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    Re: TOS S3: The Tholian Web

    Christopher Booker says that there are only 7 basic story plots: Overcoming the monster, rags to riches, the quest. voyage and return, comedy, tragedy and rebirth. Maybe you can come up with a couple more but given the limits of plots available, repetitive themes are bound to happen in a series that runs for years with 20 episodes per season. The job of the writers is to try to make interesting stories around these limited plot lines.
    Over the years, between the various series and movies, Star Trek has done a pretty good job with making the story lines interesting. the type of shows I tend to hate are what I refer to as 'hospital shows'; in which a series regular lies in a bed for 45 minutes and the viewer is essentially asked to sit in the waiting room. DS09 did it often. How many times was Dax in a bed in mortal danger for 45 minutes? Enough times that I got tired of it.
    This was essentially a hospital show (Kirk was the patient who wasn't going to die), but there was enough going on where you did not feel like you were in the waiting room. The conflict between Spock and McCoy took center stage. The madness, the Tholians and even Kirk's dilemma were merely minor distractions.

    Re: ENT S3: Chosen Realm

    Hohum, the ship is hijacked. Hmmm, the last time we 'rescued' someone and gave her free reign to roam around the ship, she turned out to be a spy for the Xindi. Let's do it again with these strangers. I ff'ed to the last 10 minutes.

    Re: ENT S3: Similitude

    No dilemma here. The clone was born to die. Save Trip; it die. Don't save Trip; they both die. If there really was a cure for clone Trip then Trip dies and clone Trip takes his place. He seemed capable enough, despite Archer's insistence that the ship needed Trip. Archer was acting out of pure emotion. So the only dilemma here was Archer reaching the conclusion that he didn't give two hoots about clone Trip. Sim was the perfect name for it.

    Re: ENT S3: North Star

    This was nice. Alien abductions were big in the 1900's why not have them happen in the 1800's. Nice idea to have Enterprise encounter abduction victims from the old west. It's just surprising that no one in the past couple hundred years, was able to learn from Skag technology and develop beyond 19th century science.

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