Review Text
Ah, at last, here's the most absolutely necessary episode of TNG's second season. Q forces Picard to hear his request to join the Enterprise crew as a guide. In a wonderful dialog scene that gets to the heart of the human drive for learning by personal experience, Picard refuses on the grounds that Q's presence would defeat the purpose of exploration. (That, and no one likes Q anyway.) To prove his point with a twist of the knife, Q hurls the Enterprise into an unexplored part of the galaxy (two years away from the nearest Federation outpost), bringing the Enterprise into contact with a cybernetic alien species called the Borg. (The episode also implies that the Borg were responsible for the destroyed colonies along the Romulan Neutral Zone.)
The best aspect of "Q Who" is its ability to mix the intellectual with the visceral. In other words, it's the best kind of TNG action show, and should stand as a lesson to sci-fi shows that are action-oriented: Your action works only if it grows from a point of emotion, in this case genuine scariness. The Borg are scary precisely because they cannot be reasoned with and because their technology is vastly superior to the Enterprise's — and those two avenues are the basis by which nearly all TNG stories are typically solved. The Borg have often been described simply as "implacable," and I agree that that's the best adjective for them. They are an implacable foe, and we learn that very quickly by their behavior in this episode.
The industrial-cube design of the Borg vessel is brilliant in its simplicity: Here's a society that has no regard for style or aesthetics but simply raw function. When they communicate, it's with terse directives; they epitomize the laconic. The episode puts good use to Guinan by revealing that not only has she had past dealings with Q, but that her people's world was destroyed by the Borg, essentially turning them into nomads.
Because this is an episode of TNG, the crew is still genuinely curious about the Borg, as are we. An away team beams over to the Borg ship and we get a chance to see their hive-like society, with imaginative visuals and production design. The "Borg nursery" is an intriguingly chilling detail. Such ominous concepts are all the more interesting to ponder when considering the presence of the young and naïve, evidenced here by the cute and plucky Ensign Sonya Gomez (Lycia Naff), whose infectious drive to do her part as a member of the Enterprise crew is met here only with danger. If the show had truly wanted to punch us in the stomach with its dark ambitions, it would've had Gomez die.
The episode plays by its rules. The Borg are a superior and implacable enemy, period, and the only way out is through Q, to whom Picard makes an urgent plea for help when there are no other options. Q sums it up nicely when he says, "It's not safe out here." Indeed, and it's nice to be reminded of that by an episode that is equally as visceral as it is curious, and all but promises that the Borg will be coming for us. If ever an episode deserved to be saved for a season finale in a season that didn't have an adequate (or even tolerable) finale, it's this one.
Previous episode: Pen Pals
Next episode: Samaritan Snare
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135 comments on this post
John Campbell
Regarding "Q Who?":
I love how Picard attempts to get on his moral high horse about the crewmen who were killed, and Q basically tells him to stop being such a big baby.
Dan B
I love Q episodes. I've always wondered why they never included Q into any of the feature films. His dialoge writes itself and hes a fantastic charactor.
Latex Zebra
This episode gives me chills. Even now, the intro of the Borg was well worthy.
awesome episode
Now if only the Borg had stayed like this, or at least evolved into something different than what was done with them in Voyager. Wheeling and dealing, bribing and coercing, cunning and untrustworthy etc.
None of those adjectives should apply to a race of cybernetic zombies who seek perfection through the assimilation of other species. You're either pursued and assimilated (or escape) or you're ignored as too primitive. No deals!
The Borg should have just ignored Enterprise, since it is way too "primitive" compared to their technology. What would be their gain by assimilating them? Just a waste of time!
The episode is awesome, possibly the best of this season. But having watched Voyager and First Contact movie, Borg in this episode look less frightening and simple, wearing too much plastic.
The dialog in this episode really sells it. Picard's reasoning for not accepting Q is pitch perfect ("Learning about you is frankly provocative. But you're next of kin to chaos."). The dialog on the bridge at the end is great, too. The episode is also probably the best use of Guinan in the entire series (next to "Yesterday's Enterprise").
Also, I think this is the first episode where Q becomes focused on Picard (as opposed to Riker in "Hide and Q" and just general mayhem in "Farpoint"). I think the scene in Ten Forward is where Q changes his focus that then carries through to the end of the series.
In that way, this episode does far more than put the Borg storyline in motion. Also, it's interesting that TNG -- which wasn't much into continuing storylines up until this point -- drops hints about the Borg for the next season and a half ("Peak Performance", "Evolution").
The claim that Q "brought contact with the Borg much sooner than it should have been", which Guinan alludes here, would seem to run counter to the notion that the Borg are responsible for he destruction in the Neutral Zone...the Neutral Zone isn't remote.
Wonderful episode. As xaaos said, it's probably this season's best.
It is funny now, my first reaction to it was negative. I wasn't very conviced by the episode and when Ginan started talking about the evil aliens that destroyed her world I was ready for yet another disposable alien of the week.
But...the BORG, the B-O-R-G! They were just awesome and I didn't mind their suits, sure they'd get better but it's still light-years ahead of most early TNG designs (The Ferengi, anyone?)
And, of course, Q is great. He always is :)
William B
One of the best things about making the introduction to the Borg happen in a Q episode is that it allows an "out" fully consistent with the TNG universe and the episode's own rules which do nothing to diminish the threat the Borg pose. There is no way the Enterprise could escape the Borg in this episode, full stop. Essentially, Q tells Picard (and the audience) that the only way to get out of being destroyed by the Borg is to ask for Q's help, which runs *hard* counter to Picard's wishes and to our desire to see the Enterprise triumph. We also get the clear indication that since Q won't get them into the next mess, he will not get them out of it.
This episode is just plain genius. Ron Jones' score is haunting and memorable. And beyond the introduction to the Borg, we get a cryptic backstory for both Q and Guinan whose dealings were 2 centuries ago (the 22nd century).
Just think of it: we could have had an episode of Star Trek: Enterprise with a clever story showing Q and Guinan's "dealings". (I think they were husband and wife at some point...) It could have been epic and mythic during the Manny Coto years. No, instead we get the Ferengi and the Borg shoehorned in instead...*puke*
Chuck AzEee!
Arguably the funniest episode of TNG I have ever seen. Just plain hilarious, so funny it seemed at times the cast was trying to hold their composure during most of the scenes.
Chuck AzEee!
I'm sorry about my previous review which was meant for Deja Q.
Chuck... Let's pretend your comment suits either episode. :)
Now that I think about it, mixing Q with the Borg is a fundamentally flawed idea, contrary to what William B suggests. Taking Q at his word, he believes Homo sapiens (and presumably allied species) to be a "grievously savage child race" worthy of extermination... unless we solve his puzzles and play his games. Yet the Borg, which Q is clearly aware of, have escaped his judgment. Why?
Maybe Q is lying about his attitude toward humanity. Or maybe, in the fullness of time, the Borg will meet the same judgment, but not this century (and, apparently, not in centuries past). Or maybe Q's indictment was for all non-transcendental beings, not Earthlings alone, and Q lumps humans and the Borg in the same category.
Or maybe Q is a huge hypocrite who applies a double standard. Which is what it looks like when the writers ignore their previous premise for the sake of introducing the new Big Bad.
The Borg are like a force of nature. What good is it for Q to put them on trial. It would like trying to prosecute locusts. There would be no entertainment value in that.
The Dominion, on the other hand would be interesting. I'd love to have seen the Female Changeling try to intimidate Judge Q and fail miserably.
The more obvious possibility (which I overlooked earlier) is suggested by Q's admiration for the Borg in this episode. He has judged them; they meet his approval.
William B
I think it's a bit more complicated -- it's stated several times that the Q Continuum is *interested* in humanity, e.g. their interest in giving Riker Q powers to test him out, Amanda Rogers' parents taking such an interest in humans they decided to turn human, etc. Either Picard or Riker in "Hide and Q" theorize that the Q Continuum is actually worried about what will happen when humanity increase in power. The Borg assimilate but it stands to reason that the Q Continuum don't see in the Borg the human capacity for growth that make the Q Continuum interested in humanity and _possibly_ concerned about it in its future.
As far as Q himself, we know that he doesn't have the right to toy with whole races (like the Callamarain in Deja Q) and the Q Continuum punishes him for doing so. It would not surprise me if he couldn't wipe out the Borg if the Q Continuum has no interest in doing so, without severe punishment or expulsion. Q himself at least does seem to *want* humanity and Picard to pass the tests he puts in front of them (made explicit in All Good Things). He doesn't interfere enough to save humanity from the Borg, but he gives them a head's up which is mostly what allows them the mild level of preparedness they have by TBOBW.
I don't want to overstate Q's helpfulness -- he does that trickster figure thing of giving enough information to inflame the thoughts of Picard et al. to get to the character growth they need, but he does so at a price and refuses to hold to human moral standards or respect for life.
William B
To bring Voyager into this for a second, "Death Wish" even suggests that Quinn is responsible for Riker's existence and thus for Riker's saving humanity from the Borg; and the idea that humanity can expand in creative ways but the Borg can simply assimilate other tech comes up in "Scorpion." I don't know if my suggestion about the Continuum being interested and concerned about humanity because it has greater possibility to expand than other species (like the Borg) is text exactly, but I think it is consistent.
This still leaves open the question, which comes up so often in Trekdom, of why humanity is so awesome, as opposed to the Vulcans/Klingons/Romulans/Cardassians/Bajorans/Betazoids/whatever. I like Grumpy's idea that maybe Q was lumping all these races in with humans, but All Good Things suggests that it's Earth in particular that is in jeopardy.
"...All Good Things suggests that it's Earth in particular that is in jeopardy."
An anomaly in the Romulan Neutral Zone that disrupts all life isn't going to affect Earth alone. However, I'm not so sure there was ever any threat at all...
Q doesn't evolve from judge to trickster, I'm now convinced. He was *never* a judge; the trial was a sham. It was his way of tormenting humanity. The most exquisite torment Roddenberry conceived for his evolved humans is to accuse them of not evolving enough. This is especially hurtful to Picard, ever the mouthpiece for Roddenberry's humanism. Q's needling in "All Good Things..." brings it full circle: his examples of *not* trying to change and grow -- Riker's career and Data's quest -- are precisely how most humans would try to better themselves.
In other words, Q is neither judge nor teacher. He is, as Picard observes, "next of kin to chaos," and his only motivation is to screw with people. The screwing takes the form of a thorough humbling in "Q Who?" and (barring events outside his control in "Deja Q") that's all he ever did in one form or another. No wonder Picard hated him.
Fair to bring Voyager into it, William B, especially the contrast with the Borg in "Scorpion." In that sense, perhaps "Endgame" should be read as extending the theme of "All Good Things..." but in a way that was muddled by its crappiness.
William B
@Grumpy, good point about the anomaly starting in the Neutral Zone -- I was just flashing back to Q showing Picard the amino acids not forming on Earth, but of course it would basically destroy life in most of the Alpha/Beta quadrants.
I agree about Q as trickster, though I think he actually is a bit of a teacher and a judge in some ways too -- he's ... a bit of everything. I do think humanity (and other races) would have been destroyed had Picard not resolved the dilemma, but then again I think Q always suspected (knew?) Picard would win, so....
"The most exquisite torment Roddenberry conceived for his evolved humans is to accuse them of not evolving enough. This is especially hurtful to Picard, ever the mouthpiece for Roddenberry's humanism. Q's needling in "All Good Things..." brings it full circle: his examples of *not* trying to change and grow -- Riker's career and Data's quest -- are precisely how most humans would try to better themselves."
Agreed -- I would go further and say that that is what the show is arguing too. Picard needs to use his personal connections as resources to solve the mystery; if he hadn't worried about Commander Riker's career future!Riker wouldn't be the admiral ready to save him despite an unstable political situation based on Picard's role in getting him to admiralty (though we also know that future didn't end up coming to pass), for example.
I really wish the Q - Guinan story had been built up a bit more... seems like it would have been interesting, plus the poses they struck when they saw each other, would have helped us to learn a bit more about Guinan's species.
Frank Wallace
A great episode. But for me, the problem is that each time the Borg were used afterwards, except for Best of Both Worlds, they got less and less worthwhile. Voyager just totally destroyed most of what was interesting and good about the Borg as a villain and as a species. First Contact as well established some real stupidity with the Borg Sex Queen.
Can anyone answer why Guinan seems to be the only crewmember not wearing a communicator badge (combadge)?
@dipads: She's not a crewmember. And like other civilians on the ship (Alexander?) she doesn't wear a com badge.
This episode is obviously brilliant, but it's also incredibly ambitious. There are moments here where I forget that I'm watching TV and not a movie. The dialogue is poetic at times. The lighting choices gives it an air of intimacy and intrigue. The acting is superb. The drama is very real.
And since I'm a musician, I have to call out Ron Jones here for special acclaim. Whenever I consider what was lost when he was removed before season 5, I think of this episode. The music is inventive and communicates the feelings of the characters clearly and without taking attention away from them. Just the variety of tools he uses from his original instrumentation to stark dissonance .... it's very impressive.
And at the end - for total contrast - once the Enterprise is safe, he introduces a sweeping theme (the "They will be coming" theme) that at once is reassuring but suggestive and hauntingly beautiful. To me, it suggests that the crew has entered a new paradigm now that they've encountered the Borg.
Hear it here:
Just watch a few fifth season episodes where the music is mostly wallpaper, and hop back to this episode. It was a serious loss for the series to have that change in values about what the music could bring the show.
What an episode.
Nick P.
Ian, finally, someone like me with regards to trek music. Despite everyone saying how TNG got better as it went along, I find season 5-7 almost unwatchable because of the scoring. If you watch the borg episode from the season 6 and this one back to back, the season 6 one cannot even compare. whether it is acting or affects, but most importantly the music. Trek lost something huge in Jones (or at least the era).
"Oh please"
With those two words, and years before the words Deep Space 9 were ever uttered, Gene Roddenberry's magical utopia finally and thankfully died.
I'm not one of those people who think that morally gray storylines, edgy stories, and corrupt societies automatically make stories better; quite the opposite in fact. I like the broad optimism of Star Trek. I like the moral decency of Picard. It's a strong and necessary part of Trek, and one I agree with completely. But there's a difference between a generally positive look to the future and a silly perfectionist world that Roddenberry envisioned for TNG. That just reeks of smug superiority, as if he knew better than the rest of us how to live. It made for insufferable speeches and boring stories. It's difficult to write for Superman; not impossible, but difficult. And if done incorrectly, it reeks of arrogance and a holier-than-thou attitude. I don't want to hear about how much smarter and better Gene Roddenberry is. I want to see wondrous sci fi stories set in a fun space opera universe. Optimism is fine, perfection isn't.
Think about it. What was the theme of this episode, once you get past the awesome music and the fun Q antics and the bizarre and incredible presence of the Borg? Q humbling Picard. Picard, who represents all that is right with humanity, "evolved" past all frailties and irrationalities and failures of us simple modern day humans, thought he was ready for anything. Thought the Enterprise was the pinnacle of existence. And Q simply proved him wrong. And Picard admitted it. He was smug. He was arrogant. He needed to be humbled.
"Perhaps what we needed was a kick in our own complacency, to prepare us for what lies ahead"
It is, in fact, the exact opposite of the first two Q episodes. In both of them, it ends with Picard proving Q wrong (first about humanity in general, then about Riker). And in both of them, Q acts very much like Trelane by the end of the episode, essentially a whiny petulant child. It's all part of the greatness of humanity in that we're even better than an omnipresent being with an IQ of 2,005. But Q here, being smarter than Picard and more importantly being right works so much better. Of course, he's still a complete jerk about the whole thing. He's certainly not llikable. But by providing a more than adequate foil for Picard, a foil that he can at best tolerate but never defeat, works so much better. Sure, it regresses a bit after this, but Tapestry and True Q have Q right back in the mode he was in here. A mode he is perfect for. And a mode that sets up All Good Things very very well. In any case, the first two Q episodes were emblematic of Roddenberry's view of humanity, which is completely rewritten with this episode.
And it doesn't go too far in cutting down the utopia either (Like DS9 arguably did). Despite being wrong, Picard's still the hero. And he's still the hero by the end of the episode, and he's still the best that humanity has to offer. He is absolutely right to be concerned and angry about the death of 18 people. But Q is absolutely right that, in the grand scheme of things, 18 people is nothing. It is to Picard, because he's responsible for them. But Q's actions here may have saved all of humanity by preparing the Federation for the Borg. So in that perspective, the death of 18 people may have led to a greater good.
And so Picard doesn't press the point. He doesn't let his pride get in the way. He begs for his life from Q. And he recognizes the value of what Q did. He recognizes his mistakes and moves on. Just like Trek. And so we can still maintain the optimism of the Trek world, we can still maintain hope in the future. We just need to understand that it's "good", not "perfect". It's Spider-Man instead of Superman. And this action by Q was all that was needed to get TNG to that point, and thus allowing the series to shine.
And even if my thematic interpretation is way off base, this is the best episode of the series so far, hands down. An absolute joy to watch from beginning to end.
William B
@SkepticalMI, brilliant analysis. I think you're right, and this is what makes this episode change the series for the better. This episode is the thing that allows both "The Best of Both Worlds" and "All Good Things" (among others) because both episodes rely on the possibility that humans might not survive; in BOBW that they are not strong enough, in AGT that Picard himself is not good enough. There is real humility in both stories, and that humility begins here.
Thanks for the kind words William. And I enjoy your analyses as well; even if I don't agree with you it's usually a unique insight into the episodes.
One other minor thing I noticed. In Q Who, Tapestry, and All Good Things, Q is generally fond of Picard and is trying to help him out, albeit in his own alien way that is difficult for Picard to accept. And indeed, Picard is very opposed to Q throughout the episode(s), but ends up at least understanding Q at the end. It's probably the best portrayal of Q. It's also the portrayal in QPid, but I guess it didn't really work out in that one...
This is for me the first truly great TNG episode so far. For the first time, the Enterprise is confronted with a threat that's genuinely scary. The Borg will become the most iconic of any Star Trek antagonist, save perhaps for the Klingons. They're scary in a way that the silly all-powerful beings or self-reproducing crystals of earlier episodes were not (not to mention tarpit monsters).
As SkepticalMI stated, I agree that this is a watershed moment, or at least, since I haven't watched the rest of the series yet, it's the first time that the Enterprise crew gets its own smugness rubbed in its face. I think this is especially welcome after all the arrogance displayed in the previous episode, Pen Pals.
The Enterprise is vulnerable, not invincible. It's the first time that we see it being defeated. Picard has to beg Q. I think that this is much better than in previous episodes when the Federation super heroes were shown defeating Q, who is supposed to be an all-powerful being after all. They also don't get their 18 crew members back. That hurts.
I also love the brilliant acting by John de Lancie.
My only criticism is when Guinan is shown as potentially having magical powers like Q. That seemed to come out of nowhere.
Tom, my criticism is related to the same issue you have, but from a different angle. I thought it was quite intriguing that they set Guinan up to have a lot more to her than meets the eye; my disappointment is that they dropped this thread and never went back to flesh it out (other than showing she could perceive alternate timelines to a degree).
Dave B in MN
We all know it's a great episode, so I'll have to echo what others have said and praise Ron Jones again for such a wonderful musical score. He's a part of the reason I love earlier TNG (before Season 6) so much.
I love your analysis, particularly the part about the "broad optimism" of Trek. I don't think the "magical utopia" ever truly died, especially in TNG.
Case in point: Picard not destroying the collective when presented with the opportunity. I guess the writers didn't have the courage to let him go through with it. A pity, because that's as close as TNG could have come to a "In The Pale Moonlight" moment, discounting alternate (Yesterday's Enterprise) timelines and such.
The Borg were hands down the scariest Trek villains. One could have lived under Dominion Rule, with hope of a better tomorrow. Not so in the Borg Collective. I can watch this episode and BoBW two decades after the fact and still get chills up my spine. Can't say that any of the Dominion episodes invoke that sort of response.
Can't help but think that if this were BSG, Gomez would have been blown into space/machine-gunned by Cylons/nuked/met some other grisly end early on in the encounter with the Borg.
Great episode, best use of Q since "Hide and Q" and still sends chills down my spine on repeat viewings despite the relatively cheap effects and costumes by today's standards.
I guess that goes to say there's only so much CGI can do and in the end, it all depends on good writers. If I ever run a TV show, I would splurge extra money to get the best writers possible even if it meant below average effects. Just look at Doctor Who, or even the original Star Trek.
This is the one episode that can end with our heroes on the NCC-1701-D getting their ass handed to them and it still comes off as awesome. TNG solves problems usually with some variance of negotiation and technology. The Borg won't negotiate - they just want your ship and won't listen to you - and their tech is light years ahead of Starfleet's, knocking out their main advantage. And no matter what ingenious solution you come up with, the Borg will just adapt and keep on coming. At the root, I think that's what made the Borg so scary this time around.
Best line goes to Q: "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross, but it's not for the timid."
(I had that quote in mind during the closing scene of VOY's lame "Friendship One".)
No you didn't. You watched sfdebris' review of "Friendship One" and came here to tout it as your own opinion. I think it's great to bring in other reviewer's opinions here for debate, but plagiarising is a step too far.
Was always amused in this episode when Picard orders Worf to "locate the exact source of that tractor beam, lock on phasers" and it takes Worf 4 shots to actually even come close to remotely hitting it =D
I'm sorry, but I can't jump on the bandwagon for this episode. Now, it certainly doesn't suck, but some of the editing/pacing of this episode is really choppy. Primarily where it concerns Guinan. Guinan, for some reason, gives only bits and pieces of information about the Borg at any one time. You'd think that as someone whose race has been hit by Borg, she'd be a little more aggressive about telling the Enterprise to get out of there. But no, instead she sits down in a conference with the officers, then a battle happens, and then another conference with Guinan where she (and Q) finally explain what the Borg are. It makes sense for Q to hide things, but Guinan really should just get it all out there.
Other than that, this episode is good. The Borg are interesting, Q is Q, and the annoying girl in engineering isn't that bad.
[unconvincing rationalization]
Guinan isn't more concerned because she knows that the events of "Time's Arrow II" have not yet occurred from Picard's point of view, and therefore Picard and the Enterprise will survive their encounter with the Borg for their future to intersect with her past.
[/unconvincing rationalization]
Sonya Gomez should have died. Too much makeup and not enough acting skills. Rest of episode was great.
This was the first episode I showed my wife, followed up with The Best of Both Worlds 1 & 2 to see if she like TNG. Unfortunately, she didn't really like them and actually though TBOBW1 was boring (!!!!) I think a lot of how much these 3 episodes impact the viewer depends on how much the crew has grown on you. In her case, she never followed Picard and co so you might not really care what happens to them in these dire circumstances.
Oh well, at least she liked DS9's "The Visitor" so there's some hope.
The Man
Sonya is fine and she doesn't have to much make up she is beautiful. And she is a fine actress.
I always cut Sonya Gomez some slack because she is walking around with that third breast.(Cookie for you if you know what I am talking about).
Haha, I know what you're talking about. What kind of cookie do I get?
Diamond Dave
A classic episode by any criteria. The introduction of the Borg as a new existential threat is extremely well handled - especially compared to the introduction of the Romulans earlier on in the series. As a harbinger of doom this is also nicely done - we now know the Borg are out there, know they are coming, but know it will be a while before they arrive.
The seriousness of the threat is nailed home by having the crew fail to overcome the problem - and Picard forced to beg to Q to get them out of trouble subverts our expectations of the series.
Elsewhere, the back story for Guinan gives sudden and unexpected depth to that character. The score, as noted above, is excellent. The character design - while it will be still improved in the future - is right there, and the Borg cube design is genius. These are not beings who care about form - just brutal, efficient functionality.
You also have to wonder why Gomez was introduced and not the first to be assimilated - perhaps a further clever twist on our expectations? A worthy 4 stars.
Three brief comments:
1) yes, brilliant score!
2) Sonya dying would have been too predictable and I think it was smart to not kill her.
3) great shot when the away team is on the Borg cube and it pans out so show layer upon layer of Borg chambers. Seems The Matrix would borrow this idea. Great wow factor.
@Del_Duio If your wife is anything like me, show her "The Host" and "Lessons" and see if that piques her interest. You chose some very hard sci-fi episodes to get her started, so go for the romantic side. If not, try "Data's Day" to see if she likes humor. (And really--you married a non-Trekker? Wasn't that risky? ;-)
Now, to all you people up above me writing words and words and lines and lines and paragraphs and paragraphs to try and analyze Q's motives and what it all means--
And that includes Jammer, of course.
The best part of this site is that the original reviews are never the end. Lots of smart and insightful people come and say smart and insightful things. I just love it. The first comment on this episode was 6 years ago and still we talk! Yay!
I've been sick for a couple of days, so have been forced to do nothing--I am not too unhappy since I just started rewatching some TNG and coming here to comment. My tummy is sick but my brain is happy. Thank you to all who contribute here.
And now my input. Q is a psychopathic toddler squatting over an anthill with a magnifying glass, and not half as interesting.
Latex Zebra
I'm sure the vaguely mischievous among us would love to teach a few cocky people a lesson and if we had powers, all the better.
Would we murder several innocent work colleagues of that person to prove a point... Perhaps not.
I actually think Picard is a little arrogant at the start and Q, being Q, is bang on by teaching them a lesson.
Picard: Yeah we're awesome.
Q: Shit gets real out here.
Picard: Bring it...
Q: *Rolls eyes*
The fact that Picard realises this at the end is smart writing as well.
I never tire of this episode and even among the likes of Breaking Bad, Walking Dead or Game of Thrones this is quality, timeless TV.
Ian, finally, someone like me with regards to trek music. Despite everyone saying how TNG got better as it went along, I find season 5-7 almost unwatchable because of the scoring. If you watch the borg episode from the season 6 and this one back to back, the season 6 one cannot even compare. whether it is acting or affects, but most importantly the music. Trek lost something huge in Jones (or at least the era).--Nick P.
Sir, I totally agree with you.
A goid episode...the first scene is horrible...i could do without the sonya gomez character...but the borg were wicked.
Just watching this for the first time in awhile. I think the teaser with Ensign Sonya Gomez is actually relevant to the meeting with the Borg. Sonya is incredibly eager to be out on the Enterprise exploring the unknown. The crew of the Enterprise, as representatives of humanity, are also eager to explore the unknown.
Q points out the pitfalls of sprinting blindly into something new. This can apply as much to Sonya's over-enthusiasm on the Enterprise as it does to the crew exploring space. Another fine touch for what is a great episode.
This is a classic episode and deserves full marks for good reason, a true original that open the doors to many other stories down the line.
Most people don't read the novels post TNG/DS9/VOY, but I like the take on the Borg, except for Voyager novel with Janeway's stupid death.
Q is actually trying to help humanity in this initial encounter, giving the Enterprise a clear first contact with the Borg, not in our own backyard, but in the Delta Quadrant itself. It's semantics, but it could have been the key factor for why the Borg invasion did not occur earlier in Season 2/3 and it gave people like Commander Shelby a chance to prepare along with others in Starfleet, I wonder what Section 31 would have done at the last moment if the Enterprise didn't stop the cube in BoBw-2 (probably throw out a planet killer to take on the cube or launch a protomatter bomb).
Also to address an interesting discussion from years back on this blog, the novels explained a reason why Q do not judge theBorg in the same way they do other species. In the Novel series Canon, Destiny Series, the Borg originated from a species called the Caeliar, who have mastered the control of Omega molecules, the very essence of what created the universe itself. Basically, we're talking God-Like equivalent species, so the Q Continuum would not have oversight over another advanced civilization's messes, they got their screw ups and others have their problems. The Q, specifically De Lancie's Q and maybe even Graham Q from Voy Death Wish, though are guiding mankind on a path and destiny towards some kind of future, potentially to the same state of evolutionary advancement, so their interest only intersect up to a certain point as teachers.
Even the novels don't explain everything, there's a lot of guesswork in Star Trek and we can argue for eternity or into "Forever" without a clear answer as to the Borg or what Q intent was.
It seems I am in extreme minority about some of the characters of Star Trek. For me, Q was one of the most annoying characters, no only in Star Trek universe, but about any single piece of television or mainstream movies I have ever seen.
If I will ever re-watch Star Trek from start to finish, I will make sure to skip ANY episode with Q or Lwaxana Troi.
What I hate most about Star Trek is god-like, omnipotent, invulnerable characters, who you can't seemingly oppose in any way. And for the necessity of plot to go through, you have to invent either Deus Ex Machina, or some unbelievable piece of influential speech which affects such characters, when in reality, with IQ of Q and his disregard of most life forms (especially petty humans... why is he interested in us so much anyway?), it would be impossible for any minor humanoid to influence or change his mind in any way.
Like there's no way that earth-worm will do anything to convince me to not use it for fishing purposes when I can.
I loath Q with passion and any episode he is in, is zero for me
As I recall the body count / "red shirts" factor in TNG at this point was extremely low, so the death of 18 crew members at once, even off-screen, came as a big shock to the characters and audience alike. Previous to this, the lack of death of Starfleet personnel on TNG (especially of the gruesome variety) was almost comically opposite the TOS cliche (with only a few exceptions, like "Conspiracy"). I assume this was Roddenberry's utopian influence again. This episode brought the season 1 and 2 redshirt average up to typical Trek standards in a single show. They upped the ante again in The Best of Both Worlds with the battle of Wolf 359, but by then, they had to so we'd feel the same kind of gut punch.
Incidentally, I saw the Enterprise D cross-section model (the one the Borg carve out) at the Star Trek exhibit in Seattle, it was impressively detailed. I got the chills all over again. No sign of the 18 crew members though :(
What a great episode.
Q's deflation of the egos of those smugly arrogant pompous 24th century humans was long overdue but very satisfying.
The episode was well paced and John de Lancie's acting was top notch.
There were some low points-Whoopi Goldberg's super powered magic posing with Q in ten forward was just dead silly-what ,so Guinan is another god like creature is she?
The eager-to- please ensign really ought to have been killed or assimilated to justify her presence.
These are minor points though-this episode shines like a beacon in the first two seasons and the Borg really are scary for their first outing.
Great episode and the foreboding of doom that comes in BOBW is one of the things that made TNG great. The Borg are truly a scary adversary and their relentlessness is well thought out / created.
However, I'm not a fan of Q. To have an alien with the power to do whatever he wants gives a convenient solution when needed. He does prove to be an interesting character though.
The episode makes a great point about the smugness/arrogance of Picard and the Enterprise and the encounter with the Borg does instill some humility in the crew which is much-needed. For this purpose, Q's role is useful.
Great Trek episodes sometimes get the added boost from a great soundtrack - this episode gets that added benefit. I'll have to watch this one a few more times and see how it measures up with some of the great TOS soundtracks.
The early part of the episode with "Selena" Gomez was wasteful - an annoying ensign who had no bearing on the rest of the episode other than being annoying. Could have done without that. How about some more background on Q/Guinan to kick off the episode? Didn't realize she had some power to fend off Q...
This is one of the very important TNG episodes - the Borg are a terrific creation. Seeing the baby getting implants was...interesting.
I give this a strong 3.5 stars out of 4. Almost perfect episode.
Peter G.
@ Rahul,
Not that it adds anything to the episode, but I believe Gomez spilling the coffee on Picard while being eager to please is meant to be representative of the human race bungling through space, optimistically unaware that they're about to get burned by their own enthusiasm. Q's point, which Picard seems to not even compute by the end, is that humanity *actually isn't* prepared for everything that's out there, and that being too aggressive in expansion can have serious risks. It is probably factually the case that any number of things in the galaxy could wipe out the Federation, and that their positive attitude can't overcome all odds.
It's counterfactual since Q showed them the Borg here, but imagining that he hadn't, maybe the real first contact would have been when a Borg ship happened by Earth one day. The Borg may have been alerted to the Federation's presence earlier than it should have because of Q, but the Federation was made aware of them sooner too. Maybe the net effect was that Q saved the Federation, who knows.
Jason R.
A question I have is so what if the Borg became aware of the Federation? Why would that even matter to the Borg? Consider that throughout TNG and later Voyager we learn that the galaxy is teeming with life. There are Federations and empires big and small. What made the Federation such a tempting target?
I also found the plot detail about the destroyed Romulan and Federation bases curious. If the Borg already assimilated a Federation base, wouldn't that mean they already knew about earth and the Federation before Q Who?
@ Peter G.,
Yes, I can see your point about Gomez and spilling coffee on Picard -- I guess I didn't make that connection with it being sort of a microcosm of the broader theme of this terrific episode. However, Picard doesn't react like the Borg did toward the Enterprise (fortunately for Gomez!) I just thought the Gomez part dragged on too long and the Guinan/Q/Borg backstory could have used that airtime.
No doubt introducing Q into TNG gives the writers the ability to create some interesting situations for Picard & Co., given Q's incredible powers. But I still think the best episodes come about where there is no "waving of a magic wand" and it's just dealing with the situation in the "normal" paradigm of Trek sci-fi.
Peter G.
@ Jason R.,
I think the question of why the Borg were interested in the Federation is a decent one, but perhaps one best left to the imagination rather than somehow to be found in series lore. I could suggest a few scenarios, with the proviso that they are all products of my imagination and have no basis in fact:
-The Federation was in some way more advanced than most races out there, and had something or other the Borg wanted to assimilate. (this would be later contradicted in Voyager, but for the purposes of "Q Who" that's not really relevant. I think Voyager jumped the shark big-time in making any kind of sense of what the Borg do in the Delta Quadrant, which should properly have been a massive warzone and interstellar graveyard).
-The Borg had access to some weird information, maybe even from the future, telling them the Federation would eventually be a threat to them.
-The Borg remembered the probe they repaired which went back to Earth (V'Ger) and when they came in contact with the Enterprise realized that for some reason the probe didn't destroy the Earth, and wanted to know why. Note that this is real fan-fiction stuff, since the Borg being the race that repaired the probe is two steps separated from canon, since it was only an idea Gene had that never materialized.
-Maybe Q whisking the Enterprise away is what made the Borg antsy, since how could they possibly know it was Q that rescued them at the end? They probably thought that in scanning the ship they failed to note some crazy advanced gadget that could hurl the Enteprise across the galaxy. No kidding they wanted to ransack Earth to find it! If this is the right answer then Q actually instigated the confrontation, which maybe made the Federation take a bit more seriously developing weapons of war like the Defiant. I think (in hindsight) we could say that while losing 39 ships sucks, without those advances (and the Defiant) the Federation wouldn't have beaten the Dominion.
Yeah, that's all I got for now. As to your second question, it is undoubtedly a plot hole. "The Neutral Zone" made is clear the Borg had already learned about them, but that point was utterly forgotten. I think back then the "Conspiracy" aliens were meant to be the threat that took out some colonies, and once they decided to switch it to a cyborg race they scrapped whatever continuity had come before and started over.
@ Rahul,
I agree with you that the Gomez parts don't amount to much more than being tedious, despite the attempt to show the episode message though them. But about Q and the magic wand ending, I think the main takeaway to me is that Picard was forced into a situation where he had to admit he was helpless and they needed Q. The issue of Q himself isn't so much the point but rather that up until that point in the series the crew was pretty darn cocky and needed to be put in their place. For an atheistic Starfleet captain to be reduced to basically saying "God help us!" is a statement to the effect that no matter how advanced your technology is, there's always a bigger fish as Qui-Gon said, so don't let the size of your phasors make you think you're all that. The quality of the race should be in its enlightenment, not in its technology, and that theme bookends the series in the pilot and the finale. "Q Who" seems to underline that theme by showing them that they still have a lot of learning to do.
Jason R.
Peter along your point I always thought of humans as the Mary Sue of the galaxy, prancing around titans and Gods and always somehow coming out winners.
I was watching Peak Performance yesterday and the part where Data notes the Zackdorn were renowned in the galaxy as master strategists for FIVE THOUSAND years. So basically they were intergalactic celebrities at a time when earth was still marvelling the wonder of agrigulture and written language. And yet these guys are just some aliens that belongs to a Federation run by humans from Earth...
Even in Encounter at Farpoint (and certainly in subsequent episodes like Hide and Q) we get this sense that the Gods themselves must be weary of mighty mankind.
Q Who is the first episode to my mind that really takes seriously the idea that man is not the centre of the universe. Even previous episodes (like EAF) which SAY this never quite SHOW it or convince us that the story really believes it. Part of this is just due to the conventions of TV at the time and maybe part of it is due to Rodenberry's influence? I can't rightly say.
Peter G.
@ Jason R.,
It's definitely a premise in Trek that there is some sort of manifest destiny for the humans/Federation. They're not just another of infinite random species. There is something definitively American about that premise, I think.
Daniel Blumentritt
I'm surprised how many people love the "Oh please" line. Q just was an accessory to the murder of 18 people. No different than throwing them on a rail-line in front a moving train you know can't stop. But they are offscreen nobodies so it's ok b/c he made Picard say he was wrong. What?
{ I was watching Peak Performance yesterday and the part where Data notes the Zackdorn were renowned in the galaxy as master strategists for FIVE THOUSAND years. So basically they were intergalactic celebrities at a time when earth was still marvelling the wonder of agrigulture and written language. And yet these guys are just some aliens that belongs to a Federation run by humans from Earth... }
It's really Worf who shines there. First he (possibly correctly) calls out the Zakdorns by saying that maybe they are just coasting on reputation - a reputation which has kept people from challenging them. Then it's his genius that saves the day, not the humans'
4 stars! A true gem. Classic science fiction featuring fascinating ideas and concepts that stimulate the imagination
When the Enterprise was catapulted 2000 light years. I could viscerally feel the sense of isolation. It also felt that the crew had genuinely been thrown into the Unknown--in a way Voyager, who was in a similiar situation, didn't do nearly as well as was done here. There was a genuine sense of awe and wonder to the proceedings
The Borg were another fantastic idea featured. The idea of a race which functioned as a whole with no emotion and no leader characterized as a force of nature with none of the common human motives--a truly alien race--something we should have seen more of and I was hoping for when Voyager was first announced would be set in the unexplored Demta Quadrant. And the Borg's superior knowledge and technology that overpowered the Enterprise--a true genuine terrifying threat . I loved their alien design and the background actors used for the Borg did a really great job looking truly androgynous. The Borg cube design was so iconic and atypical. I loved the Borg nursery I loved the neat idea of literally thinking their ship fixed and seeing it repairing itself.
Q could be hit or miss but here he was out to good use. Q would definitely lash out when his request to become a part of the crew is rejected by Picard. I also enjoyed the introduction of a secret mysterious history between Q and Guinan. It was an intriguing added wrinkle that made the story all that great. A willingness by Mauruce Hurley to go that extra mile and is a clever story detail and shows Maurice's skills as a writer and was one of TNG's best writers.
By the same token bringing Guinan in as a consultant and revealing her species history with the Borg was a smart way to provide information on the Borg. And the episode further adds to Guinan's mysterious abilities from her defensive stance when it appears Q is about to act against her or her gut instinct something amiss when Picard first disappears
The episode also featured some of the most sophisticated and descriptive dialog--pretty much everything out of Q's mouth throughout the episode
I loved to pieces seeing some action and battle sequences on TNG. And the carving up of the enterprise. I also loved when the first Borg beamed to Engineering and began accessing the ship systems--Picard approaches the Borg but his requests fall on deaf ears, the drone continues his probing with that cold stare. I much preferred this depiction of the Borg with each drone a true threat with the collective intelligence visible in their stare rather than post First Contact with the drones behaving like mindless servants acting on commands from a Borg Queen, lumbering around. I also preferred the idea here that the Borg were an actual species with offspring that they augment with technology and that the Collective is a composer of "born" Borg as well as assimilated species
The music was great especially the music accompanying the first pan out from the away team aboard the cube to the massive interior of the borg vessel.
And you can't beat the Picard/Guinan conversation in the final scene with the realization that now that the Borg are aware of the Federation then the Borg will be coming. Terrifying
PS. And I don t know how many remember the trailer back that aired in 1997 ahead of Voyager's fourth season for Scorpion part two II that talked about how that episode would elevate sci-fi to an art form--well that promo VoiceOver would better apply to THIS episode
That ending. After seeing it nearly ten times, it still gives me the creeps.
Guinan putting it out there, almost shy. "Since they are aware of your existence..."
Picard's hesitation in moving the pawn, the sudden realisation of an awful truth. "...they will be coming."
"You can bet on it."
Picard taking it in for a moment and seamingly hiding nervousness standing up from of his seat.
Oh yeah, space will never be the same again.
"If the show had truly wanted to punch us in the stomach with its dark ambitions, it would've had Gomez die." More like if the show had truly wanted to be trite, cliche and predictable. What is the American audience's need for everything to follow the exact same predictable lines?
That said, this is the amazing and breathtakingly scary introduction to the greatest sci-fi enemy of all time.
I hate the way they wrote Guinan. "What can you tell us?" "Only that if I were you I'd start back now." Actually there's a whole lot else she could tell them, and maybe if the writers had let them, they would have started back now.
btw, what is Riker doing in that scene? He's leaning so steeply over the bar and looking unwaveringly into her eyes. Is he trying to seduce her? LOL!
Sarjenka's Little Brother
Another one I haven't seen in forever. ON FIRE.
I liked even better than I remembered. Excellent direction. Q at his best. Great script and lines for Q and Picard. Yeah, the Sonya Gomez thing could have been better, but still, a Next Gen classic.
The episode that introduces the Borg has to be!
Peter Swinkels
Nice episode. Not much to add.
By now TNG had at least a couple of top-notch eps under its belt, and its average was improving rapidly. Still, this is probably the most important of them. And BTW look how far we've come since the Ferengi were introduced as the new bad guys in season one, and proceeded to caper about like disturbed chimpanzees.
Yes, the whole Borg thing was reduced to banality by Voyager and its familiarity breeds boredom, yea even unto the point of a Borg Brady Bunch, but that only strengthens the solemnity and impact of this debut performance.
Speaking of the score, I particularly liked the moments where complete silence was employed whilst contemplating the Borg Cube (which BTW has to rank as one of the most audacious and iconic spacecraft deaigns since Disovery in 2001).
So much has been said, I can't find much to add, except that if there is one little moment that doesn t work for me, it,s when Guinan faces off against Q, with her fingers poised like cats claws. It looked really corny. I half expected lightning to suddenly shoot out of her fingers. Were we supposed to believe that she has some powers which would have serioualy threatened Q? It's implied here, but I don't remember it being taken up again; at least not in 'wizard battle' sort of way.
But it's a minor thing, and I admit that Guinan is capable of periodically annoying me a little.
When this episode aired STTNG became untouchable. You can like TOS for introducing the Trekverse. You can prefer DS9, Voyager, Babylon5 etc, but you won't find a series that can match the scifi greatness that STTNG reached beginning with this episode.
Dr. Who introduced a species more terrifying than the Borg called Weeping Angels. That first episode for me is probably the single greatest scifi horror writing for a tv show. But as far as scifi series go, STTNG has never been matched after The Borg came on the scene.
Star Trek: TNG
Great episode! I finally understood... Geordi's seducer skills :-D
SONYA: Hot chocolate, please.
GEORDI: We don't ordinarily say please to food dispensers around here.
SONYA: Who gives a shit!
COMPUTER: *ptooey!* your coffee is ready, Geordi
GEORDI: not-thanx a lot, computer. []-)
Poor Geordi. My clumsiness with girls is not so "spectacular" :-P
Bobbington Mc Bob
So Guinan might have crane style Q-Fu master skills eh? I don't recall that ever being revisited. Makes you wonder ... if she has Q's powers, why doesn't she use them? Maybe on the ship she adheres to some kind of rule that means she cannot interfere with lesser species ... possibly the most important one she has. They could call it something like a 'First Instruction'. Or an Alpha Law. A Principal Principle. A Pr ... ok you get it.
Brian S.
Episode contains not just one of my favorite Star Trek quotes, but one of my favorite quotes in all of TV/film/literature:
Q: "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross, but it's not for the timid."
I've used this line or variations of it in a number of instances. Often as self-motivation.
Whenever I get into a rut where things seem harder than usual, or life feels particularly unfair, I like to use this quote as a reminder that life as an adult isn't always fair. It's not easy. It's not safe. And it's not supposed to be.
Q is being brash in his normally abrasive way, but he isn't just being a jerk. He poetically acknowledges the
Life IS, as Q says, "Wondrous!" And there are many great treasures out there in the world to be found and explored and enjoyed in life. But it is not for the timid. There will be setbacks in life. There will be pitfalls. There will be completely unfair times where you are going along happily minding your own business--and then suddenly, out of nowhere, Q/Life will just throw you into a dangerous encounter you weren't ready for, for absolutely no reason. But that is how the world goes sometimes. And if you can't handle a little bloody nose from time to time and you only want to stay where it's safe, you will never be able to experience or enjoy all the great treasures that can only be experienced if you come out from underneath the covers and expose yourself to the potential for being hurt.
This is peak Trek for me....a great episode with a fun and engaging story, thought-provoking characters, and it culminates with a line that provides an immutable rule of thumb for life itself--struggle and sacrifice are necessary parts of the journey of existence, but the rewards are worth it.
Tim C
^^ Brian S, that's also one of my all-time favourite Trek quotes and one I often think about in modern contexts, whenever there's a demand for government to "do something" about accidents, natural disasters, etc.
There's also an old TOS novel called "The Disinherited" that was one of my favourites as a kid. There's a scene where Kirk gives a similar speech to some colonists who've just been brutally attacked:
"We should move somplace safer!"
"There is no safe place."
The last statement came not from any of the colonists but from Kirk. "Nowhere is safe," he said again, more quietly but with no less conviction.
One of the colonists - a short, belligerent-looking man - stepped forward. "Starfleet is supposed to make it safe!" he said.
"Starfleet makes it safer," said Kirk. "But to live is to face hazards every day. If you want utter safety, climb into a sensory deprivation capsule and live your life cut off from humanity - and even then, a building could fall on you or a groundquake could open up under you and swallow you. Or an undetected blood clot could cause you to drop dead on the spot, with no warning, at any time. The only safety in life is death."
Trek taught me a lot of life lessons as a kid. This kind of message was one of them. The future is unknown, life is uncertain, and all you can do is put your best foot forward, keep your chin up and roll with the punches.
This was a good intro to the Borg. I usually don't enjoy Q episodes but this one wasn't so bad.
A couple of nitpicks: Picard telling the Borg to stop using the computers like he is addressing a naughty child. Seriously a being beams into your ship and you let them have access? wouldn't they have tactics and policies for encountering new life forms and what activities would not be allowed?
second nitpick was about Riker and his response to the first Borg attack. He seemed a little too cavalier in commenting on them slicing open the Saucer section.
Man, the Borg were cool at this point in the Trek canon. The foreboding from Q and at the end between Picard/Guinan (did Q do them a service?) bring that genuine feeling of dread -- even after seeing everything that VOY would do with the Borg. "Q Who" stands the test of time.
The naivety of Picard & co. upon seeing the first Borg drone examining their systems in engineering is shocking in retrospect knowing what we know of the Borg now. But it is entirely in keeping with the innocent, green, and somewhat smug nature the crew had at this point in their adventures. It takes forever for Worf to use deadly force with his phaser on the 1st Borg drone invader.
A couple of nitpicks jumped out at me though: Just prior to the first Borg beaming aboard the Enterprise into engineering where Geordi first spots him, Riker had ordered the shields to be raised. So are the Borg able to transport thru shields?
Also, the ship reaches warp 9.65 even with force fields holding its hull integrity after the Borg cut out a section of the saucer. Technically, I don't think this should be possible but we can suspend disbelief. The story would have still worked if the ship could only reach full impulse, for example. They're still totally overmatched and would have to beg Q to save them.
I still feel the "Selena" Gomez parts are a bit of a drawback on the episode but as has been discussed before -- she is a microcosm (innocence, curiosity, eagerness, complacency) of the Enterprise. I think it's been said by some others that she should have been 1 of the 18 to die -- I agree that that would be more impactful. Now we just kind of wonder what becomes of her.
The first two acts of this episode are ordinary at best, but once it gets going it's riveting. A top-10 TNG episode.
"Also, the ship reaches warp 9.65 even with force fields holding its hull integrity after the Borg cut out a section of the saucer. Technically, I don't think this should be possible but we can suspend disbelief."
Why not? From what I understand, warp doesn't propel the ship any faster it just changes the space around it. So it's really no different from impulse in terms of whatever forces would be acting on it. And since there is no friction in space a hull breach shouldn't make any difference unless it affects the integrity of the structure connecting the engines.
I think you still need considerable propulsion forces to accelerate the ship and then create the warp subspace field which then shifts space/time around it. My thinking is the inertial dampers might not or should not work if hull integrity is relying on force fields during the propulsion.
So I guess I should correct myself and say that the acceleration/propulsion should be iffy with force fields holding the hull together. But I get what you're saying about hull integrity not being affected by being at warp -- it's just getting to warp [or full impulse] that I'd take issue with.
Daniel B
"Makes you wonder ... if she has Q's powers, why doesn't she use them?"
I got the sense that maybe Guinan is somehow capable of thwarting Q (at least if he does something directly to her, she can't seem to stop him from sending the ship vast distances away), but doesn't have any active powers similar to his. But yeah it was weird how they introduced that and then never developed it.
"Maybe on the ship she adheres to some kind of rule that means she cannot interfere with lesser species"
Q's description of Guinan was reminiscent of Kevin Uxbridge's description of himself. Another Douwd?
Wait... If the "history" between Picard and Guinan is that she's a Dauwd and he knows it then that would explain how Picard caught on so fast in "The Survivors". Oy.
Watching and commenting
--Ensign Sonja, Q -- everyone wants to serve on The Enterprise.
--I like the Guinan connection stuff.
--"You're not prepared for what awaits you," says Q. OH. Oh, oh, oh. I'd forgotten what this was all about. Oh, oh, oh, oh.
--Oh, oh, oh, oh - the Cube. Lord. So very disturbing. "They're called The Borg. Protect yourself, Captain, or they'll destroy you," says Guinan.
--Nicely done. So eerie. Love Whoopi.
--The Borg is truly the best ST enemy ever. Nothing they came up with on Voyager or DS9 or Enterprise really compares. They all had some good stuff. But wow.
--Q saves the day and they're back where they started.
--The introduction of The Borg. A classic.
-Really got lost in the story on this one - a good thing. I've got little comment on parallels being drawn or this week's theme - though The Borg is certainly a fantastical and wonderful culmination of all the "what is life, are androids alive, individual identity vs the need for community" stuff we've seen all Season.
So we've been prepped, yet we are not prepared. And here we are now: Face to face with this abomination, this unholy, absolutely literal combination of the biological and mechanical, the individual and the collective. Only all has been subverted, distorted - the biological made secondary to the mechanical, the individual made slave to the collective.
Hang on humanity, and buckle up Trekeroonies: We're in for a bumpy ride.
I agree that the Borg probably the most implacable foe of the TNG era, and for the most part, they're the most difficult villain for Federation values to handle. They work similarly to Federation in that they're comprised of a unique mixture of different intelligent species. Yet unlike the Federation, they don't grow by learning from others - they grow by conquering and acquiring. The Borg's really a society that works in complete antithesis to the Trek mantra, with humanism being thrown out the window in favor of authoritarian and single-minded purpose. That the Borg even work so well as a society might be hinted at in Trek as early as TOS's "Patterns of Force" where Nazism was chosen as a form of government because it ostensibly was the most efficient way for a torn people to unite and be productive.
I think this week's theme is supposed to be indictment of the series as we knew it to this point. Prior to this episode, Gene's TNG ideals baked into season 1 gave us the impression that the Enterprise could do *anything*, that humanity's flaws had largely been surpassed, and they may be on their way to transcending existence, similar to the Q. 'Q Who" puts the brakes on that naïve idealism to a degree. Sure, humanity has accomplished much and is very powerful in the 24th century, but without accepting help from even scoundrels like Q who in some ways know the universe better, humanity may be overwhelmed by the very forces it looks to explore.
Peter G.
As far as I can tell, Sonya Gomez is a stand-in for humanity here, where in our great excitement to get out on the flagship and do cool stuff we're actually a clutz who will spill hot chocolate and look like a fool. And yet, while this stupid-looking portrayal initially looks un-Starfleet, we later realize that the opposite is much worse: that everyone should act the same as each other, effiicient and organized. So Sonya's clutzy silliness is actually our greatest feature: individual differentiation and foibles, compared to "perfection at all costs".
Another thing I think this episode touches on is the need for Starfleet to stop pretending it's on a purely peaceful mission. We don't hear word about it all the time, but Starfleet obviously begins making defensive plans for the Borg immediately after this and ramping up its military capabilities to some extent.
Although it wasn't in the heads of the creators this early in the franchise, obviously it was very important for Starfleet to have been ready for the Borg because otherwise they would have been totally hammered by the Dominion later on.
Thanks @Chrome and @Peter G for your thinky thoughts.
When it comes to Sonja, agree she's a stand in for humanity, as Picard is. I think her first encounter with Picard somewhat parallels Picard's with the Borg. She thought she was totally prepared, but she wasn't. She screws up her first encounter, Geordi (sorta) comes to the rescue, etc.
I think there's some suggestion, too, that like Geordi with Sonja, Q doesn't randomly choose Picard for his little visits.
There's a bunch of references to experience vs first time . . . Q knows Guinan, it's Guinan's first time to call the bridge and such.
I always wonder about the ep title, though I'm not sure where to go with this one. There's no question mark in Q Who, but tacklin and identifying the unknown is a big part of the ep.
"Who" as a last name makes me think of the Whos in Whoville, thinking they're the whole Universe when they're really just a speck. But if they were going for that, you'd think there'd be another reference or two, sneaking in.
Other thoughts but a five year old is tugging at me. Onward to the next ep.
Peter G.
I thought about the title a bit the other day. I came up with two possible ideas:
1) It's some kind of reference to Dr. Who, except instead of a doctor helping humanity it's Q-Who. This may be a bit of a stretch since I'm not sure how on the radar for Americans Dr. Who was in the late 80's.
2) It's some kind of play on the phrase "yoo-hoo", as in trying to get someone's attention playfully. In this case, it would be saying 'yoo-hoo' to the Borg as if to pique their interest in a Q-esque sort of playful way that turns into a nightmare for the Enterprise. Or maybe it's even Q saying 'yoo-hoo' to Picard, as if to say "we beings that are far beyond you are out here and you're not ready".
I dunno if either of these holds water.
Jason R.
Peter it could also refer to the question "who is q?" Mischievous prankster? Vengeful entity? Guardian and guide to humanity?
It plays into Q's claim to want to join the crew, which is the setup for his little demonstration. A total role reversal, but one that is a disguise for something more interesting.
And let's be frank - Q's role fundamentally changes in this episode. After Q Who he is a very different character from what we knew before (I'll just ignore Q Pid here)
One thing though that is weird about the continuity that always bugged me is that Q Who takes place *before* Deja Q yet the crew asks him if he has been kicked out by the continuum again?! Totally weird.
This episode feels like it should be after Q Pid. Indeed imagine how cool it would have been if throwing the Enterprise into Borg space was him paying his debt to Picard? Now that would have been neat. Again I am just going to edit Q Pid 9ut of my head canon on this.
Jason R.
Sorry that should say after Deja Q.
I think Peter’s answer #2 is the correct reading as it plays into the running gag of a Q pun title. Q is tapping humanity on the shoulder and letting it know there’s more to space exploration than it thinks.
Jason wrote:
“One thing though that is weird about the continuity that always bugged me is that Q Who takes place *before* Deja Q yet the crew asks him if he has been kicked out by the continuum again?! Totally weird.”
Yes, this was a bit confusing and read as a straight chain of events it feels like a plot hole. I suppose the correct way to interpret Deja Q is that offscreen Q was toying with species like those light beings which got him in even more serious trouble. And in that case, we could just say the events of Hide and Q put him on probation.
Peter G.
I guess at that point it's worth asking what Q was actually doing with the Calamarain and other races that got him in trouble. We as viewers can look back on pretty much any Q episode and see a lesson for humanity in it, and assuming the Continuum isn't a bunch of clowns they would draw a distinction between torment for torment's sake versus a hard lesson. Or would they? On the basis of pure speculation, maybe what Q gets into trouble over is looking like he's randomly tormenting sprecies, when in fact he's giving them hard lessons that of course they object to. Or maybe humanity is the only species where his penchant for mayhem ends up turned into something helpful. It seems hard to reconcile our head canons of "Q was doing it all along to guide us" (which was the impression I got, even from the pilot) with what we learn in Deja Q about how he's out of control. The only way I can see to reconcile these two is that the Continuum maybe doesn't like it when he helps species in this manner.
Title- , with Peter#2, wouldn't it be Q-hoo? Or double pun, somehow? Not that I've got any better idea.
I think he's like the parent who decides to help a kid learn to swim by throwing him into the deep-end.
But he's an impatient, sub-optimal parent with a sadistic streak: Sure, really wants to teach the kid a lesson, and sure he really is watching closely and he's not going to let the kid drown. But he deliberately picks this drastic method, and even taunts the kid and even lets him go down a third time. Why? Because he's got issues, and he genuinely enjoys watching the kid struggle. He takes glee in it, and his immaturity and lack of empathy means he has no patience or motivation for using kinder but slower methods.
There's some Q in Kyle Riker.
If I had to create a reasonable timeline of Q's character...
I assume, prior to S1, Q (only DeLancie Q will be referred to as Q here) was already on thin ice with the Q Continuum. Presumably, he's been mucking with races and shirking his Q duties (Quties?) or whatever. However, at Encounter at Farpoint, I assume he was under the direction of the QC, at least to some extent. They had become interested in humanity recently (conveniently ignoring Quinn being involved in humanity and Amanda's parents becoming human and the fact that the QC had become uber boring with nothing new under the sun, but there just ain't no way to close all the plotholes), and so sent Q to test them. Maybe they weren't THAT interested, and thus thought this was a "minor" job that they could trust the delinQuent person to do as a way of Q getting back into the QC's good graces.
But Q had a lot of freedom in this job, and I'd say he did it poorly, mainly due to his dismissive attitude toward humans (which coincides with his role as a "tormentor"). It seemed Q made up the Farpoint Station test on the spot, and even afterwards lamented that it was too easy (indeed, compared to the temporal paradox in AGT, that plot did seem kinda beneath the Q...). I think it's safe to that, at this time, Q didn't care at all about humanity.
("'At this time'? How little do you mortals understand time. Must you be so linear, Skeptical?" Shut up Q! The idea of an immortal, omnipotent, omniscient being having a story arc over 7 years is already kinda dumb, but it happened so we have to use linear time to deal with it!)
But, perhaps because he was bested, it did spark an interest. I wouldn't say he fell in love with humans at this point; perhaps he was just frustrated and wanted a second round. So Hide and Q happened, where he again tested humanity, or Riker in this case. I imagine this was NOT at the behest of the QC, and they may not have known about it at first. But he also made a bet with Picard about the outcome of his test, and he lost that one too. But when the time came, he refused to honor his side of the bargain (leave humanity alone forever), and IIRC it was the QC that forcefully removed him.
I imagine, at some point around here, the QC started coming down in judgement against Q. Like I said, he was on thin ice beforehand, but the ice is now cracking. Maybe it was botching the first trial of humanity, maybe it was intervening with humanity a second time in unauthorized ways despite humanity still being "on trial" (particularly with a bet that the Q would avoid humanity forever, which the QC had no intention of holding up), or perhaps it had nothing to do with humanity at all. Either way, Q was kicked out of the QC, and perhaps it wasn't the first time. He was presumably a troublemaker for quite a while. So I don't think it's a mistake in the script here. Guinan correctly noted that Q was in trouble again.
But in any case, Q is starting to show his interest in humanity now. But enough to help them? I don't think so. He's bored, listless, and decides to go hang out with the strange people that bested him twice and he's not sure why. Perhaps, at this point, he's now curious about them. But Picard outright rejects him. And rejects him by saying they don't need him.
"In your own paltry, limited way, you have no idea how far you still have to go."
That quote from AGT was even more true in S2 of TNG. And maybe now Q is just frustrated. Humans obviously have some potential, they outsmarted him twice. But Picard was just so overly arrogant and smug. Q knew the QC was interested in seeing just where humanity would go, but thanks to their arrogance at this point they weren't going to go anywhere. You can't learn something if you already think you know everything. And while Q is not an agent of the QC anymore, he can't help but be annoyed at the smugness going on here and wanted to push Picard down a peg or so.
So no, I DON'T think that QWho is part of the grand scheme of Q, or that it was his subtle way of pushing humanity along. I do think it worked out in that way, that Picard and company did learn their lesson. And I do think Q was happy they learned their lesson, but not necessarily to prepare them for AGT or whatever, or even to prepare them for BoBW. He was just happy that HIS point, that humanity was still kinda dumb, was proven for once.
It's not until later, perhaps after the events of Deja Q, that Q actually becomes humanity's advocate. He treated Picard with kid gloves during True Q when humanity was tangentially in the way of QC business (being willing to take Picard's advice on how to approach Amanda, etc), and he helped Picard out in Tapestry (my personal theory is that it was less about Picard learning his lesson regarding the stabbing, and more about subtly expanding Picard's understanding of cause and effect in preparation for AGT, and of course he acted as Picard's aide in AGT. It wasn't there from the beginning, but Q sort of grew attached to humanity throughout the course of TNG, rather than just having different ways of showing it.
Or, in TLDR format:
EF: Q completely dismissive of humanity, but on QC business
HQ: Q wounded and angry at humanity for beating him, not on QC business
QW: Q curious about yet frustrated at humanity, not on QC business
DQ: Q coming to acceptance of humanity, gaining empathy with humanity
TQ: Q chummy with humanity while on QC business
Tapestry: Q secretly prepping humanity for the upcoming QC trial
AGT: Q secretly aiding humanity while on QC business
I agree this was great fun to watch with a high entertainment value.
There are however a number of discordant points.
The introduction of Sonia Gomez was amusing but played no subsequent part in the story. I really don't think her presence was allegorical; it's not the Trek way, their social messages are pretty 'in-yourface' rather than allusive allegories more appropriate to a Tudor period portrait. It might have carried more punch if she'd been one of the 18 lost in the incident, but actually I saw she was engaged for three stories and dropped after two.
Guinan's prior relationship with Q was hinted at but sadly, never picked up which makes you wonder why the scene was there at all. Her odd defensive stance makes it seem more like a Harry potter type battle. Even more strange, Guinan knew all about the Borg but despite her close relationship with Picard, never saw fit to mention them or give the Federation a heads-up on them!
If Q hadn't taken the trouble, The Fed would have had no warning of them at all. Two years journey sounds a lot, but to a collective bent upon adding new species to their flock, it's nothing. If we could send a ship to the next star on a four years round journey, there would have been no shortage of volunteers and it would have been long accomplished.
Q always seems to me overall a beneficial entity, but the attitude of the Enterprise (and later Voyager) is quite unbelievable. Despite his incredible powers, he is always treated with undisguised contempt. Is that wise? Quite apart from the benefits he could confer (and which are almost always pointlessly spurned by the needy beneficiaries), he is one of the few beings (like the Dawd) with the power to annihilate at will. Remember what Kevin did to the Husnock? Presumably Q could do the same, so why not take the trouble to show a little respect? (It's pretty worrying to discover that teenage Q are no better than human teenagers....bye bye, world?)
The trouble with beings with virtually infinite power is what to do with them. In trek, they never seem to have wisdom appropriate, despite the fact they presumably have a several billion years head start on us. There seem to be few other Organians...
George Monet
I want to like this episode because it is a lot of fun but the constant plot holes keeping throwing me out. Such as Guinan telling Picard he should leave the space without warning Picard about the Borg specifically. Or Picard's blase response to the threat the Borg pose to the ship. They had a perfect chance to blowup the Borg cube and pick over the pieces and instead they shoot the ship a couple of times (despite having already seen that the Borg had the ability to perfectly adapt to the Federation's phasers) and then decide to hang around and let the Borg repair the ship. This also makes one wonder just how weak the Borg cube is without its shielding as three phaser hits destroy 20% of the Borg cube whereas the Enterprise has been hit by more and only taken minor structural damage.
Nothing anyone does in this episode actually makes any sense. Picard sees that the Borg are apparently technologically superior but also apparently inferior in materials and tactics. Deanna says there is a communal mind but never mentions how that is a weakness they could take advantage of by creating dissent within the collective mind or making use of group think that would prevent the Borg from considering alternatives. The lack of shielding on the Borg cube before they had scanned the Enterprise or learned of its defensive capabilities was a grave tactical error which calls the threat of the Borg into question. Suppose Q had sent over Klingons or Romulans instead. They would have immediately destroyed the Cube while its shields were down and then taken home the technology to study as a prize. Or what if Picard had ordered the away team to place a bomb inside the cube as a backup plan in case the Borg cube wasn't actually disabled. Instead the Borg leave themselves completely vulnerable and only survive destruction because Picard makes just as many grievous tactical errors as the Borg.
Jason R.
George my hypothesis is that in an initial encounter the Borg do not bother making a full defence. Their priority is to assess the potential of the other ship, not to destroy it. In effect, they just stand there and let the other ship do its worst. If that results in the destruction of a cube, that's an acceptable outcome for them - lesson learned. For them a single ship is expendable.
As for beaming over bombs to the borg ship - has a Federation captain ever done such a thing in a first contact scenario? Not exactly the Trek ethos...
Regarding Guinan, her failure to provide a more urgent warning is strange. The best explanation I can come up with is much like my original point - once they were there, they needed to learn their lesson. That wouldn't happen if they were convinced to hightail it and run at the outset.
Andy's Friend
@George Monet
You have to look at it from the perspective of classic storytelling, and forget about such silly modern notions as 'plot holes'.
Take for example Picard's initial assertion that Starfleet is prepared for whatever is out there. This is admittedly out of character for Picard and outright silly. But it is nothing but an instance of Classical hamartia, the hero's 'tragic flaw', moving the plot forward and leading to catharsis as he is humbled by Q and learns his lesson: "I need you!"
We know Picard to be better than this. And therein lies the greatness of this episode. Facing Q and letting his animosity toward that entity get the better of him, Picard, our hero, errs. And it costs him eighteen of his crew to learn that. In other words, his over-confident initial stance is not a 'plot hole', it is a time-honoured plot device.
Star Trek is rife with such classic storytelling devices, which we must know to recognise in order to fully appreciate many of the stories told. Star Trek, more often than not, is not about 'realism': it is about archetypes, classic tropes, and ancient lessons. This was understood thirty years ago when this episode aired. The problem is that viewers these days have an exaggerated appetite for realism, all while they seem to have forgotten all about classic dramaturgy and apparently only know how to shout 'plot hole!'
Jason R.
"Take for example Picard's initial assertion that Starfleet is prepared for whatever is out there. This is admittedly out of character for Picard and outright silly."
You are misquoting Picard.
What he says is:
"How can we be prepared for that which we do not know? But I do know we are ready to encounter it."
Picard never claimed to be *prepared*; he claimed they were *ready*.
In this context, giving Picard the full benefit of the doubt, I'd say that readiness suggests that whatever the dangers, mankind belongs out there, that the project of exploration is worthy and wise. It is a rebuke of Q's original assertion from EAF that mankind had gone too far and should retreat.
It is not an assertion of infallibility or a denial of certain risk, but simply the claim that exploration, whatever its risk, is worthwhile.
The encounter with the Borg in Q Who us the first time that assertion of readiness ever came into real question, possibly in the entire Trek canon. The Borg can't be reasoned with and they can't be tricked or defeated through conventional means. They cannot be overcome by the usual magical plot contrivances of a 45 minute episode. They are utterly implacable .
As I see it, until Q Who mankind was the Mary Sue of the galaxy even when encountering seemingly superior beings (like Q). Q Who was the first splash of cold water on that notion.
Until, sigh, Voyager.......
Andy's Friend
You're quite right, Jason, but let's not split hairs: you remember the episode as well as I do, and what matters is not the above, but *how* Picard delivers this line:
PICARD: Absolutely. That's why we are out here.
That is what causes Q's response: Picard's nonchalant 'absolute' certainty. For it is (to be blunt) sheer nonsense: Starfleet could of course never be 'ready to encounter' all things, and Picard should have known this. So in the end, while I appreciate the difference between being 'prepared' and being 'ready' that you mention, it is largely academic, and beside the point. Other than that, you are obviously right.
I really get a good chuckle out of reading plot hole being used as shorthand for "I didn't like it" or "I would've written it differently". Guinan not describing the Borg in detail isn't a plot hole. It's not even clear what she knows except that the Borg are conquerors (and we don't even know that at this point in the series). Telling him to leave now or face terrible consequences is about all that needs to be said.
Jeffrey Jakucyk
I never thought too much about the Q/Guinan thing until reading through all the discussion here. I think FlyingSquirrel has a good point that she knows they'll get through it since the events of Time's Arrow are several years off. Hence her rather casual attitude towards the situation. She also seems to agree that humans need a bit of a kick in their complacency, as Picard would say later.
As to her powers and what they might mean, again, I didn't think much of it, but this quote popped into my mind. "They're called The Borg. Protect yourself, Captain, or they'll destroy you." The choice of "protect YOURSELF," and "or they'll destroy YOU," is very telling dialog. She's not concerned for her own well-being, because she has the power to escape. She's acting like an observer more than a participant, not unlike her time in 19th century San Francisco.
Now, that does raise the question, if she's so powerful and unconcerned, then what of the rest of her species that was wiped out or assimilated? Why couldn't they elude the Borg? Maybe she's a more evolved individual, or what she says of her history isn't entirely true, or she's learned how to protect herself in the last few centuries, or something else. Either way, the backstory here is quite intriguing.
Latex Zebra
I wonder about The Borg became the Borg. At some point one of their scientists said "Right, I've got cracking idea. We'll all link our thoughts together and be really efficient. Only downside is we lose all traces of individuality. Apart from this Queen thing but don't worry about that."
Did the whole planet say "Yep, in!"
I can't help but think the first race The Borg assimilated against it's will was it's own.
Latex Zebra - I wouldn't be so sure it would be against their will. The desire to be joined to others is the motivation for a lot of what we do. Work, sex, communication, our social life. You might as well say you could never understand why someone would get married. I would also hope that to an advanced scientist the notion of individuality would be seen as archaic myth.
Guinan is supposed to be on season 2 of ST: Picard. Maybe we'll learn about her past dealings with Q and what the frak was up with their standoff.
Although heck, if Guinan doesn't move in linear time, she could appear on Discovery. Q too. But since Guinan is so closely associated with Jean-Luc, it makes more organic sense to have her there, and less like fan service. Again, Q too.
Re: The Neutral Zone colonies that were 'scooped off' (both Federation and Romulan), we just have to accept that the Borg knew about at least two Alpha Quadrant powers, and didn't consider their assimilation a priority until Q tossed them into the DQ and then whisked them away. I'm okay with this.
One could say it's Early Installment Weirdness, but then would have to add Late Installment Weirdness into the mix because of First Contact's events, Seven's family debacle in Voyager, and "Regeneration" in Enterprise, all of which are earlier in the timeline than The Neutral Zone.
So I'm going with 'Not worth a full scale invasion' until Q made it appear the Federation had something very advanced the Borg wanted.
Remember that the Borg had no interest in the Kazon. (But really, who did?) I always find that interesting. Why detract from perfection, as Seven would say? I assume they'd be uninterested in the Packleds too.
So...maybe the best defense against the Borg is to be entirely unremarkable.
Picard is really tempted to take on Q because how much they could learn from him. But they just don’t much like Q, so, nope.
One of the great episodes, to be sure, but—
Prime Directive?
One episode of many that shows Starfleet’s hypocrisy. No, no, we can’t give technology to primitive races, because it will screw them up. There is a lot of sense to that.
But when the shoe is on the other foot? “Hello, godlike figure, tell us EVERYTHING!!!!”
Very intresting to watch this "first" Borg contact. I would be very intresting to know how much of the Borg conset that was settled at this stage and what developed. It was really frigtning, Guinans warning that had almost no effect on Picard.
Well as an audiance we can only be happy that he did not listen otherwis we wouldn't have hat so many Borg encounters.
Q then? I find him as irritating as Picard does. I must admit that his accting is excellent and mostly funny but to me his character really doesn't have a place in star trek.
I can't stand watching Great Gazoo episodes. Woops, sorry, wrong show. I can't stand watching Q episodes.
This one is as good as it gets because it introduces the Borg and it finally feels like we're starting to hit our stride. Soon we'll be in all the good episodes when Klingon episodes and time travel episodes were fun and interesting and not tedious.
Also, Ensign Gomez is a goddamn smokeshow. The little hint of rasp to her voice makes me want to have private holodeck time.
Too bad they made her a joke. I cannot stand how the writers of this show can't seem to give us a character who is nuanced. Instead we end up with Gomez babbling inanely and spilling coffee on her captain or Lt. Barclay who suffers from so much nervousness I'm pretty sure he has a routine built to transport the diarrhea out of his pants every time he makes eye contact with a superior officer.
Imagine giving this actress a character who is new on the Enterprise and who has flaws and strengths that aren't shown to us in such an over-the-top fashion. Show us that she's someone who deserves to be on the FLAGSHIP of Starfleet don't give us some terrible trope of the airheaded chick who won't shut up.
Yeah, I'm mad, I could listen to her talk all day and just wish the actress had been given this character. I can't remember her story maybe she's redeemed later.
Bob (a different one)
Crobert said: "Ensign Gomez is a goddamn smokeshow"
FYI: Lycia Naff (Sonya Gomez) played a very memorable character in Total Recall (1990).
Daniel B
{{ I cannot stand how the writers of this show can't seem to give us a character who is nuanced. }}
I think they finally got it right with Ro.
Q's speech near the end is pure gold.
Yes, a truly great episode. The Borg are the most imaginatively chilling and genuinely scary aliens that Star Trek ever created. Anyone not even slightly frightened by this first encounter would have to be a bit dead inside.
Q’s dialogue with Picard is unwaveringly good, and Guinan’s role is brilliant support to the development of the story. The best touch is the introduction of the neurotically driven ensign Sonia Gomez who initially provides a comic touch (you think the episode is going somewhere else), then is absorbed into the crew in a most un-Borglike way.
There’s little more to add. 4 stars.
I just want to add - in addition to all the others who commented - that the musical score is stupendous.
I also can’t stand either Q or Troi’s mother. However, the dialogue given to John de Lancie is usually top notch, and his acting is equally so. And in this episode he really shines. Having said that, we didn’t actually need Q for an encounter with the Borg, though it’s difficult to imagine how the ship would have escaped without him.
I noticed that there is no mention of assimilation in this episode - the Borg are regarded as a separate species rather than a collective of absorbed species as we clearly got by the time of BOBW, and later in Voyager’s Seven Of Nine.
I agree with the reviewers who pointed out that Q destroys the smugly arrogant perfection of the Roddenberry universe so even though he is an un-Treklike imp, he does fulfill a very useful role. Less mysterious and nebulous compared to the Traveller perhaps, but a good counterbalance to the “humanity has eliminated all negative traits” thing which gets SO irritating!
Jeffrey Jakucyk
"I noticed that there is no mention of assimilation in this episode - the Borg are regarded as a separate species rather than a collective of absorbed species as we clearly got by the time of BOBW, and later in Voyager’s Seven Of Nine."
That's a great point and one that must be remembered going into BOBW. The crew had no idea assimilation was a thing at first, nor did they know that the assimilated individual's knowledge and experiences would be folded into the Borg collective consciousness. That makes Locutus' statement "The knowledge and experience of the human Picard is part of us now. It has prepared us for all possible courses of action. Your resistance is hopeless, Number One." all the more chilling since for all they knew, the Borg had only taken Picard's body, not his mind.
This is truly a spectacular introduction to a terrifying threat. It was ultimately a deus ex machina, but an entirely justifiable one considering it was set up by a well established deus to begin with.
And that resolution also serves quite well to make the the potential Borg threat even more terrifying. It's clear that Q won't be around to save their ass next time.
@Daniel Blumentritt
Q's "oh please" line isn't loved as much as it makes it clear that despite Q's prior shenanigans, this encounter is quite bloody real.
And Q was absolutely right, the Enterprise and Starfleet at large ARE smug and arrogant.
In a broader sense, Q likely was giving Starfleet a heads up, because, as referenced in this very episode, the Borg have already staged incursions deep in/near the Federation.
It was weird how much development they put into Sonya Gomez then dropped her after one more episode. I always wondered about that considering she's given all the hallmarks of a new regular or at least recurring character. She's almost like a proto-Barclay.
It could be that they didn't have anything for her to do at the time. Other than being very pretty and rambling to Geordi, she's only barely helping him. Watch later in the episode and she's just standing around staring at the warp core.
It's possible the character was in some way a casualty of the 1989 writer strike.
I really liked Guinan wandering around looking worried, and didn't blatantly lay out her worries. For whatever reason, she holds her cards quite close and reveals very little.
I also liked the use of Troi here when she comes to the bridge and asks where Picard is. For some reason (perhaps just her empathy) she's aware Picard is missing, but I like the economy of story here by not going into why.
Why doesn't Guinan tell Picard or Starfleet about the Borg? It's not specified, but she may well be worried that doing so would simply make Starfleet extremely curious of the Borg and that it would trigger a disastrous encounter, more or less like this. It's likely true considering Picard immediately dismisses her advice and they go exploring. Later, he again ignores her advice to explore the ship with an away team.
"Q Who", a possible unique reference to Doctor Who? Maybe. Doctor Who was widely shown on PBS stations. As a teenager in the south, I watched it and even went to a Doctor Who convention (with Tom Baker and Colin Baker) around 1985 or so. Certainly the TNG producers and writers would be aware of it.
Q actually does behave a lot like a Doctor in this episode, albeit far more aggressively and overtly and of course with substantially more powers.
Gomez: I'm glad she didn't die here because it really would have been terribly cliché to introduce a character only to immediately kill them off.
One nitpick for me- Gomez goes on and about still seeing the faces of the 18 killed. But she just got assigned to the ship. Had she even met them? That line just seemed off.
Jason R.
I figure "Q Who" refers to Q's role on the show. If we retcon it so that Q Less precedes Q Who and Qpid doesn't exist then Q Who is the turning point in the series from Q as villainous antagonist to Q as helpful trickster and even mentor. In Q Who we ask: who is Q? And the answer at the end is different than at the beginning.
Peter G.
Maybe the title is a reference to the Grinch Who Stole Chrismas. Maybe Q is the trickster from Whoville and Q Who his proper name.
Top Hat
They should've named Amanda or the Suzie Plakson character "Cindy Q Who."
"btw, what is Riker doing in that scene? He's leaning so steeply over the bar and looking unwaveringly into her eyes."
I think it was just for cinematography reasons. Jonathan Frakes is 5 inches taller than Patrick Stewart and it's a tight shot. If Frakes weren't leaning over, much of his head wouldn't be in shot.
I was watching a season one (IIRC) episode and at one point, Geordi and Riker stand facing each other, and it's almost comical because Burton is 8 inches shorter than Frakes. I think they rarely used them both in the same shot like that later on for this reason.
Peter G.
I'm watching this one right now. An interesting thought occurred to me: one of the issues Q Who brings up is human (Federation) arrogance, at assuming they're ready to encounter what's out there. At first glance this is Q's point, to which Picard relents and finally agrees he needs help. Except there's an interesting moment after the initial death of the 18 crew members, during the senior staff meeting, when Riker announces that the only tactical choice that makes sense is to board the Borg ship rather than flee. Guinan's "What?!" is very telling: most experienced commanders would have taken her advice and tried to return as quickly as possible and get away from the Borg. Which of course, would have been useless anyhow. But Riker is always thinking of how to win, rather than how to cut his losses. This occurs in a big way in Peak Performance, and culminates in BoBW when he goes against even Picard's logic (as Locutus) and conducts an extremely brash and arrogant plan to do the unexpected.
So on the one hand Q (and the episode) is teaching us that the Federation is *so* not ready for what's out there. But Riker on the other hand, to Guinan's shock, seems *completely* ready to encounter it on his terms, no matter how overwhelming it is. So whereas Q is claiming the human's arrogance is a danger to them, in fact Riker's arrogance (later showing big in BoBW) is the only reason they learn as much as they do and have any chance at all against them.
@Silly "It was weird how much development they put into Sonya Gomez then dropped her after one more episode. I always wondered about that considering she's given all the hallmarks of a new regular or at least recurring character. She's almost like a proto-Barclay."
Gomez as "a proto-Barclay" ; perceptive, wish that her character had been retained. The coffee scene still resonates. The actresses comedic talent is evident, although it got squelched by the Borg disaster.
A similar thing happened with a female character named Kaplan in Voyager....introduced, used in a few episodes, then dispatched.
Well said. Imo it's absolutely one of the best TNG episodes ever.
One of my favorite all time episodes of any Trek. The Borg thing is so scary, they do a genuinely good job of making this episode feel scary. Its a cool idea that the Federation needs to be humbled, and this is certainly a dose of humility.
I liked the Borg better here, when they were all just one mind with no leader. When they came up with the Borg Queen it kind of ruined that. Apparently in this episode the Borg had babies though, they had not come up with the idea of assimilation yet. What was that silly thing Guinan was doing with her hands, does she have some kind of Q like powers also? I don't think they ever brought that up again. Nice that we finally got some more backstory about her and Q in season 2 of Picard.
The Bishop of Battle
Gomez was totally intended to be one of those recurring second stringers like Barclay and O'Brien but audiences hated her so they dropped her. At least she got her own command years later.
Great episode. I also love how the camera follows Picard as he's heading for the turbolift just before he ends up on the shuttle.
The Queen
Sjdrake: I have to disagree with you about Gomez. Star Trek does use their teasers as allegories for the episodes. I went back and looked at the openings of all of Season 2 so far, and 10 of the 16 are either foreshadowing or allegorical. The most obvious are Ep 5 (Loud as a Whisper), 6 (The Schizoid Man), 8 (A Matter of Honor), 9 (The Measure of a Man), and this one. Ep 5 opens with Picard trying to figure out how a planet’s erratic orbit, which shouldn’t work, does in fact work. The episode concludes with the mediator trying something that shouldn’t work but that we are led to believe will work. Ep 6 opening scene: Data is trying out a new look via a beard, and in the episode he gets taken over by a second personality. Ep 8 opens with a new ensign successfully adjusting to his new ship, and the episode is about Riker successfully adjusting to a new ship. Ep 9 opening scene, Data loses at poker because he can’t detect a bluff, and the whole episode is about whether he’s a sapient being or a machine. For this episode 16, someone else has already analyzed that. I believe eppies 2, 3, and 12 are also in this category, and 1, 10, and 15 are good candidates.
I’ve gotten curious about this now and might go back and look at TOS episodes.
Peter G.
One nice detail I never thought about before is the detail of Sonya Gomez spilling the coffee on Picard. Of course it's a 'big deal' in the office politics of a Starship and its Captain. But the airtime it gets, with the drawn out embarrassment of Geordi in the background, and Picard clearly irritated, is a very nice counterpoint to this exchange:
PICARD: I understand what you've done here, Q, but I think the lesson could have been learned without the loss of eighteen members of my crew.
Q: If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here.
To Q the lost crewmen are like spilling coffee on a shirt, something trivial in the grand scheme. I think his argument isn't only about human arrogance and its presumption that it's ready for anything out there, but also in its expectation that things can avoid getting messy and unpleasant. Going out into space and exploring could mean opening up a Pandora's box that could even permanently make things far less pleasant.
As a little aside, the online transcript for this episode does have a question mark in the episode title. I'm not sure if that's relevant to anything or represents some canonical original version of the title that existed prior to airing.
Beard of Sisko
In which Q transforms (and for the better) from an over-the-top Saturday morning cartoon villain into a more complex anti-villain. His callousness toward the 18 dead crew members prevents him from crossing into full blown hero territory, but from here on out it can at least be inferred that Q cares about humanity and wishes for them to thrive.
Indeed, but for him giving them a premature encounter with the Borg, the Federation would have remained complacent and more than likely not have been able to thwart the attempted assimilation of Earth a year later.
Neo the Beagle
Gomez spills hot chocolate on Picard, not coffee
Masterpiece. Masterclass. A true chef's kiss of an episode, and what a performance from de Lancie. Pity there was never any development for Guinan and her history except for a few vague mentions here and there.
Every so often Star Trek serves up a truly frightening alien, such as the Borg and the fish-faced chap from Where Silence Has Lease. I don't recall anything else reaching this level of fear and threat until Voyager encounters Species 8472, something like six years later! Why can't we have more scary, unknowable aliens?
Peter G (three comments up): what a clever and interesting idea. Too subtle for most of us, I think: there is so much excitement and interest here that I forgot Gomez as soon as she was off the screen.
Paul Johnson
Something always seemed to be missing in Q-Who until I watched it again last night. Something that would have made this episode far more threatening. The phrases "we are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile," and, "we will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own." Or did I just miss that exchange? Pretty sure the verbal threats wern't there, though. May stating them would have diffused the mystery and future peril of Borg contact.
Jason R.
"Something always seemed to be missing in Q-Who until I watched it again last night. Something that would have made this episode far more threatening. The phrases "we are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile," and, "we will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own." Or did I just miss that exchange? Pretty sure the verbal threats wern't there, though. May stating them would have diffused the mystery and future peril of Borg contact."
That's because the original concept didn't include biological assimilation; Q explicitly says that they are "raw material" and only their technology is of interest.
In Best of Both Worlds this is perhaps retconned, although I'd say it's less a retroactive change and more a logical development - while it somewhat contradicts the literal statement made by Q it is certainly in keeping with its spirit and I guess if you want to really technical, all Q said was they only were interested in technology as in at that specific moment in that encounter; he never guaranteed the Borg wouldn't have some other priority in future encounters.
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