though it's just Frakes, Sirtus and Spine in a voice cameo, and even though it's really a **1/2 at-best honestly compared to, say All Good Things or even What You Leave Behind, it's just so awesome to see a (sort of) 177th TNG episode, in stunning HD.
    As an Enterprise episode, I'd also give this at least **1/2. The only things I'd do are reset Trips death so it turns out he lives and after the "end program" fade back to the 22nd Century to the beginnings of Archer's speech, then fade to the "Space: The final frontier..." Montage. (And have Scott Bacula read it in a way that does him better justice)

    Er "Spiner"
    Also, Jonathan Frakes should have fired his hairstylist for this episode

    I really do not get the point of this idiotic episode. In fact I stopped watching after 15 minutes (and that was longer than I expected myself to be able to put up with the dreadful Troi, it was bad enough having to watch her in TNG but here in my beloved Enterprise!!!? NO!). I decided to regard Terra Prime as the final episode instead - Archer's speech in that, Soval leading the applause, Trip and T'pol holding hands: these scenes seemed far more fitting.

    Really, really disappointing end to ENT. This is not the way to do a series finale. Berman and Braga did a lousy job with ENT -- a series that had so much potential is truly the weakest of the 5 Trek series.

    The way "Terra Prime" ended would have been a much better way to end the series. It had enough of the right pieces with Trip/T'Pol seemingly getting some closure, Archer giving a speech etc.

    But here, why does Trip have to die in such a stupid way? Why did the writers basically make him sacrifice himself as such? Trip was my favorite character in ENT and lived up to the enormous reputation of prior Trek chief engineers, for me.

    This is really a TNG episode (Pegasus 1.5 seems right) so it downplays the ENT series. The holodeck bits really didn't work for me. The main plot of rescuing Shran's daughter was the typical ENT rescue operation, fire fight ending in success. But somehow these aliens get on Enterprise and the nonsense starts up again -- really dumb. I don't have any issue with seeing Riker/Troi again, but they shouldn't be so prominent. The 6 years after "Terra Prime" thing makes no sense either.

    Just a really poorly conceived finale. "These Are the Voyages..." gets 1 star. It could have been rated 1.5 stars but given the greater expectations for a series finale and how little justice the finale did to 4 seasons of ENT (even if it was at best mediocre Trek) is absolutely shameful.

    Found myself shaking my head a lot while watching this episode. I guess it is a condemnation of a series that just didn't work on the whole, although it did have its moments which were few and far between.

    Yeah, if I thought this were the last episode of Star Trek forever, I'm not sure I would have done it this way. If they wanted to connect it to something, they should have found a way to connect it to TOS, and they could have waited until the end of the episode to do that. It would have had more impact.

    The episode before this one felt like the real end of the series. They needed an Archer speech here, but they had already given it, so what else were they going to say? It just felt like they ran out of steam, or budget, or just gave up. Maybe they were upset at being cancelled when they had put all that work into season 4. Even the montage at the end seemed odd to me -- why pick only those 3 voices, and why not in chronological order? If they'd spent another hour working on it, I believe they could have done something that would have tied the series together better and felt like a tighter wrap up--there's so much footage over the years. They could have showed all the captains adjusting their uniforms, or somehow overlapped the change from "where no man has gone" to "where no one has gone before" or something equally silly but they would have gotten the aw, shucks from all of us in the community.

    I'm sorry they cancelled the series at this juncture. I feel like they had just started to find their footing with the 4th season. Can you imagine if they had cancelled TNG at this stage? The 1st two seasons of TNG were mostly horrible. They started to find their way in season 3, then they really hit their stride in season 4. If no season 5, then no Darmok, no I, Borg, and no Inner Light. What a crime that would have been! So although many of us are complaining about what a poor job they did on Enterprise, I think the real culprit here is the network with the short attention span that didn't give them a chance to finish growing. Over the entire course of the series, I probably did find a good dozen episodes that I would rate at three or better. It's like shopping for a record album, if you find 3 or 4 good songs out of 10, you buy it. So overall, I'll take it although they perhaps didn't achieve the potential I think they could have done.

    I'm not sure there will ever be a complete end to Star Trek. Here we are in 2017 with another iteration. Not sure how long this new one will last, and since CBS wants me to pay for it in addition to all the services I'm already paying for, I probably won't see it until it, too, arrives on Netflix. But at least they're back with a network who understands its culture and value. So hopefully they'll take the lessons they learned here and build a better Trek.

    I was told ENT was lame, specially this ending.
    Maybe that's why I was surprised to find good episodes (Cogenitor, Dawn, the ending Xindi chapters, Home, Forge/Awakening/Kir'Shara, Demons/Terra Prime, In a Mirror Darkly, even Unexpected). I love ENT.
    And I even see the point of this episode: it's like a consolidation of the prequel in canon, the message is "we won't forget you in the next centuries to come". Some real action with Sran was actually good.

    I just miss something: the Archer speech, but please I don't mean the typical one. I mean a touching moment: when he sadly admits something like "now he's dead and I must tell everyone that it was worth it".

    The perfect answer came to me in a memory: Tripp's words, on Dawn (aka the "Enemy Mine").
    The touching moment when Trip reviews his life to Hoshi or to himself: he's lived wonderful things, even if this is the end, the journey has been worth it.

    Yes. Tripp would have answered "yes" to Archer. A life of wonders, even at the cost of being shorter, is worth it.

    I can't help this thought since I just watched the ending. And I missed so dearly to see it on screen.
    I'll miss ENT. And this sentence means and feels more than it seems. Just like T'Pol meant a lot more when she said: " I'll miss you".

    I'd really thought Terra Prime was the last episode, as I'd been watching on Netflix, and the next episode teaser showed Riker, so I assumed it was suggesting I watch TNG next. When I realised my error I watched unawares of the hullabaloo that surrounded it. It was an interesting idea, and had some good scenes, but it short changed everyone as a finale. Such a shame. Having persisted with it and followed Jammer and all the comments, I would have liked to have seen its improving quality continue. Oh well. DS9 next.

    The hug towards Tpol and the comparison between Archer / Trip and Picard / \Raiker TRUST were so powerful human moments that obscure all other details.

    3 stars

    PS. I was grateful it didn;'t give us the speech "for the creation of Federation". That legendary speech is better left unspoken.

    A bizarre and underwhelming finale episode. Quite why riker and troi were on it, pegasus episode via the enterprise d holodeck aside, is obscure.

    Rick Berman described this episode as a "valentine to the fans".


    I agree with Jammer's review here.

    It's an idea that might have worked, but was poorly executed. It's a disappointing last episode to the series, but I don't think it's worthy of the hate that so many have for it.

    I do think all the actors do a generally good job here, except for Bakula, who was really off in the scene where he's supposed to comfort T'Pol. The scenes with Riker as chef we're fun...except of course his playful attitude here doesn't really mesh with the stress that he's supposed to be under at the time.

    2 stars, I guess.

    Since it was all a holonovel it is quite reasonable to think that most facts were altered and others simply invented for dramatic purposes only, like Voyager Doc's holonovel. That could the reason why the characters did not change: historical inaccuracy and artistic license. Riker and Troi could not possibly be such History experts and Starfleet logs could not possibly be so detailed to put up the whole thing accurately.

    Otherwise it is impossible to take this ending seriously because it is so pathetic and meaningless.

    By killing Trip, the best character played by, arguably, the best of the leading actors, the producers acted like spoiled kids kicking the sand castle they could not finish properly.

    OK, they tried to capitalize sympathy on the final episode with cheap drama out of a dumb death, the cheesy rescue of s friend's little girl, and Riker's pointless dilemma.

    They failed miserably because nothing made a minimum sense.

    One star.

    Those of you who were hoping for a new Star Trek show got your wish.

    Star Trek: Special Effects Aroma But OMG The Plot Holes

    This episode would have been a lot better if it was set in the future of the main continuity. Have RIker and Troi, but have them on a diplomatic mission negotiating something tough, like adding the Xindi to the Federation. Don't pretend that Frakes and Sirtis haven't aged in the time since, embrace that. They're the literal Next Generation of venerable statespeople, but they need to look back on a similarly difficult issue from the NX-01 to get their bearings.

    If you're going to wrap up the whole franchise like this, don't tie it to a B-list Season 7 episode for no reason.

    Good to become visiting your weblog again, it has been months for me. Nicely this article that i've been waited for so long. I will need this post to total my assignment in the college, and it has exact same topic together with your write-up. Thanks, good share.

    Sato and Mayweather were still ensigns after ten years....and Reed still a Lieutenant.

    on my 3rd go around of ENT--well, actually i just went ahead and started at s3 this time even though it is by far the trek i've watched least. actually it has been pretty satisfying not to be completist about it since i usually force myself to sit though all the trek presented to me regardless of quality because even crap trek tells me something about what other people think trek is and i like to think it gives me some insight into some of the wildly different species of trekkie one encounters. there's a joke somewhere in here about needing a diplomatic conference of our own but i digress--as it stands, there is only a single episode in the franchise i've NEVER seen and it's this one.

    I've been warned. i heeded the warning when it aired (barely) and then i managed to avoid it again the second time when i was concerned the girlfriend i was watching it with might get turned off too near the start of her trek journey since she insisted on a 'chronological' viewing of the franchise. I'm a staunch publishing/release-order-first completist usually so this had me totally sensitive to how bad the quality of ENT can subjectively feel relative to a viewer's prior experience with other trek and my internal monologue of it that time was a hypercritical fret-fest because, lol, i really felt like i needed this girl to at least make it as far as TOS before my chance to subject her to trek fizzled, you understand.

    So now i have arrived again at this test of my will and my resolve is weak. I initially put ENT back in rotation again because i havent watched it at all since DISC started and i wanted a light, abbreviated prequel refresher--skip to s3 and do not watch the end. that was the plan. not sure whether i'll make it this time. its like my tv is over there glaring at me and demanding i choose my pain.

    Straha (from February 2009):

    My experience follows yours, up to and including a reluctance to watch the episode and, when I finally did, being pleasantly surprised. My perspective differs from the critics in a couple of significant ways: First, I’ve always watched ENT strictly for entertainment (and hats off to all commentators for sharing their Trek knowledge, which greatly enriched my understanding of some of the episodes); second, I was not aware that this episode was expected to bring 18 (17?) years of Trek to an end. Also, I don’t know why there’s bad blood about B&B, so I’ve got no dog in this fight.

    Viewed on its own as the conclusion of ENT and written with the knowledge the series was cancelled, I thought the Riker/Holodeck concept was clever and well executed. My only quibble is an important concept I learned here: continuity. Travis at one point says that at the start of the voyage Trip and the Captain had known each other for 10 years, Trip having been Archer’s diving instructor. Really? Surely they first met when Archer was a test pilot, albeit not THE test pilot chosen to fly the first ??? Egads, I don’t remember exactly. Was it warp drive?

    As always, I feel it incumbent on me to mention or at least hint at my age. I grew up during the original TOS broadcasts and am automatically given a “wisdom discount” at my Oregon dispensary

    Oh yeah - Trip’s death was heroic and on his own terms, and the final collage was wonderful.

    Tony (April 2017). You’re absolutely correct about the location of Panama City, Trip’s hometown. Ironically, it’s part of the devastated Panhandle hit by Hurricane Michael.

    Karel, I (and many other fans) must have missed something if the Riker storyline was clever. I still don't get what it has to do with Trip's situation. Can you please tell me? Plus it's hard to take Riker's problem seriously when he spends a lot of time gossiping with the holocrew.

    Having just watched this episode again I found myself even more angry than I was the first time when I didn't know what was coming. A terrible episode, and a total FU to the fans and the cast of Enterprise, who are essentially presented as extras in their own show. I honestly don't know what B & B were thinking.

    @Steve McCullagh-

    It seems like they couldn't decide whether to do a send-off to Enterprise or to the whole franchise, and they came up with this unsatisfying middle ground. They were also apparently bitter about the show being cancelled because they felt fans never gave the show a chance (The reality, of course, being that many *did* give it a chance, but were turned off by the appallingly low quality of storytelling in the first two seasons).

    A bit of a mess of an episode but I agree with the review. Some of the ideas were good, it could have worked with a better connection between both worlds and better execution. Two stars seems about right. I liked this better than Terra Prime. In my memory Enterprise was horrible, but I liked this show upon rewatching. Thanks for the ride Jammer! Now to decide where to go next: TOS as the last ST series I haven't seen? Or take a detour to Battlestar Galactica?


    The idea may have been good for a different episode-not for the finale to 18 years of Trek. Add that to the fact that the episode devolved into Berman and Braga venting their frustrations into the script, and it's not hard to see why so many view "These Are The Voyages..." as a disaster.

    Also, interesting thoughts on the various Trek series. I disagree, about 100000%, but I respect your honesty.

    When I was in medical school my two roommates were watching Enterprise and enjoyed it. I caught one or two episodes and thought it was silly. 15 years later I decided to give it a go and just finished the whole series. Given all the amazing comments here I only want to say a few things:

    Thank you Jammers for a great review site that I randomly happened upon after that episode where Porthos was sick and I essentially googled ‘why is this so bad’. In general I think you’re spot on, and the comments section on this blog is so much better behaved than most of the internet.

    Yes this final episode is abysmal. Should’ve ended it with the one before. I’m struck with thinking that trek is suffering under the weight of its own success. Everything has to follow cannon, the only races encountered need to be ones we’ve seen, everything has to call back to the ‘successful’ treks (TOS and TNG). DISC is suffering the same problems. Until trek takes risks again (and not just oh now we’re ‘gritty’) but real newness, I’m not sure it’ll ever recapture that magic of my childhood.

    And most importantly: everyone who loves DS9 really should do themselves a favor and watch all of Babylon 5 (and read the story of how DS9 ripped them off). If Jammers hasn’t seen it you should give it a shot. A little rough at the beginning but turns into the most Shakespearean and fascinating sci-fi show.

    I totally agree with Jammer's review here. Maybe because I expected for the worst due to comments in the previous episode's review...

    Anyway, today is the day when I've finally seen every episode of TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, and ENT thanks to Netflix and many wasted hours within the past few years! :) (You can add the first season of STD to that list as well...)

    I guess I could watch the Animated Series next. Too bad Jammer hasn't reviewed (or even watched?) them :(

    So, big thanks to you, Jammer, for this website and all of you who have shared your points of view here as well! It's been a pleasure.

    So the entire 4th season of Enterprise series was just a fever dream by Victoria Principal.

    2 stars

    I liked the broad idea this episode was going for with using TNG which launched successfully this 18 year run of modern Trek to close it. And at the same time reflect back on ENT and it’s crew from a historical perspective of the 24th century

    But the execution was bad.

    The writers should have had the episode be set in TNG era still so we could stillbe treated to the recreation of the ENT-D sets and CGI ship model and Tanag uniforms and communicators but instead of setting it during a specific episode like The Pegasus should have been centered around a story where the crew is celebrating the anniversary of the founding b of the Federation and remembering the ENT crew by running a holodeck program based on their final mission leading up to the Federation ceremony

    This episode messed up by telling a totally disconnected rescue story with throwaway players and aliens. It should have been tied to the Federation and signing ceremony.

    That way the episode also would play nicely off the theme both in universe and in real life of the celebration of the end of an era.

    This episode should have appeared halfway through the last season.

    Tucker shouldn't have died.

    The pointless 6 year time jump should have been shitcanned (screw you Braga, you soulless one trick pony you).

    If those conditions had been met, this would easily have been one of my all time favourite Trek episodes. Warm, witty, with wonderful performances all round and that good old nostalgic pang to see the 1701 D recreated so faithfully, a decade after the show was over and the ship was destroyed. This was the impossible made real. Still one of the best crossover episodes by miles, undone by a few serious, appalling, unforgivable oversights by everyone's favourite morons.

    I watched this for the first time, and let it sit for a couple days before commenting. I get what they were trying to do, and wrap up the series with a nod to one of their more popular series TNG. But, I agree with sentiments above, do this earlier on and let ENT end on its own merits. Plus, it is interesting they kill off one of the major characters in the last episode, especially after the tearjerking loss of a baby in the previous one. At least they were not predicable, but it likely was not interesting.

    "the anticlimax of ending the story before the would-be dramatic payoff is just flat-out wrong."

    They should have simply ended "Season 4" with the episode "Terra Nova" and then marketed "These Are The Voyages" as a Special Episode which essentially serves as a Goodbye To The Fans. The reality is that the show was cancelled and that also meant Star Trek as a franchise was going away for a long time (On Television at least) after 18 years of continuous production (that's obviously a very long time, the amount of time it takes to reach adulthood!)

    I was dreading this episode. I had heard how awful it was and it didn't disappoint.

    The first Trek series finale I simply can't and won't watch. I shut it off less than halfway. Just disgraceful. A slap in the face to anyone who cared even the slightest for Enterprise or its characters.

    Fitting though that the ending of this show should take us back to where we began: more bloody time travel (metaphorically this time). A show about the past once again using the future as a crutch.

    In our family Trek-rewatch we're going to get to ENT S4 soon.

    We aren't willing to skip any episodes, but niether are we willing to treat this abomination of an episode as the series finale.

    So we're going to simply switch the viewing order: We'll pluck "These Are the Voyages" somewhere in the middle of the season, and treat "Terra Prime" as the true finale. I think Terra Prime is a good note to end the series on.

    (if you have the time the editing skills, you can even do better: rearrange the scenes from "Terra Prime" so it ends with Archer's speech and fade from that to the "Space... the Final Frontier" of the 3 Enterprise Captains from "These Are the Voyages". That would be THE perfect way to end Enterprise)

    "(if you have the time the editing skills, you can even do better: rearrange the scenes from "Terra Prime" so it ends with Archer's speech and fade from that to the "Space... the Final Frontier" of the 3 Enterprise Captains from "These Are the Voyages". That would be THE perfect way to end Enterprise)"

    Even better: do NOT watch this as part of ENT at all. Work out which scenes come where in "The Pegasus", and splice in the ENT sequences to that episode of TNG.

    I've been introducing my wife to Trek. We've done the good bits of TOS, most of TNG, all of DS9 apart from some of the rubbish ones in S1&2, the best couple of dozen of Voyager, and every episode of ENT, because I hadn't already seen those. Last night we watched "The Pegasus" again, immediately followed by "These are the voyages". She could see why I did it that way, and frankly it didn't jar that much for us that Frakes and Sirtis had aged a bit, even seeing the two episodes back to back. But goodness me it was rubbish, for all the reasons stated.

    At least we've got a couple of seasons of "Discovery" to go at now, and don't have the massive downer you'd have had seeing this in 2005, with no new Trek on the horizon.

    TATV doesn't really jive that well with the "Pegasus", so I'm not sure watching them back-to-back would be such a great idea...

    OMG!!! I love the series but get mad at some of the things the writers do. Just does not make any sense. Why would they kill Trip off at the end of the show, so dumb. Why not have them all go to the big speech and trip is sitting with T'Pol hold there cute little elf ear baby and our blue friend with his baby and the Captain gives an amazing speech and end it like that.

    But no, they have to get the aliens that can travel past warp 4 and somehow beam on the ship, it just feels forced and unreal. It’s sad really; this series was great and had so much more potential. With all that said I really enjoyed the series and sad to see it end. The ending was good with the 3 captains talking about going where no man has been before.

    If you get time stop by and say hi to me on YouTube, (dot com forward slash johndaniels) my fellow Star Trek enthusiast I am going to be doing a video at some point on Star Trek Holacracy. Take care, it was awesome getting to read Allan's reviews and all of your comments, I wish you all the best.

    Live long and prosper,


    In the context of a general episode, I'm saying that this one rated two stars. Indeed, positioned alongside Brent Spiner's return, the Mirror Universe, the humanized Klingons, and the groundwork for the Federation, it fits in nicely.

    As a series finale... this is a trainwreck on a par with "Threshold" or "Profit and Lace". Pure and simple. What would have worked in the middle of a season, or even the end of one, simply was trash as an epilogue.

    As an aside, I refuse to acknowledge that the holodeck footage was accurate. Given that no one aged a day or got promoted or grew a beard or changed their hair in 6 years, I'm just figuring that the Enterprise D's computer could not perfectly depict 220 years in the past. It used 2155 imagery to recreate 2161. Hopefully, Hoshi and Travis had received their lieutenant pips by then. Quite simply, better to rationalize incompetent work by the writers than actually accept it as canon. Harry Kim's seven years as an ensign was idiotic enough, but could be explained away as Janeway's bad decision (she made quite a few).

    I agree with the review. This episode seems well intentioned and you can see what they were going for. It was just mishandled at every step. The Trip stuff was so bad that I think they should have just edited it out and leave people wondering why he wasn’t at the speech at the end. It would have been better. Even when he winks at Archer it was so bizarre I was thinking okay so he ISNT dying? No he was they just decided to be bizarre. Maybe they could have framed this episode by having Riker and Troi thinking about starting a family and they think maybe the TNG crew was an anamoly and the family dynamic was a one off lucky thing and so they want to study a different crew. And then Riker and Troi along with us watch Archer and companies final goodbyes. Riker and Troi’s wanting a baby could be mirrored with scenes of T’Pol and Trip planning on living together. Just spitballing here. Anyway this was a slightly disappointing finale to a series that was better than what I was expecting going in blind. I think I prefer Enterprise more than Voyager and would have confidently said that during Enterprise’s first two seasons but seasons 3 and 4 weren’t as good in my opinion. Well on to the next show. Orville or Battlestar Galactica one of you two are going to be the lucky winner

    I just finished re-watching this, and it made me realise that I had never really understood the episode before, because I was too busy being shocked by the TNG framing device that Jammer mentions.

    I think I finally realise what this is; or at least to the point where I am more comfortable with it than I was in the past. The whole point of this episode is to make sure that the viewer knows that Enterprise is part of the Trek franchise; that as far as the producers etc are concerned, the series was legit. I don't think the episode really had any other goal, other than to use Trip's death as a cheap means of adding more emotional weight to something which otherwise wouldn't have had much at all.

    So I agree with Jammer. TATV is an inept and mediocre episode, but I was willing to watch it; and ENT has at least half a dozen episodes which, on each re-watch, I simply skip. TATV isn't one of them, which tells me it really isn't all that bad.

    I didn’t mind this too much, but I didn’t like Enterprise too much, so I enjoyed the Riker/Troi stuff. Though, the framing device is weak.

    I DID mind killing Trip, because it was lame and made no sense.

    Did anybody else notice in the laser fight that they didn’t even dress the soundstage rafters? I guess if most people don’t notice, it’s not that big a deal.

    NoPoet, I like your ideas! I agree!

    I found it very jarring when Troi tells Riker that "everyone" on Enterprise talked to Chef. REALLY???? That's the first I'm hearing of it. Bizarre moment in a bizarro and pretty terrible episode. Hope to read "The Good That Men Do" to wipe my memory of this episode.

    ZERO stars episode for me. I still after all this time, can not fathom the arrogance to do this episode after what was a pretty good Season 4.

    @Jammer wrote:

    "No, this episode does not work, but is it the worst episode of Enterprise ever made? Worse than "Precious Cargo" or "Bound" or "A Night in Sickbay" or a dozen others? Hardly."

    Never have you uttered a reviewed statement more in accurate.

    Half a star episode, if so much. And a slap in the face to fans and loyal viewers.

    I gotta go with Triniray on this one. The difference between an episode like Precious Cargo and this one is that Precious Cargo has zero impact on the rest of the series. You can't ignore a series finale where a main character is killed off as easily.

    Not only is TATV as badly written as the worst of ENT, it almost feels like it's almost intentionally so. I can't help but think that this is an F.U. to Coto and the fans who thought season 4 was an improvement over the previous seasons.

    So many bizarre choices, like why the hell is this set in the middle of a random TNG episode? Why is the bulk of the "flashback" story some nothing conflict with Shran? And why, oh why, does Trip have to die in the middle of such pointless conflict??

    With the best will in the world, neither Frakes nor Sirtis are remotely convincing as their 11 years younger selves (why not at least set it on the Titan?), and their whole presence and the way it concludes completely upstages Archer and the NX crew, in what should be their moment! And no, the mawkish ending doesn't even begin to make up for any of this.

    To end my years-long journey with this franchise on such a note is just depressing. I'm sure Berman and Braga probably panicked and realised they had to end this thing somehow, but it plays more like a middle finger to the network than any kind of satisfying conclusion. What a shame to end on an episode so thoughtless, so lacking in any kind of reverence for the characters we've spent four seasons with.

    Guess I'll just watch some TOS and start all over again.

    What a disappointment. Definitely lived down to the hype.

    This wasn't even a real episode, it was just a Holodeck simulation. It was more about Riker's dilemma than any of the Enterprise crew. Maybe that could have been cute for a different episode, but not the series finale. Just a true insult to the characters.

    My main man, Charles "R.I.P." Tucker, had the stupidest death over. And no one gave a shit! One throwaway scene with Archer and T'Pol, and Archer didn't even seem particularly sad. No funeral, no discussion by the crew about what he meant to them. There was more to-do when random crewmen were killed!
    And his death was stupid as hell, they have been in worse situations and gotten out of them with clever solutions, why did he blow himself up for no reason?

    Also, what was up with the cook being the ship's de facto counselor all of a sudden? That wasn't established at all in four seasons of the show.

    The last mission should have been epic, instead all they did was use a flashing strobe light to make a cheap getaway. Takes the fun out of getting to Shran one last time.

    Then, as a final insult, they cut away before Archer's speech!

    Just infuriating!

    Let's rewrite history and pretend that this Enterprise bunkum was actually relevant in the final episode. Well, I'm wrong I've been. How much we could all learn from these episodes. I shall now watch them all again.


    Something I don't think anyone else has mentioned is, apparently Braga really wanted to kill Seven of Nine in Endgame (Voyager's finale). He was overruled by the studio (and thank god for that, because now we get to see Jeri Ryan reprise the role all these years later!). So he got his revenge here by killing Trip, when no one at the studio cared anymore.

    Without rehashing things everyone else has said, among all the reasons this episode fails is: it kills Trip, and then, just a few minutes later, while the audience is reeling from the shock and grieving, it asks us to feel joyful and hopeful about the birth of the Federation and the Star Treks to come.

    What an elementary screenwriting and storytelling mistake.

    Anyway, despite everything, I have one last thing to say about this episode:

    Threshold is still worse.

    At least it isn't canon. Boy, whoever programed that holodeck sim did a bad job on the historical research!

    Hey, Jammer gets a call out in this article. (2020)

    The way the final scene was edited has always meant to me that the "Space! The final frontier ..." monologue is actually the beginning of Archer's speech. Did NO ONE else think that?

    And so Enterprise ends with its infamous "it was all a holodeck program" episode. I don't think I can say more than what's already been said, in great detail, above. But I'll do it anyway....

    Riker and Troi don't belong here, and having them steal the spotlight from the main cast in their _series finale_ was just a dick move. Berman said later, "it was the only time that Scott Bakula was pissed at me" - if that's really the case then I admire Bakula's self-restraint! I appreciated the attention to detail on the recreated Enterprise-D sets and CG ship, but this episode just feels like it should have been a one-off mid season affair. I'm reminded of Voyager's "Pathfinder", where the main cast are sidelined in favour of an episode about a TNG guest star (and Troi was there too!) - but in that case, it worked well and actually advanced what little plot Voyager had.

    Trip's death: contrived, unnecessary, narratively empty, dramatically bereft. It feels like it was shoehorned, badly, into the rescue-Shran's-daughter story (which again could have filled a mid-season hour instead of being the _series finale_ - I get the feeling that they just wanted to have Jeffrey Combs there and needed a plot for him.) It doesn't even follow logically from that plot: Shran says "their ships only do warp two, they'll never catch us", but suddenly they do! And are able to board the ship without any security stopping them, are in just the right place to confront Archer and Trip, and then Trip decides that blowing himself up is the right thing to do - instead of, for example, leading them through the ship on a wild goose chase while Reed gets a bunch of MACOs geared up to take them all down?

    A boneheaded, unnecessary "self-sacrifice" like that just isn't noble, and it just ends up feeling phony, like the writers determined that Trip had to die and just moved the characters into place like game pieces to make that happen. A good writer would never let Trip do this; there are far too many examples where he's gotten into and out of worse scrapes with barely a bruise.

    I'm with the majority, who prefer to think of Terra Prime as the "true" finale - and since we actually got to hear Archer's speech at the end of that one, it feels much more like a finale than this misbegotten mess of a "tribute".

    I don't regret watching this series. It's not as bad as everyone claims it to be, but at the same time, the purported "highs" of the season 3 Xindi arc and the "let's clean up TOS inconsistencies" approach to season 4 didn't always "hit" for me either. Goodbye, Enterprise. It's been a long road- sorry, it's been a fun ride.

    To add to Chris Nash; the crew seems to adjust too fast to Trip's demise. He is Archer's life long best friend, and T'Pol's ex. The next scenes cannot be as matter of fact as they are. The only way around this problem is to assume that the holodeck is bad at human emotions; or the holonovel programmer is not a terrible author. But if the holonovel is not accurate, all we can conclude from this episode is "they entered posterity": something we can feel good about, but in a distant sort of way.

    The series was great, though. I loved all 4 seasons.

    Were we supposed to smile when a little girl calls Archer "pink skin", that is seriously f-d up.

    Why is the name Federation being tip toed around? Why the need to call it an Alliance? Its as if they don't have the licence to use "United Federation of Planets"?? Its like the show has been pregnant for 4 seasons and doesn't want to give birth just yet. Well goddammit now you're cancelled. Congrats.

    I feel so, so bad for the ENT cast. Imagine being dedicated to years of character portrayal from countless hours of personal development of the character, to have two hams from a previous series come in to narrate your final episode? An episode that is six years later but your characters have made zero progress during that time? Oh wait, but it's a holodeck projection so who knows if what is being shown of your character is even real and not a stimulation?

    Talk about insult after insult to injury.

    Frakes and Sirtis did not age well. It was so awkward to bring them back.

    And to cut the end of the episode right at the crucial moment with Archer's speech that founded the Federation.

    This was a parody of a parody of a finale that did total injustice to both characters and the actors who worked on them.

    Berman and Braga really ruined Star Trek. It's not over the top to say so. They would not relinquish their stranglehold on the franchise when the franchise definitely needed them to do so. There was so much updating on social commentary that needed to happen but couldn't take place because of the white, heteronormative sensibilities of these two men. The show came across as way too old-timey and conservative for the time period it aired in. Consider that Enterprise is supposed to take place is the latter 22nd century, which still makes them way more socially advanced humans than us.

    There were so many missed opportunities, and so much was held back.

    I felt like it ended abruptly (I said the same thing about Voyager's finale), I would have liked to have seen more of what happens to our characters. Trip's death seemed as pointless as Tasha Yar's.

    It's a shame there was no 5th series as we could have seen the Earth/Romulan war, even though some things would be ret-conned, I remember TOS "Balance of Terror" stating that they didn't have viewscreens and battles were fought with primitive atomic weapons.

    Over all score: 4/10

    Enterprise was not great, I do hold it barely above Voyager but only because Voyager REALLY, just epically squandered a fantastic premise. Voyager has insane plot holes right from the start and is seriously painful and frustrating to watch. Enterprise on the other hand got some things right but they too squandered a premise that had so much potential.
    This series finale was terrible, almost anything would've been better. Idk what they were thinking, it had been too long. Riker looked far too different and older, troi also looked very different. It was distracting and made everything even worse.

    Rated this episode 4½/5, TNG being my favourite ST series and the one I feel most nostalgic about. Loved to see Troi and Riker again, and hear Data, and feel a sense of continuity across series which is too rare, especially in Enterprise.

    Came in with quite low expectations to Enterprise, but it positively surprised me.
    It's behind TNG and DS9 for me, but still, it had its moments and I'm glad I gave it a chance.

    This episode was awful. Why skip 6 years if nothing has changed. Riker was distracting. It sounds like a good idea but did not work.
    I can’t believe they killed off trip and in such an empty way after the daughter died. So rushed. Even skipping the last speech- talk about phoning it in. Brannon and Braga REALLY shouldn’t have been allowed back without the new guy’s approval of the script because he completely turned the show around.

    And if you’re going to kill trip off, why have troi announce it? I don’t get the writers at all. It definitely seemed like they were tired and unwilling to emotionally connect with the characters.

    I think the reason they skipped the 6 years was because they wanted to get the charter signing and no way it would have been signed after the events of Tera prime. This episode was mediocre as a stand alone but awful as a series finale.

    I knew this episode wasn’t well liked so I had my expectations set super low. I also said during the last episode, “this would make a decent series finale” because Archer gets to make a speech at the end.
    But I was not preparing for how bad it was going to be. I knew there was some sort of holodeck thing, but I imagined that it was going to be a regular episode and after they signed something marking the start of the official Federation and Archer made another awesome speech, and the it would pan back and it would show people watching it in a classroom or the future kids of T’Pol and Trip. And we’d see how important everything they did was for future generations.
    But what they did was terrible and unnecessary. It was pretty insulting to the cast of Enterprise.
    I feel sad that it ended that way. They deserved better.

    I agree with most of the above critiques. This was a criminal snub of a series that grew a lot in the last 2 seasons. Having the ending shoehorned into a backdoor TNG revival was beyond the pale. And the one character's death was so unnecessary that I feel compelled to read a Star Trek non-canon novel--my first--just to get a better ending.

    I do want to add that I found Riker as the chef infuriating. We waited all this time to meet Chef! It was yet another disappointment in what was otherwise the best season yet. I agree that Terra Firma was a much better ending.

    What a bummer of a finale! They even gave away a spoiler that Trip was going to die mid-way through the ep! WTF?

    ending with Paxton reminded me a bit of Total Recall - just missing Dick Jones to go along with Murphy

    Such a pathetic end to what had been a pretty good show.

    I'm okay with the Riker holodek idea... and that would have been amazing in a mid-season episode. But as the finale? Such a bad choice.

    Making this a Riker-flashback show was an insult to everything that Enterprise has been doing for four years. Such a shame, considering how the last two seasons had been building to really interesting Trek show.

    Enterprise will go down in history as a show that could have been great, but ended up not. Mostly because of the choices made by the producers.

    Such a shame.

    As good a series finale as any of the other Star Trek shows. I wonder was the reasoning for killing off Commander Trip Tucker at the eleventh hour of the final episode? I’m assuming by the point the last episode was written the decision had been made not to renew the show for a fifth season.

    It’s really too bad CBS studio CEO Leslie Moonves just flat didn’t like science fiction and really based solely on that alone the program was axed. (Moonves was subsequently forced out around 2018 due to significant allegations of work place sexual harassment and potentially criminal sexual misconduct).

    At the time Moonves cut the program, the show seemed to really be maturing and hitting on all cylinders.

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