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    Re: New Trek series coming in 2017

    @Robert - The ability to watch out-of-order is a key part of preserving rewatchability. If the series compels you to watch it in order it will lose something as a series. Shows that you watch through in order can be a great first time experience but the return dimenishes sharply on rewatch. Whereas shows that are comprised of more stand alone episodes (even if they are contained within a larger arc) can be enjoyed many times without losing much value.

    Basically, I'm looking for a series that will hold up in the long run and I would be willing to sacrifice some initial enthralment (but not much) for the cause.

    Re: New Trek series coming in 2017

    I agree with the idea of sprawling, cohesive, story arcs. And I agree 10 meta-plot episodes a season is a good number. But I would still like 26 episodes a season because it allows for the very trek-important stand out episodes, character study episodes, political parallel episodes, and playful episodes. Without those in the mix it won't feel like a trek series. Also, having those episodes in the mix preserves rewatchability of the series which is a huge part of trek also.

    Re: TNG S3: A Matter of Perspective

    The big plot hole for me is when Manua says that it was Riker's idea for them to stay at the station. Picard should have known immediately that was wrong, and it would have been a simple matter to contact the planet and verify with the hotel that reservations had been made.

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