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    Re: ENT S3: Doctor's Orders

    "And to the people saying "Y DON"T DEY JUS GO UNDER?!" Why would a spacial phenomena expand in only 2 directions. Do we live in a 2-D world? No, nothing is restricting it's expansion therefore it will fill space in all 3 directions."

    I'm pretty sure everyone understands it is 3D (or beyond).

    The question is: Why isn't it faster to go around the anomaly at warp 5 than to go through it at full impulse? Must have been a pretty big pancake of an anomaly. But then it expanded in thickness pretty fast so that seems unlikely.

    It made little sense to me and I'd have loved an explanation in the episode.

    Any sort of pseudo scientific explanation on what sort of anomaly it was would have been interesting.

    What made Trek insteresting to me was the exploration of possible phenomena. Here they just ignore any attempt at justifying it.

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