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    Re: Bob & Tom suck

    Ever notice during all that moronic fake laughing you can still hear Bob laughing even though he left almost a year ago? They must be pushing some laugh track button. I like to laugh as much as the next two guys but unless I'm on nitrous their is no way everything is that funny. They laugh like mental patients at everything. That Chick Mcgay gets of my nerves with his yelling in the back round. And most of all that damn Griswold's obsession with talking about all his kids is about as exciting as whale shit. No matter what the topic is he has to maneuver the conversion around so he can tell everyone for the 5 billionth time he has kids. Enough already.

    Re: Bob & Tom suck

    I wish these old pissers would work some new guests into the rotation once in a while. It's always the same ones, that Costopilis or whatever the fuck this douchebag's name is, Tim Dick Tebow, and that disgusting sow Ms. Fat! Another thing, whenever a funny song is being played, these morons have to keep laughing constantly is if their being gassed! I don't know why Kristi Lee came back. Those jerks still keep cutting in on her with their lame jokes when she's trying to read a news story. And finally, Chuck Mcgoo's yelling in the backround like an idiot makes me want to go on a shooting spree. Their obsession with talking about kids is a complete snore fest. The only thing that keeps me listening is Donnie Baker. I swear to God it is.

    Re: Bob & Tom suck

    I think you were right the first time Woodie. Tom is really an asshole. If I hear him talk about his damn daughter Finn one more time I think I'm gonna hurl and mail the contents to the Bob and Tom Show. Leave the potty stories at home you boring old farts!

    Re: Bob & Tom suck

    The worst part about Bob and Tom and that numb nut Chick is that they are so boring. All they talk about it is the damn NFL even when it's not even football season. Hey Magoo, their are other sports to talk about. Another thing, nothing is more boring than listening to people talk about their kids and getting their guests to talk about their kids. They all talk like they belong to some exclusive club or something and that these potty stories are all interesting. No they are not! Save them for your families. Talk about funny interesting stories and leave the diaper talk at home.

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