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    Re: TOS S1: Tomorrow Is Yesterday

    @ Cinnamon
    CBS suits?
    TOS was broadcast on NBC.
    (Sorry, I hate that NBC was the one to cancel our beloved TOS, but we have to give them credit for putting it on TV in the first place.)
    Loved the comedy in the one. Agree with nitpicks others have stated, but even after seeing it a dozen times, I still enjoy it.

    Re: TOS S1: The Conscience of the King

    TOS is and always will be my foundation. I lived in a time when there only was TOS for a long while and we did not know if anything would ever come from it. My first convention was like a devout person at the age of 20 finally being able to go to church for the first time. I was in awe.
    I rewatch the shows often. But I do feel it is sadly being left behind by new viewers. (no proof, just my impressions)

    I was disheartened to see so many thinking that Kirk moved Riley in an attempt to use him as bait. I thought he was moving him as far out of harm's way as he could. He just didn't know Lenore already knew about him.
    Sadly, security in transporter rooms, shuttle bays and engineering has always (no matter what series) been woefully lacking.

    I felt that one of the reasons that Kirk did not share his suspicions with anyone was because of the weight the accusation would carry. If he were wrong and word of his accusations got out, not only would it have tainted Kirk's standing, but it may well have ruined Anton Karidian, and possible the whole of his acting players.

    Re: DSC S4: Coming Home

    I don't think the comparison to Thine Own Self is fair.
    In that "holodeck program" Troi had to send Geordi to certain death.
    It was not "oh, he has a % chance to live", it was "do this, I order you to, and bye, because 100%, you are not coming back"
    Since they got the pilot back, that was not the case here.
    Glad we did not lose Detmer.

    I have to agree with those that note how we just don't get to know the folks in this show as much as others. At least others got to save, even part of, the day more often this season than it always being Michael.

    BTW, Jammer, thank you so much for creating this wonderful site where we can come and find so many new views and clever insights about stories we love.

    Re: SNW S1: Children of the Comet

    I hope this question has not been asked already, but I could not read everyone's comments...
    What if the life on that planet did not include people?
    Isn't it still worth saving even if it only had plants and some simple animals? (like bunnies?)
    If life out there is rare, and we did have the power to save it, even if it is microbial life, I would think it would the right thing to do.
    Interfering in someone's domestic squabbles is a whole different ball of wax, but the idea put forth in this episode seems simple enough.
    Nudge the comet, save the world.

    Re: TNG S6: Birthright, Part I

    I would think that the reason the Enterprise crew would want to try food and holo-programs on DS-9 would be because DS-9 is a hub of trade.
    The Enterprise would come programmed with standard foods and holodeck programs and of course, you can make your own if you have the knowhow.
    So really, any base and especially a trade port would have access to some new and cool stuff. And if Quark was the owner, you know it would be protected from being copied (profit!)

    I loved the idea of Data being able to grow as a thinking being and learn to dream. It makes me wonder if that was something Lore was missing and it made him crazier.

    Re: Star Trek: Generations

    The part in the Nexus for Kirk and Picard was more like Robert Frost moments for them. The paths not taken. But think about these two men for a moment. These are men of action. Theirs lives are full of moment that have kept them and all those around them on the edges of their seats for DECADES!
    When trouble does not find them, they find it.
    It makes some sense that after all that nail biting adventure, what they may have been dreaming about was a quiet home, love and especially for Picard, carrying on the family line. And that means children.
    But for both of these hard core men of action, that calm, slow moving, completely lacking in heart racing moments life is not for them.
    That is way they are not enamored by the idea of staying in the Nexus. It was the life they had both rejected time and time again.

    I liked the comment about how Picard’s family was all British.

    Re: Data and his emotion chip. Yes, his actions were weird. Why? Because at the moment of instillation, Data becomes and emotional child! And I don’t mean that as a criticism, but as a fact.
    His laughing at the joke Geordi told during the Farpoint mission tells us that Data is now trying to process his memories and view them through his brand spanking new emotions eyes. Imagine for a moment what that would be like? On top of that, they are (like normal) in the middle of a crisis.
    I would think the fear he felt when they were attacked was the FIRST time he ever experienced fear in real time. (not as a reaction to a memory)
    He was understandable freaked out.

    Killing off the guy who was our first Captain, with the lame parting lines that he got was gut wrenching to me. Better that he was killed off like screen in his sleep or something. This end to his life, I felt was insulting.

    That all said, I did like the movie for the most part. Could have done without Rene dying and without Data cursing... child like tantrum, I guess

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