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    Re: VOY S4: Concerning Flight

    Too much tech to think simply. When Janeway and da Vinci were on their way to the storehouse, they could only detect the mobile emitter, and weren't sure if Janeway was there. They were literally walking to the storehouse over the Southern California Desert landscape. Are there no telescopes on Voyager? They can detect specific details of the borders of space-faring races (Year of hell) from parsecs away (or really far away), but can't magnify a view of the surface of the planet they're orbiting?! How hard is it to look out the !@#$% window?
    Also, it's obvious why the bad guys only shot once when Janeway and da Vinci glided away. They were utterly shocked at how ridiculous the situation was. How would you react if the people you were chasing suddenly decided to skate away using Hot Wheels tied to their shoes?

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