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    Re: PIC S1: Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2

    "The Dominion were just generic bad guys, scary af when first introduced but watered down to nothing by the time the war rolled around. The same Jem Hadar fighters that took down the Odyssey with ease could later be killed by a handful of photon torpedoes (if only Keogh had thought to use his!) or a single volley from a scout ship class Klingon bird-of-prey."

    It was brutal how the Federation and Dominion skips could be taken out like they were TIE-fighters by the 6th and 7th season of DS9. Galaxy Class star ships being blown to bits by Cardassian phasers? Give me a break

    Re: PIC S1: Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2

    "The Dominion were just generic bad guys, scary af when first introduced but watered down to nothing by the time the war rolled around. The same Jem Hadar fighters that took down the Odyssey with ease could later be killed by a handful of photon torpedoes (if only Keogh had thought to use his!) or a single volley from a scout ship class Klingon bird-of-prey."

    It was brutal how the Federation and Dominion skips could be taken out like they were TIE-fighters by the 6th and 7th season of DS9. Galaxy Class star ships being blown to bits by Cardassian phasers? Give me a break

    Re: PIC S1: Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2

    @msw188 @glom

    I actually liked Picard's Romulan butler even though she was an overbearing bitch but she was a well acted character that had some potential depth. You knew immediately that she had some meat on her character. It pissed me off to leave those two on Earth while we got Jurarti, Elron, and Raffi as the crew. I also liked Dahj (sp?) way more than I liked Soji for some reason.

    I dont feel like debating the male vs female aspect of this show (its absolutely horrendous), I just wanted to voice that I pretty much disliked every female character this show offered. I dont know if it was trying to be some form of female empowerment, but it didnt work for me.

    Re: PIC S1: Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2

    Someone mentioned female leads, I wanted to say how awful i thought all the women were portrayed in this show. Right from the foul mouthed Admiral, to Raffi the drug addicted deadbeat Mom. There wasnt a single likeable female character, aside from Seven (an existing character, and even then.....) in this show. I wonder if Alex Kurtzman is Misogynistic

    Re: PIC S1: Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2

    "No, what this season of Star Trek: Picard is actually about is Picard saying goodbye to Data."

    Well, no it wasnt, because they shot that all after the fact because the original story they had was even worse than what they put on TV. This statement is giving way way too much credit to the writers.

    @Dave in WN

    "I read that both Riker's and Data's appearances in the finale were part of the reshoots. "

    I thought I had read that Riker's episode "Nepenthe" was the thing that was added after the fact which would make sense because his appearance as Captain of the Jeng He makes sense in terms of the story being told, but absolutely no sense from where we left Troi and company on Nepenthe.

    Re: PIC S1: Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2

    "his upcoming deep pleasure from reading a two-hour review consisting of hatred on a show (that he chooses to continue to watch"

    No. The finale had already aired when I said that, so no, I will not be "continuing to watch". And I recommend everyone to watch Redlettermedia, they are hilarious and Mike Stoklasa is a diehard Trek fan, so I appreciate his take on the subject matter, whether he likes it or not. I just know they will thrash this show like the simple minded trash that it is.

    Re: PIC S1: Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2

    "So sorry that Jammer's review does not fulfill your intense addiction to hate-orgasm that some feel."

    No need to apologize, you didnt write the review.

    "But feel free to spend hours of your weekly life on the pleasure that you get from watching a show you loathe with a passion, spewing your hatred about it, and pleasuring yourself to the hatred of others on it. That show must really have a permanent space in your mind."

    I only spent 45-55 minutes of my weekly life on this show, and I dont need to feel free to do it anymore as it is over for the foreseeable future.

    I can see from your previous comments that you are a simple person who is easily manipulated and entertained. The perfect demographic for this show!

    Re: PIC S1: Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2

    3 out of 4 stars for this garbage? Is this a sick April fools joke? I was pretty numb to the last 20 minutes because you knew they were just going to bring back Picard at the clone. Its complete garbage. And no, even if the final 20 minutes moved me, it doesnt negate the bullshit that was the previous 9 episodes (with the exception of a few nice scenes and moments). The entire show was a waste of time.

    Re: PIC S1: Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2

    @Dom @Glom

    In DS9, I always found it disjointed how the Defiant and Sisko & Company became the Federation flagship/crew during the time of the Federation's greatest threat. Where was the Enterprise? Obviously I know they were making TNG movies while DS9 was fighting the Dominion and you were never going to get any cross over due to a variety of reasons, but still, I really found it strange back then how Sisko became the most prominent Captain in Star Trek history.

    Re: PIC S1: Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2

    Some things ill never get over with this show:

    1) So the Romulans have these visions of the past, that are so horrific that people literally bash their fucking brains in with a brick, the visions that are so horrific that were going to send a fleet of 218 ships to wipe out a planet of 20 androids, visions so bad that weve established secret police forces over, murdered tens of thousands (maybe millions?) of martian colonists over, the thing some people have devoted their entire lives to, were just gonna turn around and never come back because the head android decided to be nice for a moment???

    2) Where are all the scientists, doctors, guards, random personnel on the Borg cube while its flying and crashing into this random planet? Dead? Assimilated? Shot out the airlock?

    3) What was the point of any of this?

    4) Lesbian seven of nine and Raffi? GTFO

    This show was an insult and a disgrace.

    Re: PIC S1: Broken Pieces

    I think the writing on this show is beyond awful. It has some decent moments, and I feel the mystery of the AI is fine, but god damn, the dialogue and story telling is awful. This is a forgettable show outside of the Riker episode.

    Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    Elise summed up my thoughts pretty good. This was a fine movie, but it was missing.....something. Whether that be the charm of Hans Solo, or good pacing, or the overall length being too long (this movie was way too fucking long). I found getting fairly annoying halfway through by the 11th scene of the Rebels lazily fleeing to the left.

    Captain Phasma will go down as one of the most disappointing and useless characters in the history of the franchise. Seriously, what was her role other than to sell toys? General Hux was a one-dimensional, yelly, frowning, growly character who has 1/100000th the charisma of Peter Cushing which is disappointing because Domhnall Glesson is an excellent character actor who I think would have done very well with some better material. So you cast Laura Dern as this supposed bad ass Vice Admiral but someone has to stay behind to pilot the Cruiser to its doom (for whatever reason someone has to stay behind?) Admiral Akbar just....dies?!?! Leia can survive a bridge explosion and exposure to space.....why? Rose, ugh. The Casino planet, ugh. The Bait And Switches, ugh. Snoke dying, ugh (so much for the thousands of hours people spent into his identity, he really was extremely pointless even though it appeared he was the most powerful Sith lord we have ever seen in the franchise. What a waste of time. And how exactly did Snoke turn Kylo Ren?

    What this movie did well? Kylo Ren was excellent. This was the stuff he should have had in TFA. I thoroughly enjoyed his character this time around. Rey was very good and the scenes with Luke stole the show. Mark Hamill played the role to perfection. The final battle on the salt planet was a visual masterpiece.

    I dont know what to expect from Episode 9. Carrie Fisher dying changes things immensely I imagine.

    Re: ORV S1: If the Stars Should Appear

    "Dexter, at least explain WHY you think it is "horrendous garabage".

    Just saying "it sucks" doesn't contribute anything to the discussion."

    Fair. I just didnt want to drone on being TOO negative.

    My thoughts: Its poorly cast, poorly acted, poorly scripted, poorly rehashed carbon copy trash. It has no ingenuity, it has no pace, and it has no idea what type of show it wants to be. And that is my opinion just from watching the first 20 minutes. Now I get the response would be, "give it a few episodes" in which case ill say, "No". In today's TV landscape you dont have the luxury of a few episodes or a whole season to get your shit straight. You have to hit the ground running with all cylinders firing. The quality of TV out there is amazing and this show simply isnt good enough to warrant my time.

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