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    Re: PIC S3: Vox

    The weakened post-Voyager Borg queen found Redjac floating in space and they formed an alliance and Jack is their love baby and that’s why the Borg are using a red door instead of their usual green in his visions.

    It could happen. ;)

    Re: PIC S3: Surrender

    @Data’s Lawyer
    I had the same question about Picard’ s body. They left it behind?
    “This is a shell.”
    “OMG all the Irumodic cells are gone!”
    “Eh, well, we got the info we wanted.”
    “Screw it, let’s leave him here.”

    Re: PIC S3: Surrender

    I still taking the dark horse and think it’s Redjac behind the red door. LOL. When I’m proven correct next week, all will bow to my genius. ;-)

    That Troi tried to erase Riker’s grief really bumped me. Completely out of character.

    I agree with previous posters that the Shrike “foghorn” ala ST:TMP is annoying AF. Geez, It was annoying in 1979…why bring it back now???

    Re: MAND S3: Chapter 18: The Mines of Mandalore

    Lots to like compared to last week, yet I agree with @Derek. I could have done without the in the cave, out the cave, in the cave, down the shaft, through the tunnel, up the shaft, out the cave etc. ad nauseam.

    The amateur-level CGI/VFX on the Jawas was unspeakable. I booed at the screen.

    @Jammer ditto on the sobering time check on "Maelstrom". Reminds me I'd better stop fooling around and get my will done.

    Re: PROD S1: Crossroads

    I was particularly taken aback by Janeway's use of the word "savages", and the accompanying aggression, used to describe a group of people about whom she doesn't have the backstory or understanding. This felt VERY out of character to me. What happened to Federation acceptance of all cultures and scientific inquiry?!

    Re: SNW S1: A Quality of Mercy

    @AMA "Was not particularly impressed by Paul Wesley. His look and mannerisms reminded me of a toned-down Jim Carrey."

    Exactly! The actor took me right out of the story and left me with a deep desire to watch Fire Marshall Bill and "Wrath of Farrakhan" skits from "In Living Color".

    Re: PIC S2: Hide and Seek

    I guess I'm the one who threw out "Gene's vision" initially, so I appreciate all the discussion.

    I'm the first to admit that "Gene's vision" is, at best, a conceit; it's definitely a mythology that Gene built up himself. Partially for the cash and babes, I'm sure, and we all know from "Chaos on the Bridge" that he was, at times, a far, far less than perfect human being.

    That said, the point of my initial post was what @Flipsider said way better than I did:

    "now it feels like they are fully content to just portray 20th century people who *just happen* to live in the 24th century. They act and talk like 20th century people, and they have recognizably 20th century flaws. "

    Exactly! Maybe I've been looking at this wrong for 40 years of my Trekkie-ness, but I've always gone under the assumption that the Federation is a far more utopian world than mine, and the people who live in that world are "better" in the sense that they have solved all their problems or have productive ways of dealing with their problems that are far better than mine. If I attributed that mindset to "Gene's vision", then that's on me, and I'm probably off-base somewhat. But it doesn't negate my original point, namely that I expect Star Trek characters, especially Picard, to, yeah, have crappy families sometimes, yet have far better ways of coping with those issues than the callousness and dismissal of Maurice and the suicide of Yvette. And I don't buy that Picard, who has sought to explore the universe and seek truth, would repress such a huge matzo ball of trauma. Why wouldn't this have come out long before, post Wolf-359? Inconsistent with the character's arc. Lazy writing.

    Suicide is a deeply personal issue and has affected my family. I don't care for it being used as a lazy plot device.

    Re: PIC S2: Hide and Seek

    I usually just post stupid wisecracks here, but I have a reeeeeeeeeeeeal problem with Picard's mother committing suicide. Gene's original vision for Star Trek was explicit in that humanity had collectively solved issues of war, poverty, and disease, and that the show was to be a vision of hope for us in modern times, that the world would one day not be quite so crappy anymore. Star Trek has played in the dark side of the sandbox many times, to varying success, but this one plot twist really speaks to me of the opposite of what Star Trek was intended to be. I would imagine that "curing all disease" includes mental illness, and what is left can be helped with counselors, medical intervention, etc.

    We've seen suicide many times in Star Trek, of course, but there is always a REASON for it. This felt entirely purposeless to me, a plot point used by the writers without much thought.

    Our society is traumatized now for many, many reasons, and we seem to be working that out in our entertainment. In that way, it holds up the same mirror to ourselves that Gene wanted us to look in during the 60's and 80's. But where Gene saw hope, these writers see boo-hoo, we are sad and traumatized. Poor us. Show me some hope!

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