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So, for how many more years will we have to go through the Brett Favre retirement/unretirement drama? It's become something of a running (and tiresome) annual joke. Even as a Bears fan, I have nothing against the highly respectable Favre, who is a guaranteed Hall-of-Famer and seems like a classy guy. But, really, isn't enough enough?
I think it started two, maybe even three, or 17, years before Favre left Green Bay: At the end of each season, there were rumors that Favre was considering hanging it up and retiring from the NFL. During the offseason, the retirement talk would increase. Then, as it came time to talk about the future and the Packers' direction with or without Favre, Brett would have to make up his mind. And he came back.
But then in 2008, after Favre had actually announced his retirement, only to turn all wishy-washy about it, the Packers decided it was time to move the franchise forward with Aaron Rodgers, the planned Favre successor who had been sitting idly for three seasons while Favre was persistently not retiring. The Packers wanted Favre to stay retired. Favre couldn't do it, and ended up being traded to the Jets, where he had a much-media-circus-covered so-so season. After the season ended, he retired again.
And now, right on cue, after months of offseason press statements that seemed to indicate that Favre was done for good, mid-August rolls around and Favre pulls a 180 and signs with the Vikings. Surprise! Or, well, not really.
I'm thinking this soap opera could continue to repeat itself for years, if not for the reality that Favre, based on simple odds, is more and more likely headed for some sort of career-ending injury. The man turns 40 in October. A starting NFL quarterback at age 40. He's tempting the fates of statistical probability. As Edward Norton said in Fight Club, on a long enough timeline, the survival rate of everyone drops to zero. Even Brett Favre.
Brett Favre really loves football, and/or really loves the spotlight. Forced retirement may be the only thing able to keep him out of the NFL. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.
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9 comments on this post
Greg M
I'm thinking this whole saga tarnishes his entire career and I wouldn't want to see him in the Hall of Fame. Before this, yes definitly, but now, no. I just wish he went away, so when I want to see Football news and go to NFL Network (Which does a much better job covering all teams instead of ESPN) for news, he won't be part of it.
Guy has turned into a joke and doesn't even realize it. Sad.
But 10 years after this is all over, people will forget all about the retirement circus, and remember his glory years and he'll be in the hall.
Better for the guy to end while he's still ahead of the game than risk pulling a Jason Street down the road (FNL reference). Early retirement is a given when it comes to most kinds of sports. Football's no exception.
Favre a BSG fan?
All this has happened before...
I'm not a big football fan, but it's both fun and annoying to see the huge and neverending hoopla this has created in Minnesota (where I'm from.) Oh well, at least it distracts the media here from more Michael Jackson "coverage."
Sorry to hijack the comments, but Jammer you should see and possibly review Project 9. That movie rocked my world.
Oops District 9 I meant.
Favre definitely deserves to be in the hall of fame. He just needs to hurry the hell up and retire so he'll become eligible.
I used to live in Wisconsin, in the far far north, and I've met Mr. Favre (whether that means my take has any more authority. . . but I was his bartender for a time). He's a simple guy, with simple pleasures. I think he feels his age more every year, but when the reality of retirement begins to wash over him, he can't stand it and jumps back into the ring. Or, onto the field. He's not trying to build publicity, or grab more money--he just doesn't know how to do anything else. When he finally does retire, I fear a bit for his mental health.
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