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    Re: TNG S6: Birthright, Part II

    Bit odd how the Romulans and Klingons are so concerned keeping the camp a secret and won't allow Worf to leave. But they are totally indifferent to the Yridian and let him fly off in his ship.

    Re: TNG S7: Descent, Part II

    @ Tidd

    Excellent! I lived in London for 7 years and heard many "jalopy" jalapenos, even from some chefs.

    My son loves to say "aluminium" (aloo-minium) and won't say "aluminum." I keep telling him he isn't British but he doesn't care. I said "aluminum" while dining at restaurant in India once (I was the only American amongst Brits and Indians), and everyone was laughing so hard at me when I said "aluminum".

    Re: TNG S7: Descent, Part II

    Yes, in the US we say "boo-ey" but "boy-ant." At least here in the Northeast. And we say "Root 66" but internet "rowter." Plus we say tomayto, not tomahto, "erb," not "herb". Don't even get me started on how you Brits say "jalapeno." It is not a hard j! ;)

    Re: TNG S6: Second Chances

    Here's an article on whether or not the transporter kills. It's long but goes over many scenarios and various series. It's interesting if you want to geek out on the subject:

    I think I'd prefer a shuttle, thank you very much.

    Re: TNG S6: Second Chances

    The Brits say "root" while in the US both are used depending on dialect. In the Northeast it's mostly "root" or in song ("Root" 66). On the West Coast it's "rowt." Gotta love those diphthongs!

    Re: TNG S7: All Good Things...

    I thoroughly enjoyed this double episode and found I had forgotten much of it. Now I'm a bit sad that my journey through all of TNG after many years is over. It's not something that I will probably ever repeat (especially with as many "wow, I barely remember this" moments and perhaps too many "eeks, I do remember this and wish I could skip it" moments). This website has been a great companion to my re-watch. It has enriched the experience many times over. Indeed, it's even made some of those "eeks" moments more tolerable.

    Next, perhaps, DS9. If I dare. For me that will almost be like a new series as I never got into it before (I did try way back when it was originally aired). We'll see, but after a bit of a break at least.

    Re: TNG S7: Journey's End

    I hate this one so much for all of the reasons given above. I can't even blame the acting. A truly atrocious story and horrible characterizations. I actually prefer Genesis over this.

    I'm almost near this journey's end. Just 5 more episodes to go...

    Re: TNG S7: Genesis

    @ SkepticalMI "But Dwight Schultz as the manic, frantic Spider-Barclay took the cellular peptide cake. The way he was leaning over everyone, contorting himself into odd poses, and rushing to and fro was just completely awesome. He stole every scene he was in."


    I realize your comment was from years ago but I agree completely. I was cracking up watching him. How did he do it? Seriously, I hope he was paid enough. For that matter, how did any of them? They must have been cracking up every few minutes.

    This episode is memorable. I'll give it that much. And reading through the comments makes me notice that Star Trek has some very generous, forgiving fans.

    Re: TNG S7: Lower Decks

    I generally like this episode but I actually think in some ways Voyager did it better with Good Sheperd. We actually got to see some crew working in the "lower decks." It gave a very different perspective of the starship.

    I did find the discussion in this thread interesting (was Picard justified or not? Did it really have to be HER for this mission?). I'm not going to try to reopen that can of worms. However, I really have trouble getting around the huge plot device of Troi and Riker doing crew evaluations and discussing promotions in 10 Forward. Seriously? This is so inappropriate. Then Ben shares what he overhears? Instant dismissal if he was caught listening and then sharing what he heard. Well, maybe not given he shouldn't have been put in that position in the first place. This is and should be a highly confidential discussion.

    At least in Man of the People Riker was meeting Troi in her quarters to go over the evaluations.

    Oh well, it was all necessary for the plot. Worfy comes out as the best manager in this episode.

    Re: TNG S7: Sub Rosa

    Oh one more thing. I had to check to make sure it was right but Crusher's dead grandmother is played by the same actress as "Rosie" in The Wedding Singer.

    Re: TNG S7: Sub Rosa

    I'm kind of in the "so bad it's good" camp but maybe not. I will probably skip this one next time I watch TNG.

    Beverly was acting like a drug addict and I think they should have explored angle that a bit more. When she was impatiently waiting for her "ghost" lover on the Enterprise she was acting like a heroin addict jonesing for her next fix. It would also explain her abrupt change in life choices a bit more.

    Finally, I have to wonder if you are trying to recreate Scotland, why in the 24th century would you recreate (approximately) early 20th century Scotland?

    Re: TNG S7: Attached

    Personally, I think Picard put himself out there and Crusher chickened out at the last minute. That's why she couldn't get out of there fast enough. It's true that McFadden didn't do the best job delivering that line, but her acting abilities are rather limited. The director (Frakes!) may not have given her much direction there.

    Re: TNG S6: Timescape

    @ Jeffrey Jakucyk

    That makes sense but then why did the Romulan ship disappear? Option A - the Romulan ship should not have disappeared, was dead in space and the Enterprise was there to evacuate its personnel. In the meantime the aliens could rescue their young. Option B - the ship should disappear and evacuation was not necessary as there were no Romulans to evacuate. Instead we got a mix of both options that doesn't seem to work.

    Re: TNG S6: Timescape

    Illogical indeed!

    Thanks for trying, Peter G. I was surprised that I couldn't find any reference to this in the comment thread (of course it's possible I missed it and someone mentioned it at some point). It seems like such a glaring issue but perhaps it really was done on purpose. I guess we'll never know.

    Re: TNG S6: Timescape

    Need help....

    I enjoyed this episode but I am confused about one point. As the runabout explodes both the second alien and the Romulan warbird disappear. Then Picard records in his log that they "successfully evacuated the crew of the Romulan ship. We're on course to the Neutral Zone to bring them home." I can't get my head around the fact the Romulan warbird disappeared, but then they evacuated the Romulan ship and were bringing them home. I don't really understand why it disappeared in the first place? When did it come back? Why did it disappear and then (apparently) come back? What am I missing?

    Re: TNG S6: Birthright, Part II

    Wow, people really do seem to fall in love quickly in the 24th Century. Not just a crush or lust, true love. As we all know, "wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva" (Impressive Clergyman, Princess Bride).

    As much as I like Worf-y (he has some of the best one-liners in TNG) this one was weak and poorly done. The romance ruined it for me. Wouldn't it have been better if he developed an instant rapport with a Romulan/Klingon young man and then found out he was mixed? Bromance stories can be much stronger than romance stories.

    Re: TNG S6: Aquiel

    Sigh. I'm very forgiving with Star Trek. As long as I'm entertained and don't have to stretch credulity too far, I'm pretty happy. Yes, I get more out of some episodes than others and I have my preferences regarding the various styles of the episodes. However, generally I enjoy a variety of styles and situations. I've been enjoying Season 6 more than I expected, with a few not so great episodes but all watchable.

    This is probably the first episode I can honestly say I was bored out of my mind. I really hated watching Aquiel's personal logs. Yawn. It didn't get better after that. Geordi actually kissed her during the investigation? And more? What!?! Oh Geordi, Geordi, Geordi.

    I forced myself through but next time I'm watching the series, this one will get skipped!

    Re: VOY S4: Hunters


    I agree that no one will ever be able to prove what the intention was in the past with the information that is currently available. All people can do is infer from what was said and make their own conclusions. The article certainly does elaborate on Randall's point. Good find.

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