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    Re: PIC S3: Disengage

    This is going to make me sound like an old white evangelical (I’m not), but I counted at least 4 times that someone said “G*d damn.” I know they think that since they are on a streaming service instead of a television network they need to be more edgy, but come on… people used to be able to watch ST with their kids. The decapitation scene was also gratuitous.

    Re: DS9 S3: The Search, Part I

    Lesson learned for sure, Jeff.

    And I didn’t want to post anything negative because I love this site. It was just really maddening to know that the entire second part was a “fantasy” before I even watched it for the first time.

    And I’ve noticed that most reviewers/commenters are fairly aware of not mentioning spoilers (or at least signaling them in advance), even given the age of the series.

    Further, I was very impressed when someone even offered a “SPOILER ALERT” for a discussion of the plot of the movie “Casablanca,” which was released in 1942.

    Suddenly, 1994 seems pretty recent!

    Re: DS9 S3: The Search, Part I

    Big thanks to “Jack” for posting a mega-spoiler about Part Two on the thread for Part One.
    For those of us who haven’t seen DS9 in its entirety, you’ve been incredibly helpful in completely ruining the next episode! Cheers!

    Re: DSC S3: Far From Home

    Have to agree with Cody B about the tiresome Georgio. And the plot felt like a re-hash of last week! Crash land on unkown planet, make contact with locals at a lawless outpost, have a bit of a cavort with some nasty fellows and then all is well.

    They have all the ingredients they need to do something really good here - I just hope someone can come up with a decent recipe.

    Re: DSC S2: Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2

    Stamets/Control is neutralized - so why bother to carry on through the wormhole?

    People are risking their lives all around us so as to make time for the 'Red Angel' to complete it's mission. So seems like the ideal time for us to have a little chat about how much we like eachother.

    And who shall we send to diffuse the bloody great bomb sticking through the ship? Somebody from the weapons department? An informed member of the engineering crew? Nope - let's have the most senior ranking officer available - obvious really.

    And then let's all pretend none of this ever happened.

    I've enjoyed quite a lot of this second season but this final episode did get a bit silly for me.

    Re: TNG S5: Silicon Avatar

    This episode has some merit. The relationship between Marr and Data is one of them. However, I could never really like this episode because of how hypocritical it makes the characters look. When encountering the Borg, it wasn't long before the crew understood that they had to be stopped by force. However in this episode, Picard suddenly decides to avoid the use of deadly force at all costs, even after witnessing first hand the planet-killing potential of the entity. On the other hand, Picard never saw the Borg assimilate an entire planet, but nonetheless saw the Borg as an enemy (this was still before he was assimilated himself). To me, Picard's treatment of the entity made no sense whatsoever. His attempt to justify this using a sperm whale analogy doesn't make sense either. While the sperm whale offers some kind of benefit to nature by keeping certain populations of organisms in check-it is part of the 'cycle of nature', if you will. However, the Crystalline entity does not do this. It literally devours organic nature by the planet-load, putting an end to whatever natural cycles existed in the first place! Not one of Picard's better moral philosophies I'm afraid.

    Re: Star Trek: Generations

    0 stars. Easily the worst of the TNG films, maybe even the worst of all the Trek films.

    The plot is utterly stupid. Soran's plot is completely absurd and scientifically impossible beyond belief. I mean really? Shooting a rocket into the Sun to make it implode? Also, how did the rocket even arrive at the star so quickly? Did the writers seriously think they could get away with that in a Star Trek film?

    The way the Nexus works is baffling. It's so poorly explained and it has a gaping plot hole. If Picard could go anywhere at anytime then why did he choose such a stupid time to go back to? Why didn't he just go back in time to when Soran was on the Enterprise and confront him there? I bet the sole reason they did that was so that could shove in a fight scene, throwing all logic out the window in the process.

    And finally you've got the anticlimactic battle and the very undignified death of Kirk. He dies for what? Saving some random pre-warp civilization that we never see or care about? This film was so bad it makes me want to pretend that it doesn't exist.

    Re: VOY S6: Fury

    I find it very amusing that everyone's hatred of this episode stems primarily from their apparently total ignorance of the ravages of old age. Here, we see Kes is clearly a very old woman, which is normal for an Ocampan, yet everyone expects her brain to have not degraded at all? What's her motivation? Her flawed memories, brought on by old age! Seriously, how many of you know a senior citizen with a perfect memory of what their life was like a few years ago? And I'm talking about those in their 80s or 90s, like Kes is (as far as the Ocampan equivalent age is concerned). Unless there's some unspoken rule that Ocampans don't have memory degradation when they get older and do not suffer from diseases (like Alzheimer’s) that would affect their brain (and therefore memory). Why do people have such a problem even considering this most obvious of explanations?
    Seriously people, she's old, her memory's degraded (as is inevitable for someone her age, or the Ocampan equivalent) and therefore she's remembering things wrong. They didn't "explain" her motivations because it's blindingly obvious.

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