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    Re: VOY S3: Scorpion, Part I

    - Prime Directive should have been mentioned, agreed.
    - Couldn't Voyager have used a transwarp conduit? Seems it wouldn't have taken that long using those.

    and the biggest issue:

    - If the Voyager crew was so sure they'd have to cross vast stretches of Borg space to get home, would they REALLY have tried to get home at all? Think about it. The odds of getting home would be slim even in safe space, and it would take decades (in fact it DID take decades in the original, unaltered timeline.) On top of that, you're passing through enemy space with thousands of enemy ships, any one of which could potentially destroy you. Suicidal much?

    Re: ENT S3: Similitude

    I'd give this 3-3.5 stars. My only major gripes are with the total implausibility/impossibility of the memory transfer -- but you have to admit they HAVE done that before in ST cloning. And Archer didn't spend enough time agonizing over the moral issues -- even though I believe he would have killed Sim. Throw out the "Sim can LIVE!" plot thread at the end, add in more moral quandary for the crew and exploration of self for Sim, and provide a better explanation for the memory transfer, and it would be almost perfect. Well, for Enterprise.

    Re: ENT S4: Daedalus

    Augh. Emory seems like a terrible actor. Really bad reads on much of his dialogue. Was the transporter at the end based on voice command? He sure didn't bother to like, push any buttons, or even look at the control panel...

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