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    Re: ENT S1: Detained

    OK up to the point that Archer decides to get stubborn and not share intel on a common enemy. If I were Grat, I'd probably toss him in solitary as well. And getting caught with a communicator is not likely to end well.
    And we don't know *anything* about the background -- maybe there was open terrorist acts from most of the Suilban. Why does Archer assume *any* of the Suliban are innocent? The Tandarans *might* reasonably be trying to make the best of a bad situation. Grat seemed pretty reasonable until Archer turned against him.
    And, is a jailbreak really the best solution? It seems that ENT is either the strongest ship in the galaxy, or the weakest, depending on the requirements of the plot. And (as so many have pointed out), what happens next?


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