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    Re: VOY S2: Tuvix

    The actor is good, and so is Mulgrew, who really carries the dramatic weight of the episode (unfortunately, it tells us little about either Tuvok or Neelix). Garrett Wang seems to be having one of his hangover days.

    Re: VOY S2: Tuvix

    Am I alone in thinking this a pretty mediocre episode? "Good for Voyager," I suppose. It has the ingredients for a classic like "Duet" or "Measure of a Man" but is half-baked, so bogged down with technobabble and tedious explanations that it has almost no time to let the meat of it, its moral debate, unfold properly. In fact, there's scarcely any debate at all, in the episode -- fans have done with the work instead. So you can say, "Good that it's inspired discussion" -- well, better than nothing, but so much of this discussion owes precious little to the episode itself (and in fact frankly often reads like it's being written by people with very faint recollections of the episode itself). It's like someone took the structure of a patented TREK MORAL ISSUE EPISODE but knew the notes but not the music.

    I hate to say it, but Enterprise did it better with "Similitude."

    Re: TOS S2: Who Mourns for Adonais?

    I wish there would be some mechanism here for people to fork off into heir own private nattering back and forth off topic ramblings of brain-vomit and not clutter up these comment sections with irrelevance.

    Re: TNG S7: Gambit

    Colourful off-format episodes. It doesn't fit with TNG really comfortably but at least it tries something different, this rollicking B-movie format, where most of the late-term episodes are stolidly familiar.

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