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    Re: TOS S2: Amok Time

    love the lirpas and the atmosphere of this episode in general, the foundation for vulcan culture as we see it later on

    Re: ENT S4: Awakening

    lol i love that exchange between trip and soval, soval really becomes likeable this season which i enjoyed from the aspect of finding him super irritating (in a good way, to be clear) in the first two seasons. i always love when someone who seems like a dick turns out to be not so bad and comes around.

    but yea the exchange between them was something like "i lived among humans for 30 years and grew an affinity for the planet and its people" to which trip says "you did a good job of hiding it" and then soval with the long pause ".... thank you" gave me a laugh, especially with traditional vulcans not being into giving thanks, he genuinely thanked archer in the previous ep and thanked trip as a sort of joke (odd for a vulcan to take part in a joke)

    what i like about this beyond the humor is the clear indication that soval is willing to take part in human things, and see humans as equals, while early in the show he was "hiding" that mindset very well to where he seemed like he disliked humans. but in fact its that he always saw great potential in them and actually gives a shit.

    just a ramble

    Re: ENT S4: Home

    also want to add, ive only seen every single trek series for the first time 2 years ago, within a single year. so i dont think i have any nostalgia blinders on. even as flawed as ENT can be sometimes (and tbh, most of the series including TOS have quite a few flaws and dud episodes too) and as much as i dislike the theme song (lol) it feels a billion times more like star trek than the stuff that is being put out now as star trek (picard and disco) ... if you like those shows thats fine but yea, they have become a chore to watch and i dont feel that way about any other star trek series except for maybe the most dated of TOS or early TNG (code of honor lmao)

    Re: ENT S4: Home

    "Whoever started the rumor that season 4 is the best, most focused, etc., should go into marketing, or at least porn. The waves of raging unquestioning boners for what is just another season of "Star Trek: Wasted Potential" is mind boggling."

    yea nah. its a good season, this is a good episode. is it as great as the best moments of tng/ds9? no.... is it better than the worst moments of those shows? definitely. there are weak episodes of this show too, id put it on the same level as voyager or even tos, a mix of good and meh episodes. ultimately its all so much better than what we have now for "star trek" that ive really enjoyed my rewatch of enterprise.

    it was nice to get a break from all the action of the xindi war arc and i have to say i think the second half of the xindi war arc season is great other than the very very end that starts the time travel nazi stuff, kinda felt like a weird way to end it, but im glad it also got rid of the temporal cold war which is the weakest aspect of the show. at this point its all about the federation getting together via multiple events among different species, and the augments situation w the klingons which i sort of forgot about, but im very excited for the vulcan and andorian based episodes of this season. some of the episodes later this season are as good as any of the best trek epiosdes. probably the closest feel to the good episodes of TOS out of any season in any series (other than the first two seasons of TNG but that was like bad TOS lol)

    Re: ENT S3: Rajiin

    Damn, i see so much hate thrown at this show in a lot of the comments, well... not hate... fair criticism, but i just wanted to add, id rather watch some of the weaker episodes of this show (often considered the weaker of the trek series, although i personally think s4 is up there w some of the best of tng and ds9, and i enjoy s3 even though its different) than watch any of disco or picard... i know thats not saying much but god ive tried to give discovery 4 seasons now and i can think of 1 episode i liked, and could barely tell you the crew. i remember when i first saw this i wwas always bugged by how mayweather hardly got any characterization compared to others, yet even HE gets more characterization in entire episodes about him, or more lines in episodes that have no focus on him, than the entire bridge crew of discovery combined minus like 3 characters.

    I saw every single trek series for the first time 2 years ago so i dont think i have nostalgia blinders either... basically my point being, even though stuff like this xindi war arc try to do something different, something that feels a bit less trek, it still FEELS like star trek for the most part. the pacing, the interpersonal relationships. even with the hokey or weak episodes, even with some of the poorer writing... why is it that i can remember this whole crew from one watchthrough and care about them but couldnt tell you half the crews name on disco or picard?

    ik i seem like im turning this into a shitting on the writing of new-trek post, but its mainly cus ive seen quite a few negative comments about how people gave up after the first 2 seasons of this show and were tired after voyager. i get it... but i guess as someone who saw all the star trek shows for the first time in my life at 24 yrs old 2 years back all within a year, i quite enjoyed enterprise, flaws and all. the first two seasons of TNG are p atrocious but there are still some absolute gems in both of those seasons. i think the same applies to this show and its a shame it was cancelled after season 4. id watch literally any enterprise episode over having to rewatch any episode of the new-trek. like seriously, watch an episode of discover and then watch an episode of this... if you thought *this* show didnt feel like trek, in comparison this show is trek as hell. the new stuff is a genuine example of what happens when you throw what trek is out the window and make a dystopian generic sci fi star wars show with star trek paint over it.

    anyway, just been watching along to all the star trek series again doing a big rewatcha nd enjoying reading along w jammers reviews and the comments as i do, even comments i dont fully agree with, i remember using this site during my first watch through it adds to the experience for sure : )

    just sharing my opinions, tng and ds9 are my favorites but yea i think ENT gets some undeserved hate from people who were tired (understandably) or who grew up w a certain star trek (understandable) ... but as someone who watched them all recently, this show still FEELS like star trek to me, even though the show has a lot of flaws (As does voyager, the beginning of tng, and all the series at one point or another) the fact that it feels like trek still and i actually know who the characters are after even the first season absolutely shits on what new star trek feels like. cant wait to get to s4 w some more shran action : )

    Re: VOY S3: Real Life

    I watched this one with my two young sons and it was quite touching. A credit to Picardo. So much lost potential in all of these unused story lines.

    Re: TNG S7: Journey's End

    I just watched this again today after going through the entire series and really disliked it. What an awful way to wrap up the Westley character. During the first run, I just remember being happy to see him again but on my recent rewatching, the entire episode felt disingenuous. The Indian stuff was ridiculous and although I loved the Traveler tie in the episode writing was bad.

    I've been enjoying reading through the blog and everyone's comments as I go through episode by episode. It makes it more enjoyable.

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