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    Re: TNG S1: The Arsenal of Freedom

    "But watching the re-runs, I'm far more irritated by Troi. Her character is just useless."

    Here here. Wesley gets alot of flack for being a blatant Mary Sue, but the way I see it Troi's character is just a variation on that theme. For whatever reason, Roddenberry seems to have had some bizarre reverence for psychotherapy, to the point where he seats the ship's counselor directly to the Captain's right, like she's equal to the first officer or something. To add insult to injury, in every episode she's throwing out her insipid, useless psychobabble right and left, and poor Picard has to pretend to listen to it. For all we know, if he doesn't humour her she can get him relieved of command or lobotomized or something. They couldn't show Roddenberry the exit fast enough with this series.

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