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    Re: DSC S3: Far From Home

    So the Enterprise crash lands in pretty much exactly the same way in Generations and is unsalvageable, but Discovery — a ship 100 years older — crash lands and is ready to take off again a few hours later?

    Re: ORV S2: Primal Urges

    Jammer doesn’t get comedy, round two. :-p

    Lighthearted episodes are the hallmark of TNG and DS9 so that the more serious content doesn’t turn away the audience (Shakespeare clowns in Hamlet?). This episode is a mix of tones for that reason.

    That’s said, the episode has problems. Primarily this is all rehash of earlier Trek themes. Barclay holodeck addiction to boot, with a throwback to Quark tailoring programs, etc.

    Yet this is a character episode. Much better than what passes for Trek on DSC.

    Re: ORV S2: Ja'loja

    Jammer, I love you, man. You know I have props for your writing chops. But you fundamentally just do not get lighthearted humor on sci-fi shows. DS9 ferengi episodes are exhibit A, and this is exhibit B.

    Re: DS9 S4: The Muse

    I think this one probably suffers from sitting in the middle of the superb series 4. Worst of series 4, no question, but the show has made far worse, and the very worst episode, Profit and Lace, is yet to come. The scenes between Odo and Lwaxana are sweet and have some emotional truth to them. The Jake stuff is just empty rubbish. It might be interesting if he made a choice to trade longevity for a burst of brilliance, but he never appears to understand what his happening to him, so it's just a bunch of weird nonsense with no consequences.

    Re: DS9 S4: Paradise Lost

    I really wish that there was an alternate take of the scene where Sisko picks up Leyton's admiral pips, in which Sisko pins them on himself and then starts cackling maniacally.

    Re: TNG S2: The Emissary

    A lot of symbols and foreshadowing here. Kheylar arrives in a box she calls a coffin and is killed off in a later episode, looking ahead at her death. She says she won’t be so easy to get rid of and proves it by brining a child with her who is always now attached to Worf. The poker game is a game of bluffing, a new skill for Worf that he has to immediately use. The penultimate would be if we get a Captain Worf series eventually that picks up is thread. Stellar episode, folks.

    Re: DS9 S3: The Search, Part II

    I have no qualms with the ending. But it is striking how disrespectfully the Vorta (Let’s call him “Joey”) treats Odo. After all, this is not in keeping with how Weyoun treats him most of the time.

    Re: DS9 S4: The Way of the Warrior

    @Thunderchild - As the Defiant is leaving DS9, Sisko tells Bashir that there are hundreds of Klingon ships between them and Dukat. Presumably the ones that beat the Defiant to DS9 were some of these hundreds of ships.

    Re: ENT S3: Similitude

    I thought this was excellent - understand that some couldn't suspend their disbelief on the science. I personally could given that this has always been a soft sci-fi show.

    Think all the actors were great, particularly Billingsley and Trinneer. Billingsley does a tremendous job of showing in his very few scenes his journey from thinking of Sim as an organ pool which makes him a bit uncomfortable to loving Sim and being horrified by what he needs to do. Trinneer also walks the line very well between making Sim very like Tucker but a little bit less confident and more alien.

    I burst into tears at 'You were a hell of a father'.

    The ethical questions are so huge that it's almost impossible to judge, but I did think the episode did an excellent job both of hearing people out and showing that they were doing something they hated through grim necessity. Echoes of 'In the Pale Moonlight'.

    Re: ENT S3: Exile

    There were undertones of the worst aspects of online dating in this episode - meeting someone based on limited information who has done way too much research on you, lied about their appearance, and treats their loneliness as an excuse for ignoring your wishes.

    Oh and everyone who says that Hoshi is 'escalating' the situation through her clothing - please stop it. People's bodies are their own, to dress as suits them. No outfit makes a person act badly. Tarquin's creepy behaviour is entirely on him.

    Re: ENT S2: Future Tense

    I liked that you never found out why the ship was there or why it was so important to the Tholians and the Suliban. It helped to create a sense that the Enterprise crew were trying to make the best decisions based on very little information about an hidden conflict of vast importance. Episodes like this help to build a sense of mystery about the Temporal Cold War - mystery that I hope is eventually resolved in a satisfying way.

    Re: ENT S1: Acquisition

    The scenes at the beginning with the Ferengi moving around past the knocked out crew could potentially have been compelling - if they hadn't been the Ferengi, but rather some new race. It could have been mysterious and creepy - why are these people here, what are they looking for, what do they want with the Enterprise crew? But because it's the Ferengi, we know they're here to steal stuff and leave, so we're just waiting for the plot proper to start.

    Re: DS9 S5: In the Cards

    What a great episode. Some people seem to view DS9 as a relentless, grim slog. This episode disproves that notion. It takes the larger story's threat and fear as its starting point and builds from it into one of the funniest and warmest-hearted episodes of Star Trek.

    Re: VOY S7: Natural Law

    The Ventu's word for goodbye is the same as the fascist salute from the Terran empire. Throughout the episode I kept thinking the Mirror Universe Terrans were going to show up.

    Re: VOY S7: Prophecy

    Lots to dislike here - Harry running around the ship trying to avoid being raped while people tell him how lucky he is comes to mind. But Tim Russ is absolutely priceless in this episode - one of the funniest performances he's ever given as Tuvok.

    Re: ORV S1: Mad Idolatry

    So the next month the civilization will be gone, at the rate it evolves. So who cares? The plot contrivance is a pointless excuse to make religion a strawman. Yaaaaaaaaaaawn...

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