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    Re: LD S1: Second Contact

    Some of you really should get that stick attended to. Also, the part of your brains that determine "what is and what isn't Star Trek" seems to have ossified. I have news for you. It's all Star Trek. All of it. You who consider yourselves the arbiters of what is and what isn't proper Trek are growing more irrelevant every day, along with those who write ever-more caustic, sarcastic and arrogant reviews. The rest of us out here are enjoying this ever-expanding Trek universe. Some of it is good, some not so good, but it's all "Star Trek", and I welcome each new iteration.

    Re: VOY S4: The Killing Game

    You guys should light up every now and then... this two-parter was just fun. Granted it made no sense in a lot of places, but come on... Klingons fighting nazis! Seven Of Nine and her holy holographic hand grenade! How often do you get stuff like that?

    Re: TOS S1: Charlie X

    When Kirk and Charlie were on the turbolift on the way to the bridge, did they stop off at Kirk's quarters so he could change his shirt?

    Re: CAP S1: Caprica Canceled

    Actually, Karatasiospa, a full pilot has been greenlit.

    Sadly Jammer, I can't think of anything to even suggest for reviews. While there are things on that I watch, none are worth that much effort.

    Re: Review: Law & Order: SVU: 'Shattered'

    I did a double-take when I saw the SVU post as well. I wouldn't presume to think you can't bust out a blog post on your own site on whatever moves you. Just not a show I would have expected. Perhaps something more worthy of your time and attention would not elict such a response. For instance, "V" was a disappointment, but I'm enjoying "Justified" right now.

    Re: 'V' is for 'vacant'

    After watching the first batch and the first two current ones, I decided to let it go. Just not enough interesting going on, and I couldn't make myself really care about what was happening. Besides, it airs opposite "Justified" on FX.

    Re: CAP S1: Ghosts in the Machine

    So the alternative is, we see the U87 standing there, immobile except for perhaps the eye scanning back and forth, while Daniel natters away about whatever. Absolutely nothing to convey any reaction or emotion from the Zoe avatar, because if the robot reacted it would be the payoff Daniel is trying to provoke. This isn't about saving money on CGI, this is a brilliant dodge to keep the human alive in our minds along with the robot. Sorry you don't like it, but I certainly do.

    Re: CAP S1: The Imperfections of Memory

    I wonder, is Caprica (the planet) one single political entity, one big country? A piece of mail is addressed sush-and-such person, such-and-such street, then "Delphi, Caprica". A car license plate, where we would have the state name, had "Caprica". Looks about as odd as us saying "Chicago, Earth".

    Re: CAP S1: There Is Another Sky

    I understand all about commitments and time pressures, but I also would like to read about and discuss the episode while it is reasonably timely. Now we have two eps in the queue, with the mid-season finale coming in four days.

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