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    Re: PIC S1: Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2

    [B] Picard "Et in Arcadia ego" 2nd part [/ B] [SPOILER]

    Come on, double ration this week and surely my last contribution on this series.
    Ouch, is that bad? How to say...

    Well, at the start of this conclusion, Picard is held prisoner and the synths set up a transmitter to call the civ synth. How will he get out of it?
    Before that, return to the Borg cube, where the incestuous brothers and sisters meet, with the sister who decides to take control of the cube's weapons. Well, the sister is still as naughty as a cartoon [/ SPOILER].
    [SPOILER] Jurati decides to release Picard, pretending to help Soong in his work, tears out the eye of the dead synth (gore again) which serves as a pass. Snapshot of action movies, again. Back on the Serena, Picard decides to sacrifice himself in front of the Romulans to encourage Soji to stop the emitter. Don Quixote. We are therefore entitled to a very nice battle between the Orchids and the Romulan fleet, led by Ho, still just as bad (Kill the touuuuusss !!!). Picard, by a sleight of hand, delays the deadline while on the Borg cube, Seven gets rid of the incestuous sister. Champagne! : trollface :.
    At the same time, the cavalry arrives, led by Captain Riker. Summary: go or we kick your ass. Nice! : wub [/ SPOILER]:
    From there, everything goes to town and the evil forces of Kurtzman will prevail: vomits:

    [SPOILER] Soji opened an interdimensional portal to the Synth civ and ... Metallic tentacles begin to escape. These same tentacles seen in Discovery and Sent by .. Control !!!! : wacko: I feared it, the junction is indeed fault with Discovery ...
     Soji finally decides to close the signal, portal closed, phew! Convinced (Huh?), The Romulans are leaving, Star fleet too. We're headed for a happy end Except that
    Picard collapses on the bridge and dies ...: wtf: Farpaitement. [/ SPOILER]
    What follows is a disgusting litany of tears and moans, worthy of a Brazilian telenovela. I specify that almost everyone has known each other for 10 episodes. : | I'm about to smash my Oled 4k with 3000 balls with high kicks when ...
    The most beautiful scene in the series comes ...: mellow:
    [SPOILER] Picard, dead, wakes up in an elongated room and in front of him, a smiling Data in his last death suits.
    Then follows a wonderful conversation full of warmth and affection between the two friends on the mortality of human life. Data finally asks Picard to go away and unplug it permanently. What? You will tell me, how can an organic dead man argue with a saved cybernetic consciousness and how could he return to life?
    Do you remember the golem of Dr Soong from the first part? Do you have it now? : trollface:

    And there, under my horrified eyes, Picard wakes up, under the benevolent gaze of Jurati and Soong. A 94-year-old Synthetic Picard, smiling, joking and asking if they made him eternal. Hahaha: vomits: and Jurati announces that she would never have allowed it without her authorization and that it is equipped with a cell degeneration system. Phew! :throws up:
    How can we boast the preciousness of a finite life in a magnificent scene and the second after, to impose on an unconscious man, without his consent, a resurrection, in violation of any individual right? A rape, no more, no less!
    The worst part is that the writers are aware of it because the Picard Synth is deadly. They knew it was contrary to the humanistic philosophy of Star Trek and hypocritically attenuated their bullshit by making it deadly.
    Happy end of course, with this new Picard, in his ship, with his new crew, to bodly go where no man was before ... [/ SPOILER]
    It will be without me.
    CONGRATULATIONS, Alex, Star Trek is officially dead.


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