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    Re: ORV S3: Twice in a Lifetime

    This wrapped up too neatly for me. Either 2025 Gordon should’ve decided to make the terrible choice to leave his family to save their existence or we should’ve had Ed grapple more with the decision to wipe them out by going back. What we got was just a neat little bow where Ed made a tough decision but he didn’t really wrestle with it. Easily could’ve prevented the “just go back 10 more years” with some light technobabble.

    Re: VOY S2: Deadlock

    This is the way voyager should’ve been throughout its run: desperate. We could’ve had a Firefly-esque desperation journey where the ship is constantly near destruction only to be hodge-podge put back together with random Delta quadrant scraps, a crew of maquis and starfleet barely getting along; ultimately ending the series with voyager looking like a completely different ship and a limping, threadbare crew. Can you imagine the impact of a return home with that crew instead of the middling finale we got? But this was the 90’s, no walking dead, no GoT, no breaking bad. Everything had to be glitzy and clean. Kind of strange given that the predominant style was grunge...

    Re: DS9 S3: Second Skin

    I think they should've killed off Ghemor after he left the station. Blown up his ship or something. Give a little more credit to the obsidian order. They just got severely embarrassed and kind of written off with that scene on cardassia.

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