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    Re: VOY S7: Endgame

    I'm glad they got home. I agree with Leah's above comment/proposal for the final scene. The ending is just a bit too abrupt. They should have shown everyone for just a couple minutes on Earth, just to give me time to tear up in happiness. Unlike some commenters, I mostly prefer to use my imagination on how their lives turn out on Earth. But some quick smiles, embraces, tears, and reunions would have given this a more complete feeling. I also would have liked Admiral Janeway to have told us just a few more reasons that going back earlier was preferable. Like maybe the crew in general got depressed as the years dragged on, lost their curiosity and desire to help planets and people in need, etc. There didn't have to be more death and destruction, but some indication that the majority of the crew would have definitely been happier with getting home sooner would have been nice.

    I also have a problem with the whole Chakotay/Seven thing. I actually thought the actors sold it quite well, considering how last minute it was. . . But it was too last minute. Lots of people in the comments above seem to have a problem with it because they think SEVEN should have ended up with someone else. But I don't care who Seven ends up with. Could be some rando on Earth after she is finally done figuring out what it means to be human. I feel like Harry would have been the most obvious choice from the Voyager crew, since she has already turned the Doctor down pretty decidedly,but the point is, she didn't need to end up with anyone. That was never her arc. My problem is with Chakotay and Janeway not getting together, considering they've been on a slow boil the entire show, with the only reason they couldn't get together being that Janeway was his captain. I would have liked them clasping hands or something when they see Earth. Or perhaps the show didn't need to show anything between them at all, but if they hadn't chosen to shoehorn in the Seven thing, we could have chosen to envision any future for them we chose.

    In general, I'm much less bothered by the ending than most, and you can put me in that rare group of people who likes TNG, VOY, and DS9 all equally, for different reasons.

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