Terms of Use


By using this website, you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to the terms of use below. The phrases "site owner" or "the owner" or "the author" refer to the website's owner, author, creator, and administrator, Jamahl Epsicokhan.

The author's copyrights

Unless otherwise noted, all content and designs at this site Copyright © 1994-2024 Jamahl Epsicokhan. All rights reserved. Fair use situations excepted, any unauthorized reproduction or distribution of any content in any manner without the author's express written consent is prohibited. Questions or comments regarding reuse of any content may be directed to the author by email.

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The content is considered fair commentary and criticism. All content on this site is published independently by the author, who is not affiliated with or authorized by any company or entity referenced herein. All views expressed are solely the author's own.

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Certain graphical images used on this site (such as logos, photos, or other recognizable elements from TV shows or films) are based on elements owned by their respective copyright holders. No use of these images should be inferred as infringement upon the ownerships of the related properties. Images are displayed solely for incidental decorative use under the fair use clause of United States copyright, and the owner maintains attribution of these images to their respective copyright holders. The site owner recognizes third-parties' rights to protect ownership of their materials, and affirms its cooperation in maintaining copyright compliance with regard to those contents. Any concerns about potential infringement by copyright owners should be directed to the owner by email for resolution.

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By posting comments on this site, you waive all claims to copyrights on those posts and acknowledge that (1) the owner of Jammer's Reviews will not make any effort to protect any claim to intellectual property or copyrights of those posts, and (2) Jammer's Reviews may reuse the contents of your comments without prior notice or consent. If you do not agree to this, do not post comments on the site.

Commenting rules and etiquette

You can add your own comments to the end of Jammer's Reviews to contribute to the discussion with the user community. The site owner seeks to foster intelligent discourse where people can voice their opinions on the topics under discussion. If everyone follows the rules and plays nice, it will be a more inviting and worthwhile place for all participants.

At the site owner's sole discretion, posts deemed unacceptable may be edited or removed. The owner reserves the right to edit or remove any post at any time for any reason. The owner does not, however, guarantee that posts that break the rules will necessarily be removed. User requests for the owner to take action regarding comments posted on the site may be ignored or denied.

When posting comments, users should follow these rules:

  • The golden rule: Keep things respectable and civil. Honest, good-faith debate is encouraged, but please avoid personal or ad hominem attacks or accusations, or blatant rudeness or profanity directed at other contributors. As a rule of thumb, you should be discussing the topic at hand, not making things personal with the other contributors. Ignore trolling behavior rather than engaging with it and making things worse. Do your best to rise above the fray.
  • Do not post advertising, spam, or links to other locations that do not contribute to the discussion. Do not solicit anyone to buy or sell products or services or to make donations of any kind.
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  • HTML tags (<i>, <b>, etc.) are disallowed and automatically removed. Use plain-text alternatives.
  • Avoid excessive use of capitalization (shouting) in your posts.
  • Do not post spoilers about any episode or film that has yet to premiere. Spoilers should be limited to material already officially released.
  • As a courtesy, avoid posting on any review any spoilers for episodes that come later in the series, or spoilers for other shows or material outside the context of the current discussion. There are people who are watching these shows for the first time and reading the comments as they go, and they don't want to be spoiled on what's coming up (or, for that matter, something completely unrelated). If you must post spoilers beyond the current episode's context, please include a prominent spoiler warning. (However, as a warning to those new to the shows covered here: The comments are not always free of these types of spoilers, so read them at your own risk.)


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Changes to these terms

All terms of use information described above may be changed without notification at any time. Please visit this page periodically to view the most recent version of the terms of use.

Last updated: 2/8/2024

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