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    Re: TAS S1: Introduction

    Your comment about the music is quite apt. The entire library of musical cues is just under 20 minutes and can be listened to here:

    Mostly unremarkable stock stuff that is typical of a generic seventies cartoon

    Re: PROD S1: Starstruck

    Don't know what to think of this series yet, but I am getting serious Blake's 7 vibes:

    -Ragtag band of escaped convicts
    -Commandeered vessel
    -Possible betrayer in the crew
    -Vessel has artificial intelligence that seems to have a mind of its own
    -Prison leaders are willing to use mind control/damage to ensure compliance
    -Government leader is a megalomaniacal tyrant trying to retrieve his ship

    I'm sure there are more parallels, but these seemed too obvious to ignore.

    Re: ORV S2: Deflectors

    I almost never comment on these episodes, but I want to express how impressed I am with the treatment of this topic. I am reminded of the TNG episode The Outcast, which presented this idea with the subtlety of an atomic blast. Trek, and now The Orville, has never shied away from social commentary by way of allegory and I think this is one of its strengths. However, it is usually best when the implications are subtle and demonstrate the consequences in a realistic fashion, rather than a deus-ex-machina that fixes all with an unrealistic panacea.

    This one made it clear which side it focused on, but also treated both sides with respect, even though the majority of the crew disagreed. Also, I really appreciate that it didn't feel forced to conclude with the obligatory 'happy ending' and make things all better. These are complex issues and having a simple ending where everyone is satisfied does nothing to help the issue.

    Re: And this year's winner for Douchebag Theme Song is...

    I just heard this song for the first time and it was three of the most excruciating minutes of my life. I think I'll sue the artists to get those three minutes back. This song is so bad that it defies description. Somewhere, out there, is a village desperately searching for its idiot. Well, I think we've found him. This song reaches the (un)coveted status of rock bottom, but still manages to keep digging. It's just frightening that someday my tax dollars will be funding the brain research involved in discovering what keeps this guy's head from collapsing from the vacuum in his cranial cavity. I suppose that anyone has the right to be as offensive as they want, but why do some people have to abuse the privilege? In short, there are no redeeming factors that I can discern from this assault on my auditory canal. I suppose the best thing I can say is that at least it's three minutes and not four or five. That might just induce permanent insanity and then I'd have to start making claptrap like this.

    Re: BSG S1: Flesh and Bone

    I know this is a tiny nit-pick, but I think that Jammer misspelled something in paragraph 14. He metions that "...Starbuck beings empathizing..." which I think was meant to say "...BEGINS empathizing..."

    Otherwise a fantastic review and analysis.

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