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    Re: DSC S3: That Hope Is You, Part 2

    Dave -- Biden and Trump had a combined 339,000 votes in Dane County, which has nearly 560,000 people. Madison has 256,000 people out of Dane county's total. 161,000 people in Madison voted. That's about 75% of the voting age population.

    Re: TNG S6: Tapestry

    William, it seems to me that you have a number of exceptional qualities. It also seems to me you are weighing what to do with your life, especially knowing you aren't quite as "normal" as others. In my experience, that makes you someone with great potential. Being this way makes life more difficult. But only because with greater potential comes greater regret if you don't make good on whatever, deep down, you feel you must do. Eventually all of us who have some measure of introspection must confront this. We discover that Shakespeare's conceit run both ways: knowing ourselves drives the life decisions that help us discover ourselves.

    My only piece of advice is this: if along the way you find someone in life you love deeply and unconditionally, and who loves you right back, grab hold and never look back. My wife is a big reason I'm the person I am today. For me, at least, the challenge of living up to this "gift" had a greater impact on me than any knife to the heart ever would.

    Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    Why not take a poll of the Jammer community. If the majority agrees that Booming is a troll, then she must add the phrase "I am a troll" to every post, preferably at the end. If the majority determine otherwise, then Booming is allowed to select up to 3 posters (the 3 she loathes the most) who, in turn, must add the following to their posts: "I was wrong about Booming. I'm sorry."

    I would suggest a trial, rather than a simple poll, purely for the twisted fun of watching this forum devolve into the court at "Encounter At Farpoint." But, I value Jammer's sanity enough to suggest such an atrocity.

    Re: LD S1: Second Contact


    I'm extremely successful, and I find Jammer's reviews both intelligent and fair-minded. Most of the people that comment here are extremely intelligent. And most do not resort to petulant name-calling. Since you called out Jammer, why don't you tell us specifically what works you've published or were adapted to TV/film. Provide your name and give us some means to verify it independent of you.

    Re: LD S1: Second Contact

    Haven't been here for awhile. New show, corp shills, us vs. them bullshit. Kurtzman is still terrible. Nothing has changed. Except Jammer finally took a stand. The man with some of the best Trek commentary ever has said "I'll pass" to this dreck.

    Re: PIC S1: Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2

    Omicron - what can you do? It depends on what you're willing to do. I don't have an answer for all people. I really don't. To Booming's point, some sort of advocacy against out of control debt accumulation, the funding of science/research, the maintenance of our relationships with allies, etc. My 6 year old son is offering Brookings, CSIS and two other advocacy groups his time (uncompensated) to do some research. The various experts are listed. Pick one and reach out to them.

    Write some article, white paper, Op-Ed, whatever. Put your voice out there. Most of you are extremely intelligent. Do something.

    Volunteer. Take some food to people that need it. We volunteer with a local farm to deliver food to especially vulnerable people that lack the means to pay for it (without subsidies, food stamps, etc.)

    Protest. Tell politicians to go fuck themselves. Stand for something. Not on a ST website. Wherever.

    Why do I come here? I really don't know. At first, it was a whim. Now, I realize many of you are some of the most thoughtful and decent people out there. So, yes, I'm telling you that you have more to offer than bitching on this site.

    Re: PIC S1: Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2

    Booming / Omicron: I live in N. Virginia, run a firm of 8 attorneys now (the site needs updating), and my other business Aqua Meridian, LLC does financial assistance / capital raise work for small to mid cap businesses. You can check out my bio on the website. This is me (for everyone to see).

    Re: PIC S1: Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2

    Booming, dude calm down. It's meant to be light hearted. Respectfully, I live in Washington. I'm dealing with this shit in a very direct and tangible way. My business is in the government and tech sectors. I've had the chance to take a bail out from Uncle Sam, but I don't need it. I'm working 70 hour weeks to make damn sure I never will. I'm on the front line of legal action against our Government for harming small businesses. And I'm writing a book about the issues America is dealing with.

    You don't actually know me. But let's not pretend you are anywhere as close to this as I am. It's why I continuously harp on people for bitching about silly things in ST when the world is on fire.

    You need to have a little faith. This too shall pass. America has always rebounded. It will come out of this stronger. But, as you've said, it will take a lot of time and hard work.

    Re: PIC S1: Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2

    Booming - I thought you were going to cap your depressing shit at 5 examples per day. You're pushing your allotment.

    Yes, we have issues. But Omicron is right. It's a great achievement. Private sector will drive space travel and future expansion. There will be better times

    Re: PIC S1: Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2

    Omicron and Eamon - I agree with you both. CBS had a "sure thing" with Picard that they cashed in on. So, the quality control was probably lacking. Still, if they had bothered to ask the core ST fanbase what is essential to them, the end result may have been closer to the Picard of TNG. The thesis they operated under - that this Picard would be wholly different than the previous Picard, existing in a fundamentally changed Starfleet - probably doomed the whole thing. You can't "undo" Picard in this manner. But, again, this supposes that Kurtzman and his team had the wherewithal and talent to stay true to TNG while bringing a fresh message and set of challenges in a competent manner. They obviously did not.

    Moreover, as Eamon indicated - they never needed to.

    Re: PIC S1: Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2

    The truly sad thing is that STP didn't have to suck. It sucked because of factors having nothing to do with the underlying idea of revisiting one of the most iconic sci fi characters near the conclusion of his life. There are many, many ways in which this story could have worked. But that presupposed that a "work of art" was ultimately what CBS desired. What it prioritized. When you have a new show, you need a high quality product. You need to be infused with some combination of exceptional acting talent, writing, substantial issues (or kinetic scenes), depending on what it is you seek to achieve. You hope for those iconic moments - that transcend an episode or even a season - that viewers remember. These keep us coming back. They become the backbone for the mythology that develops. They are the "art" upon which the product depends.

    With ST, CBS went full on mercenary. Fan service. Check. Return of iconic character. Check. Cool F/X. Check. Diverse cast. Check. Mystery box. Check. Plot, coherency, intelligence, vision, depth, and the grasping of human beings to understand some higher truth - something bigger than themselves - all of this. UNNECESSARY. Not undesired. Just not needed to succeed. Perhaps too much of a risk. Perhaps not fully attuned to what the younger demographic wants. Who knows.

    The sad thing is that STP could have been a great drama. Perhaps even exceptional. But it was never given a chance. Because a hack producer, a mediocre writing team with little to no understanding of ST (as a whole), and a bunch of corporate fucks (much like Disney) decided that success would be exclusively defined by immediate viewership. That the artform itself was irrelevant to the formula in which success was defined.

    In the end, we don't hate STP in a vacuum. We hate it because we understand the contempt that CBS held for the entire thesis of ST. A greedy, short-sighted, shallow and intellectually fallow organization contorting ST into something that it could never be. I stand by my original conclusion: fuck you Kurtzman. Now, I'm just adding a few more names.

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