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    Re: BSG S4: Daybreak, Part 2 (April Fools Version)

    I was happy with about 90% of the finale. The non-resolution of Starbuck didn't bug me too much, nor did the oblique higher power references. As an avid reader of science and anthropology, I actually kind of enjoyed the mitochondrial eve thing, although I would have placed their entry at the dawn of civilization about 7,000 years or so in the past. I consider author Graham Hancock mildly full of poo, but some of his lost civilization ideas would have mixed in nicely with the end of BSG. What did annoy me was that Gaius and Caprica did not end up with Hera. It was nice that Helo and Athena made it through to the end, but I feel like it was a cop-out and took away from the impact of the opera house. As for the rejection of technology, I didn't like that as it was in the broadcast version, and I hope the extended cuts reference the decrepit state of the ships and complete lack of resources. That would justify Apollo's proposal a bit more.

    I do feel that BSG was Ron Moore's baby, and it's not our place to fault him for the completion of his final picture. Obviously, a fair amount of his personal philosophy is in the show, and I think the finale was a legitimate artistic expression of that. I (and it sounds like many of you) don't necessarily share the same views, but it doesn't keep me from appreciating the art.

    As for he point of "New Caprica" or the inssurection; maybe that was captivating storytelling. At leas I enjoyed those episodes. Events in real history eventually lose their impact, but that doesn't mean they don't matter (has the Alamo affected you lately?).

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