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    Re: PIC S2: Monsters

    Not hi ng dumber on this site than the incel MAGA Trek fans (who never actually understood Star Trek) that say that “Picard isn’t Picard, but Patrick Stewart” and other such nonsense. Your understanding of the character isn’t greater than PStew’s, and you are not an authority on the character. He just isn’t what you want him to be, which is likely the father figure you need and never had to unfuck yourselves.

    You’re just basement dwelling mouth breathers who think if you cry loud enough someone might make more 90s era television, de-age your favorite actors, and you can get doped up on enough nostalgia that you can pretend you’re living back when your lives weren’t meaningless, pathetic, dreary existences like you are now.

    Re: PIC S2: Watcher

    @Tim C
    Bravo for providing that quote from Rick Berman. I totally agree with what he's saying there and couldn't have put it any better or more succinctly. For all the flack Rick took when he was steering the Star Trek ship, he really did understand what it took for an actor to adopt that 'starfleet persona'. He hits the nail on the head when he says acting in Star Trek is acting in a period piece. The way the actors talk is incredibly stylised and is almost Shakespearean in the way it's delivered. Nobody talks over each other. But "new" Star Trek is just current actors applying current mannerisms to what should still be a period piece. Raffi is a perfect example of this. From the moment she started delivering lines in session one, I just could not accept her as ex-starfleet. I get she went through bad times, but she was so angry and negative all the time that it made me wonder how she'd ever been accepted into the academy in the first place with that attitude. Even Seven has lost that Data-like quality that apparently seems incompatible to modern Trek and they have her now coming across more like Jeri Ryan herself than Seven. Some of the lines Seven delivers just don't make sense. A sign of modern times.
    Say what you want, but looking back, I think Rick Berman had more of a handle on what made 'Star Trek' than any of the people who followed him.

    Re: PIC S2: Penance

    My idea for who the 'watcher' could be might be the guy who is shown interviewing Rios during a quick scene in the series 2 trailer. It's the same actor (Jay Karnes) who played Lieutenant Ducane aboard the federation timeship Relativity, who was essentially watching for anomalies in the timeline. Would be super cool if he's playing the same character.

    Re: TNG S1: Too Short a Season

    I'm watching the re-runs of S1 here in the UK and think this one is an OK episode, but there are far better ones in this season.

    Also, as an episode exploring the "fountain of youth", I was suprised and pleased to see that in 2021, Marsha Hunt (Annie with the golden hair), was still with us at 103 years old!!!

    @Tidd, there's 2 different acresses called Marsha Hunt by the looks of it.

    Re: DS9 S4: Starship Down

    You have your order wrong. This comes before little green men. I'm watching the entire series on Netflix and just having it play each episode one after another and your site here made me think I missed one. Just checked and little green men is up next. So your episode order is wrong just an FYI.

    Re: DS9 S4: The Visitor

    I found this episode pretty boring and couldn't get into it. I hate any episode where everything just resets at the end. Tony Todd was good I thought, but I just find it hard getting into episodes like these where you know everything will be put back to normal at the end.

    Like anyone would answer the door late at night and just let some total stranger in. Loved when she said "I have time" to hear his story. Like ummm you are the one that just showed up unannounced, how about respecting Jake's time??

    Re: DS9 S3: Third Season Recap

    This is my first time watching so I've now officially watched up to the end of season 3. It has been my favorite season so far especially compared to season 1. My only gripe is the Dominion honestly doesn't seem like that big of a threat period we started the season and even ended last season sounding like war was coming and that they would be flying through the wormhole at any moment. I was expecting the whole series to turn into more of a war drama, but the Dominion has barely made an appearance and really doesn't seem that threatening so I found that part pretty disappointing. There were times when I actually forgot all about them and would think oh yeah weren't they supposed to be some kind of big threat?

    Re: DS9 S3: Facets

    I have to agree with the review above me. This is my first time watching DS9 (and any Star Trek series from the start). When Season 2 ended I was SO into it as FINALLY the Dominion was here! We kept hearing about them, and I was so careful not to google them to see what they looked like (thinking they are some alien race). When Season 2 ended it was so thrilling and seemed like Season 3 would be all Dominion. They literally told them to stay out of the wormhole, so it seemed like stuff was getting good! But now here we are at the end of Season 3 and I practically have forgotten they even exist! How can we go an entire season and we've seen them basically once, and it was when the Romulans and Cardassians went to attack them?

    Anyway, that aside in terms of this episode I have mixed feelings. I really, really dislike Dax, like a lot. When I first started Season 1 she was actually my favourite character, as she pretty much seemed like any normal professional woman in Starfleet. I think it was that episode where she was the mentor for that guy wanting to be joined where I lost interest in her. She went from being almost a shy type girl, to wrestling naked and gambling with the Ferengi? That just seemed SO out there and unexpected, like I thought she was possessed or something. Ever since then it seems like every episode she's featured in there's some other big revelation about her. I just feel like she has way too much drama, like we get it, you have a worm inside of you, we've seen that tons of times now, another Dax episode really wasn't needed.

    Who are the people going into the others bodies anyway? Like Curzon was all stoked to see Sisko, but isn't he just a living memory of the guy? Like Curzon is dead, and this is effectively the same as a clone. Why would any of them WANT to go back into Jadzia? Why is that not a thing for Trill to live forever, by just moving into someone else's body after you pass? That whole part was stupid, especially the willingness of the others to go for it. The whole time she's explaining it I'm thinking to myself if I was there "count me out!" That sounds terrifying having someone control your body, like hell no.

    I also feel like we go through this SO many times, like oh wow Odo is in another body or somewhere else and wants to stay there. Previously it was him wanting to stay with his people. Then a few episodes ago we had Garak deciding to stay with his people. Like every other episode someone seems like they are leaving the show or whatever only to be talked out of it. Like Odo has gone through so much including recent life threatening experiences, but now is totally content to just share his body with someone else as 1 being? He was just melting away recently telling Garak while being tortured that he wants to be home with his people. Like make up your mind!

    However, this is now one of my favourite episodes just because of the Quark part when he had the woman in him. Might have helped that I was into the good stuff while watching it, but when he started on about his greatest achievement was when he gave birth, and how nothing beats breastfeeding I was fricken DYING laughing. Like tears crying laughing so hard!

    Re: DS9 S3: Through the Looking Glass

    I enjoyed this episode but my biggest issue is how unrealistic it is. I'm sorry but if I watched my wife die and then she comes walking in the room I would be losing it. Sisko acts like she's a total stranger which I find extremely unbelievable that he has absolutely zero emotion or wouldn't be wanting to bring her back with him.

    Re: DS9 S3: Past Tense, Part I

    I posted my last comment without reading the other reviews but after reading them now I really am done with this series if people are saying this is as good as it gets. It's 2020, so this supposedly takes place 4 years from now, yet their computers are the size of a desk and require a pen for input and their ration cards are pieces of cardboard printed out and laminated like you got in school in the 80s. Maybe back in the '90s this episode was better but seeing that the future isn't even remotely close to this and that they got it so completely wrong is what makes it hard for me to even try to enjoy it. It's just soooooo cliche even including the black social worker. And don't even get me started on Jadzia all dressed up for the party but still wearing the stupid communicator instead of putting it in her pocket. This just reminded me so much of an 80s movies vision of the future that I just couldn't get into it as it's just too far from the actual world to be believable. I get it's fiction but at least try to make an effort, as they couldn't have been any more wrong about what the 2020s would be like.

    Re: DS9 S3: Past Tense, Part I

    This is my first time watching DS9 and so far after every episode I come on here and read all the reviews however, this is the last time I will be coming on here. The fact you gave this garbage episode a perfect score with the last one only one star is mind-blowing. This has to be hands down one of the worst episodes there has been so far. It's so completely unpausable and unrealistic that I can't even watch it. I'm sorry but you throw all those people in that place and tell them to live on their own then it's going to look like escape from New York. These "bad ass gang members" guarding all the buildings are like children. Beshir arguing with them that they just want a place to sleep? If this was reality both of them would have taken a shotgun to the head within 5 minutes.

    This episode is so bad that I think I need a break from DS9 as it's actually offensive how terrible this was.

    Re: DS9 S3: Fascination

    My god Keiko has to be hands down the most annoying character on this entire series. Are they're actually any episodes she's in where she's not pissed off the entire time? Like my god, I hate negative people and watching her drives me crazy. Miles could tell her he won the lottery and she'd still be pissed off. It also pissed me off how selfish she is, making him out to be the bad guy for not being able to see his daughter for an entire year. I was hoping he would have told her go ahead and go back spend as much time there as you want but Molly is staying with me this time.

    Re: DS9 S3: Civil Defense

    I liked this episode and found it entertaining, but my biggest issue was that it's just so insanely unrealistic. Having a pre-recorded message for every single variable just seems very unlikely, but even so having it automatically destroy the entire station without someone needing to authorize that is just impossible to believe.

    Re: DS9 S2: Playing God

    This is my first time watching DS9 so I am doing every episode and just got to this one. The biggest issue I had is I thought it was going to turn out that Jadzia had something wrong with her because she was acting so out of place. We have seen her in other situations before but I dunno the way she acts at the start with the gambling then the naked guy at her place and then taking him to eat worms. It all just seemed so over the top. Maybe that's just how Jadzia is and will continue to be now, but that wasn't the impression I had of her up until now. She was one of my favorite characters so far but after this one I actually don't like her at all anymore and find her annoying.

    It's too confusing trying to figure out how all the personalities work and which are just memories etc. I don't understand why anyone would want to be joined when all you're really doing is just giving the symbiont your body to basically live it's life in and take over most of your personality. She said it herself that she used to be super shy and timid but obviously now is the opposite. I just can't grasp why anyone would want to be joined. It's not like you are getting to live forever now, only your memories are. It's Dax that lives forever just via your body.

    Re: DS9 S2: Paradise

    Okay what the hell? There was no ending? Why did that psycho chick and her son beam up and leave when they were the only ones that wanted to stay there? This was by far the worst episode out of all of them I've seen since episode 1. That was such a waste of time watching that to have no ending.

    Re: DS9 S2: Whispers

    Forgot to mention in my post as well that I'm really sick of this O'Brien guy as well as we just had the last episode be focused on him. He's my least favourite character on the whole show, so hoping we don't have to keep seeing him for a bit now.

    Re: DS9 S2: Whispers

    I haven't read anyone else's reviews yet, but damn 4 stars? I've never watched DS9 before but doing a marathon on it, and this episode almost had me turning it off halfway through and giving up on the series. The whole "the crew is possessed" or whatever stuff has been done so many times before, that I just kept thinking how are they going to wrap this up? I just wanted him to kill himself or something to shut them all up it was so annoying. Even the twist at the end was barely that, as the entire episode I kept thinking either the crew is possessed or has a parasite or something, OR it's O'Brien that is having a mental breakdown or something wrong with him especially once the Admiral kept telling him to go back. So when it was shown that he was actually a clone it wasn't even a big revelation at all.

    I'm curious though, when everyone would say just go back to DS9, you won't be hurt, I wonder if that's actually true. I doubt the real O'Brien would be cool having a perfect clone of himself kicking around (Keiko might not mind though :P).

    Re: DS9 S2: Armageddon Game

    I liked this episode and found it entertaining. My main issues were why do all alien races dress exactly the same? I find it hard to believe that every person on a planet all wears the same brown outfits. My other issue with Keiko as she was super unrealistic. No one would ever react that way to finding out their husband just died.

    Re: LD S1: Second Contact

    Bummer y’all can’t enjoy shit. The first ep was fantastic fun. Absurdist humor in the Trek universe is a fantastic angle to take and lends itself to a lot of fun “what if?” scenarios I’ve wondered about watching Trek for years.

    Such a sad, miserable existence y’all have, or Jammer for not even being willing to check it out.


    Re: DS9 S2: Melora

    This episode was painful to watch! It's the first one in the series that I've actually only thrown on in the background as it was so cringeworthy from the start.

    What really confused me is we knew they had to make accommodations for her due to her home planet, but then with the whole wheelchair thing and her yelling at Sisko about you don't know until you've been in the chair honestly had me thinking she was faking being disabled. Was confusing since she could walk around with that exoskeleton thing but then would lash out at people about being confined to the chair. It took me a bit to actually clue in that they were trying to say her home planet being different makes her actually "disabled." Jeeze.

    The only funny line in it was when she made some comment to Julian about "What kind of an architect would deliberately design a raised rim at the entrance to every door?"

    Re: DS9 S2: The Homecoming

    The biggest issue I have with these episodes is that Bajor is a PLANET. Yet they constantly act like we are talking about a city. Kira saying she has to go because she knows the terrain of Bajor, like that sounds so silly if you replace Bajor with Earth.

    I also found the break out way too easy. This is my first foray into Star Trek so I know nothing about the Cardassians other than what we have been told so far, which is that they are terrifying and being put in one of their jail's is worse than death itself. Then you see the prison and it's like 3 guys walking around with super healthy looking prisoners. The Cardassians didn't even look remotely threatening so I dunno.

    I liked this episode a lot though and the other 2 parts of it so no complaints here.

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