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    Re: DS9 S3: Meridian

    This is a clear 1 star mess. Dax and Deral had no chemistry, their dialogue was stilted, and the whole relationship was so rushed. Was their a proper discussion regarding the symbiant?

    Totally pointless.

    However, the light B-story is pretty funny stuff, which is perhaps just enough to make it 1.5 stars. It marks Jeffrey Combs' first appearance in DS9, so it's a bit of an easter egg to see him here.

    Re: DS9 S3: Civil Defense

    I think an average 2.5 score is fair. It's pretty much brainless fun, as thinking about things for too long will raise more questions. I agree with the notion of this being a season one episode.

    I think TNG did it better with Disaster, and the fish-out-of-water problems the crew had to face. In fact, it was the kind of story that would have fit in better on TNG, as the Tech Mystery was more prevalent there.

    Re: DS9 S3: The Abandoned

    I loved it sorry. It was a great show for Odo, and more development of the Dominion was welcome after The Search Part 2's letdown.

    The B story of Sisko seeing how quickly Jake was growing up was very sweet too.

    Re: DS9 S3: Equilibrium

    Just finished watching this one again for the first time in a while. I always used to like Dax when I was younger when I first watched the series, and I find that even though Terry Farrell is probably the weakest of the main cast, I still have a soft spot for the character.

    In terms of the symbiant episodes Dax had, this is easily the best one. The music she constantly hears was haunting, and I enjoyed how crazy it made her behave with her friends. I liked that Sisko was going to go to any lengths to save her.

    Special marks go to the hilarious teaser with Odo taking an interest in cooking. Auberjonois's face is priceless as he moves the bowl around trying to whisk the souffle.

    The whole scene was a nice portrayal of the DS9 crew as a family.

    Re: DS9 S2: Necessary Evil

    Excellent episode. Definitely a Top 10 entry for me.

    When I was younger, the revelation of Kira being the murderer totally floored me. Now I'm older, having just watched the episode again, it should perhaps be obvious that a former Bajoran terrorist murdered someone. It's still a wonderfully constructed episode though, and does so much to establish character backstory.

    Re: DS9 S2: Invasive Procedures

    I just watched this episode on my great DS9 rewatch yesterday, and it really bugged me how the story contrived an evacuation of the station one episode after the evacuation in The Siege. Badly positioned, really.

    I didn't like how it was only the cast that was left on the station, and Quark being there was really odd. He certainly deserved punishment for what he did.

    Basically, if you ignore the many misgivings, the episode is saved by John Glover's before and after performance of Verad. A very interesting character indeed.

    Re: TNG S7: Liaisons

    Oh my god, the 'LOVE ME!' epiode. Me and my sister used to crack up so much at the trailer for this episode, which featured this line. The episode as a whole is pretty dull, but a bit of unintentional humour helps you make it through.

    Re: Lost review: 'Across the Sea'

    I enjoyed the episode, though not as much as some of the other ones that we've had this season. I felt at the time that the cave of light was goofy, but I do suppose that in the past we've had horse-wheels stuck in walls underground, and hatches with buttons that need pressing to avert implosions.

    I do think that many things we're left open that may come into play in the last couple of episodes. Some may not, which is fine by me, as I like vague Lost. Was Smokey created when Jacob killed/knocked out MiB and he went into the cave of light? Or was Smokey already around in the form of the boys' crazy mother, transforming into MiB after his death?

    If the boys' mother wasn't Smokey, then how long had she been on the island? The hint was that MiB's murder of her was something she welcomed, especially after making Jacob her successor. Is she the first protecter of the island, or is she somewhere down the line of illustrious gatekeepers?

    Re: Lost review: 'The Candidate'

    It was a brilliant episode, I really enjoyed it. The season's island storyline has been on a slowbuild towards this showdown, and finally all hell broke loose. The resultant deaths of Lapidus and Sayid were shocking, but Sun and Jin staying together so they wouldn't have to be apart again really got to me. The submarine action had been shot very well and was tense throughout, so the result of Sun and Jin staying with a wonderfully sad score was heartbreaking. And we still have three episodes to go!

    Smokey is a real bastard then! But it was definately coming. There has been so much death throughout the history of Lost to not expect it really. It tends to be abrupt, shocking, and also tends to further the story. The loss of these four characters is sure to piss off our remaining Losties and push them towards whatever the ultimate endgame will be.

    I've tried my best to remain spoiler-free throughout the show's run, and this has been very successful, give or take the odd fail. Lost is a show that endears itself to the spoiler-free as half of the fun is not knowing what the hell has been going on. I'm going to miss the show when it finishes.

    Re: Celebrating 15 years. One more year until this site can drive.

    I can't remember when I first came to the site. It was definately from a TrekBBS link though, and I think it was sometime during Enterprise's run, prob either 2002 or 2003. I'm still a bit of noob in some regards!

    Eight years though? That's still a bit yikes!

    I've had a lot of fun going through old reviews whenever I've rewatched DS9, VOY or ENT. I also watched BSG from the start so was here then too, and will be for Caprica and TNG in the future.

    Your reviews are very well written, and are often insightful. There are always things I overlook or occasionally miss that you will cover, and I lok forward to it all knowing you will write about it ina thoughtful way. I find myself nodding at the screen when I agree with you, and shaking my fist when I don't. Well not really, but you get the gist.

    Congratulations, and here's to the next 15!

    Re: CAP S1: Rebirth

    It was a pretty reasonable episode, I thought. Amanda's outburst at the end, whilst stupid, came from a valid emotional place. Throughout the episode she was finding it hard to move past her obssession with what happened. She's sad that Zoe died, but she becomes more upset when she slowly realises that the girl she is mourning for is not the one that died in the explosion. Sadness, anger - I can see how she would be overwhelmed enough to out Zoe like she did. It was a stupid move though, but one I look forward to enjoying the fallout to.

    Aside from Zoe and the Graystone family, the rest seemed like it was just there. I love Esai Morales as Joe Adama, but he, nor his family seemed to have much relevance in this episode. I appreciate the subtle mention of Sam Adama's accepted homosexuality though, nice sci-fi move. I'm gay myself and appreciate little things like this, though I can't help but wonder if lesbians aren't being left behind in this new TV age full of gay characters.

    Also interesting is Clarice's rather large family, involving several husbands with several wives. My friend commented negatively on this, and I was a bit surprised by it too. The focus, however, as in every relationship, should be based on honesty and happiness, and I'm happy that it's a part of the show. I just hope it and Clarice in particular are used more interestingly in future episodes.

    Re: BSG S4: The Plan

    I agree that ultimately, at best, 'The Plan' is optional. Dean Stockwell and Cavil were abso-frakkin-lutely brilliant throughout. The plot itself, however, was far too dense; too overcrafted.

    Cylon-Sharon, wanting to be more like Undercover-Sharon was an interesting emotional struggle, with Cavil apparently pulling the strings. Way back in season one though, I had already experienced Boomer struggling with her identity, and back then it was far more successful. The audience didn't know what she was up to either at that point, so it was far more involving.

    Cavil had many fine lines throughout, and the setting of the mood by the new-look attack on the colonies was very well done. I found that after two hours viewing though, I probably wouldn't want to watch it again. It just seems very unecessarily tacked onto the end of BSG's run.

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