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    Re: ORV S3: Midnight Blue

    I once read a review of TNG's "Conundrum" which was generally positive, but then let loose on a single point about the ending. The idea that Picard could get away with simply apologizing to the Lysians for their "lost" ship and crew struck this reviewer as utterly preposterous. I'm not sure I agree (the Lysians probably knew the Satarrans had this particular trick to use, and anyway, what more could Picard do?), but I now understand the feeling completely.

    This episode was fine, just half an hour too long and very by-the-numbers (but then, The Orville's lack of guile is part of its charm). But then there's that one little point about the ending... such a small detail, but so wrong that it shatters all suspension of disbelief. The Union kicked out the Moclans THEMSELVES? No. Not in a million years. I'd completely buy the Moclans quitting, or the Union demanding an apology or imposing some kind of harsh penalty and THEN the Moclans quitting. But it would never go this way -- not with the Kaylons looming.

    No matter how unworthy an ally Stalin was (and we knew he was even at the time, though we could scarcely dream how much), the Allies would never have been the ones to break the alliance with Russia. They might have given Russia an ultimatum over something sufficiently bad, but they'd never have been the ones to pull the trigger. Hitler was just too grave a threat. Same story here: we've seen how much the Union rightly fears the Kaylon. This incident might be enough to RISK the Moclan alliance over, but they would never make the move to break it themselves. (Much less unanimously!)

    Re: DSC S4: Anomaly

    Oh, son of a... they finally did it. After several close calls, they finally gave two Trek episodes the exact same title.

    "Tsunkatse" was nearly called "Arena" before someone pointed out that TOS had used it. We're finally at the point where there isn't even one person in the room to do that, aren't we?

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