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    Re: MAND S2: Chapter 15: The Believer

    I guess it sort of makes sense that the face scanner could simply let anyone in as long as their faces aren't on some "unauthorised" list (of known criminals and such), but it would make much more sense for it to only let people in if they're on some "authorised" list (of imperial officers and soldiers).

    Then again, this is the same Empire that allowed any droid aboard the Death Star to just plug in and control any system without any sort of authorisation check, as R2D2 was able to do in A New Hope. Security in the Star Wars universe is incredibly lax in comparison to modern cryptographic standards.

    Re: DSC S3: Forget Me Not

    With all the politically charged people on this forum, I'm surprised nobody mentioned the "bodily autonomy" themes of this episode, with Michael Burnham arguing for Adira to have autonomy over her own body, while some of the Trill arguing that the symbiont should be removed from Adira's body against her wishes. I guess it's sort of inverted compared to the usual abortion debate (with Adira wanting to *keep* the symbiont and the other people wanting to *remove* it from her), but it personally reminded me of the whole abortion debate with the whole theme of bodily autonomy.

    Like I said, I was surprised that nobody here even mentioned it. Then again, the episode did spend relatively little time even dealing with this issue.

    Re: DS9 S5: Ties of Blood and Water


    I always figured that Weyoun goes in for frequent "brain scans" to have his current memories recorded, and then if he dies, they simple "grow" another Weyoun and then "upload" all the memories of the previous Weyoun into his brain. The growth of the clone is probably accelerated to get him the right age, or maybe Vorta are just genetically engineered to mature very fast. After all, we know the Jem'Hadar are genetically engineed to grow from birth to adulthood in 3 days, maybe Vorta are designed similarly.

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