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    Re: TNG S7: Homeward

    Despite all the contrived plot devices--computer failure, can't wipe memory being the two big ones, I like this episode, especially the part of guy ending up on the Enterprise and his decision of suicide and Picard's regret.

    As for the computer problem, I can't resist offering a simple solution. Release some sleeping gas to put everyone to sleep and then reboot the computer.

    Re: TNG S7: Interface

    For some reason, the technobable in this one bothers me to the point that I don't enjoy it any more. The sensory "input overload puts the guy at risk" makes no sense. I am aware that Star Trek has tons of nonsensical technobables, but I seem to be fine with most of them and can enjoy the shows, but for some reason this one bothers me.

    Re: TNG S5: The Next Phase

    I like the Geordi's variation of the Pascal Wager: If you are right, then none of this makes any difference, but if I am right, then we are still alive and I will need your help to get out of this.

    Makes more sense than the original Pascal Wager.

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