Review Text
Nutshell: It's chapter one of what's essentially a 10-chapter arc. Can we really even judge yet? This chapter works well on several levels, but is held back by its unevenness.
As we head into the final stretch of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, the commonly adopted name for this major story arc, "Deep Space Nine: The Final Chapter," looks to be an appropriate one. With "Penumbra," we can see the latest of the groundwork being paved.
And if "Penumbra" is any indication, it's going to be tough to judge these early episodes as individuals until we know more—maybe a lot more.
I liked "Penumbra." I wasn't riveted by a lot of it, but I'm more than intrigued about where these elements will take us.
Going in favor of "Penumbra" is the fact that it revisits so many of the plot lines we need to see over the next eight weeks: Sisko's destiny, Dukat's devious planning, Worf and Dax's relationship, the disease in the Great Link, the Cardassians' role in this mess, and the inevitable connections of all said elements and more. Working against "Penumbra" is the fact these given plot elements are manipulated simultaneously and unevenly in a single episode that feels at times a little too much like a writing staff's calculated strategy. Sure, each plot piece on its own is interesting and plausible given what came before, but there are so many isolated little pieces in "Penumbra." The story's thought processes are disparate; the episode throws a little of everything together into a single stew. As of now, I don't know what that stew is all about.
But, of course, we will find out.
Hence my problem: How do we judge chapter one?
Well, for now, I'm opting to look at the hour's two most prominent storylines: (A) The relationship between Sisko and Kasidy, and (B) the relationship between Worf and Ezri.
The A-story is clearly the strongest aspect of "Penumbra," mostly because it brings with it some emotional resolution. Sisko and Kasidy's relationship is one that's been quietly developed over the span of four years of television production (it first began in season three's "Explorers"), and it's nice to see the makings of a payoff here. My biggest complaint with Trek romances has almost always been that the tired formula brings in some guest character, who then falls in love with a regular character, and then the relationship is terminated before the end of the episode. Sisko/Kasidy has been given time to develop and grow on a more realistic timetable. So now, by this point, we care a lot about the characters and the relationship; it actually means something. And when the time comes that Sisko proposes marriage, it's a truly satisfying moment.
Of course, it also helps to have performances that work. Avery Brooks' performance in his scenes here create a captivating sense of serenity. In the midst of this war and his own difficult journey of self, Sisko seems at peace. Brooks' understated performance brings an internalized understanding of Sisko that's quite spellbinding. It heightens the mood of the scenes in a truly interesting way. And it's not just his love for Kasidy that's apparent, but also his love for the world of Bajor. Sisko's announcement that he has purchased land on Bajor and his intent to build a house on this land are filled with moments of poignancy. Although this will prove most rewarding to the faithful DS9 viewer, it's ultimately Brooks that has to sell the sentiment, which he does extremely well.
Also, I like the implications that "the Emissary's wedding" could have on Bajor. As much as Sisko and Kasidy might want to make it a small event, there's Sisko's "icon status" there to render that all the more difficult.
Of course, the other problem (and what's certain to be a main focus of upcoming episodes), is the fact revealed to Sisko by the Sarah-prophet (Deborah Lacey) that his role as the Emissary conflicts with his intention to get married.
The final Sarah-prophet scene has quite an emotional punch (although Lacey's performance seemed a little too off-kilter in its attempt to be eerie), as we again look into the difficult path of "the Sisko." The Sarah-prophet's assertion that if Sisko marries Kasidy he "will know nothing but sorrow" is probably not at all what Ben wanted to hear, and, as he has in the past—most notably "Tears of the Prophets"—it looks as if he's going to have to make some tough choices between being the Emissary and being a human being.
This of course has me pondering possible tragedy scenarios for Sisko, who was the tragic hero of season six. And I've still not forgotten the statement from the Prophets from back in "Sacrifice of Angels" that "The Sisko is of Bajor but he will find no rest there"—especially considering his current house-building plans. (I could probably go on for hours about Sisko the Emissary, but we must move on.)
Less effective, but still okay, is the B-story involving Worf having gone missing after a Jem'Hadar attack that destroyed a Klingon ship he was aboard. The Defiant is forced to abandon the search, but Ezri decides to steal a runabout to go after him—simply because she can't stand the alternative of just waiting and doing nothing. ("She's a Dax. Sometimes they don't think; they just do," Sisko notes, sympathetically.)
There are strong feelings buried here that obviously are vying to come to some sort of resolution (preferably before the series ends). For Ezri, those memories are all still there. In a scene that might seem to utilize a soapish tactic but comes off as surprisingly effective nonetheless, Ezri walks through Worf's quarters as the voices from her previous life come back to her—driving home the realization that she has to help him. Her subsequent trip into the Badlands to track Worf down is nicely executed. But the important part is what this all means once she finds him.
Jadzia's death last season wasn't easy for Worf, but probably just as difficult was Ezri's appearance in "Afterimage." Worf and Ezri have done a good job of staying out of each other's way as much as possible since then, but they've long been headed for a collision. That collision comes here. Worf has never been one to easily let go of his feelings, and that's still the case here; he finds it easier to ignore Ezri than to face her.
Unfortunately, I think the writers feel it's easier to use a forced situation than to wrestle with the characters inside this confined runabout. Which is why, of course, the clichés come crawling out of the woodwork, as a Jem'Hadar attack leads to the abandonment of the runabout, leaving Worf and Ezri stranded on a planet with nothing to do but talk. Well, okay, but I was hoping for some really interesting and heartfelt dialog—a breakdown of the friction in the interests of understanding—but what we get here is disappointingly trite: a big, cliché-ridden argument that ends with Worf and Ezri clinched in each other's arms in standard romantic comedy fashion. (Sigh.)
I don't object to the Worf/Dax relationship being rekindled—not at all—but I hoped it would be more gradual and not so sudden and "spontaneous." Given Worf's attitude through every moment leading up to this one, the spontaneity comes off as way too forced. I also think the whole issue of the Trill "reassociation" taboo is just a little too easily brushed aside on Ezri's part. I'm look forward to seeing this all dealt with in the upcoming episodes, but here it proves widely variable, ranging everywhere from "the ring of truth" to "downright false."
Almost immediately following the big clinching moment, Worf and Ezri are taken prisoner by the Breen, which caught me so off guard that I'm not sure what to even make of it. How in the world do the Breen figure into all this? We've never even seen a Breen ship until now. (In fact, the only time we've ever seen a Breen was in the Dominion prison facility two years ago in the "Purgatory"/"Inferno" two-parter.) Just what are the Breen doing out here, and who are they? Are they going to be part of the bigger plot? Hmmm...
Other tidbits of the Big Plot Game are here, but I don't know what I can say about them yet beyond merely mentioning their presence. The disease infecting the Great Link (established in "Treachery, Faith, and the Great River") is still a problem that Weyoun and the Vorta are researching, but so far with no success. The Female Shapeshifter makes her appearance, asking for secure communication equipment for her quarters (the long-term plot patrol awakens), and then ordering Weyoun to terminate all the Vorta currently working on the vaccine and to activate their clones as a way of instituting "a fresh perspective." (Pretty cold, lady.)
Damar is hopelessly useless these days, stuck under Weyoun's thumb, although little of this conflict is new. He's still drinking in nearly every scene, and he's still "entertaining female guests" in his quarters. The war doesn't often seem to be much on his mind, but he does take exception to the fact the Cardassians are absorbing huge losses for the Dominion. Is this a preliminary hint of possible internal conflict? (Long-term plot patrol goes on full alert.)
Then, of course, there's Dukat. He's still espousing the Paghwraiths, and now he comes to Damar so that he may be surgically altered to look like a Bajoran. What's he up to? Where is this going? Who knows?
"Penumbra" is a solid start to various elements of "The Final Chapter." I most certainly was not bored. The Sisko stuff is top-drawer. Unfortunately, the Worf/Ezri material suffers from one (or eight) too many clichés. And the rest of the plot snippets comprise little more than an interesting extended teaser. Probably every scene here is ultimately necessary. But not all of it is effective—at least, not yet. Fortunately with DS9, we can be fairly confident the payoffs are somewhere down the road. The anticipation is probably a good percentage of the fun.
Next week: Chapter two.
Previous episode: Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
Next episode: 'Til Death Do Us Part
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82 comments on this post
Jakob M. Mokoru
"In fact, the only time we've ever seen a Breen was in the Dominion prison facility two years ago in the "Purgatory"/"Inferno" two-parter." Well, I hate to be a know-it-all... (No, I don't hate it! I'm a teacher!! ;o)) ...but this statement isn't true: We've seen a whole bunch of Breen in 4th seasons "Indescretion". Remember? The place Ziyal was kept prisoner?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've been corrected on this before. My error, but too late to go back and change it now. :p
ZZ in WY
I dunno, when I first saw this I connected the dots right away with the Breen. The female shapeshifter wanted a secure communications device to do something . . . Secretive. Only later to have Worf and Dax captured by the Breen. By this stage in the war it seemed to me the federation had a slight upper hand so it seemed natual for the dominion to seek out new allies.
Why does Kasidy Yates' mother have a minister?
Why is it still okay that Sisko makes command decisions because "she won't forgive me"?
a lot of eye-rolling in this episode in both plots...
shouldn't Ezri have a few broken bones after she sleeps with Worf? I mean, she's very slight even compared with Jadzia...
the glaring contradictions in the religious mumbo-jumbo jump out as well "stay on the path"...okay so there's a choice "all will be as it should be" what difference does it make what Sisko chooses? Dumb.
This episode certainly had a few problems. I'm especially bothered by the casual dismissing of the Trill taboo which Jadzia was so worried about in "Rejoined", and Deborah Lacey's performance in the final scene - way too mechanical for a mother or even a Prophet. But overall this was a good way to kick off the arc, I actually didn't expect so much to be going on in the very first episode - which is a GOOD feeling :).
Mr. spock
I can't stand Ezri, I skip her episodes, her scenes were abysmal
They should trow Ezri out the airlock and get over with all her whineys.
Gene Roddenberry had stated that humanity was free of religion in the 24th Century (The TNG episode "Who Watches the Watchers" makes this very clear.) Kassidy mentioning her mother wanting her to be married by a minister was way out of place. I'm all for exploring the darker aspects of Roddenberry's universe, but completely disregarding his wishes for his own creation is inexcusable. The writers shouldn't be injecting their own personal beliefs into the show. (Just like Michael Piller resurrecting baseball two centuries after its extinction because he was a fan). I also agree that Ezri never should have been made a regular, it just took too much away from the final season, and undermines Jadzia's death. The Trek universe is supposed to be about exploring the human condition, but they never want to let characters stay dead.
Chris Pike
Nick I agree with what you say about Kassidy's comment, I haven't noticed it myself but you're absolutelly right. And as for the baseball episode, baseball is not even a universally loved sport just an american favorite so it's beyond ridicolous to think that 300+ years from now in a galaxy of millions diferent civilizitations Vulcans and the non american/non human crew of ds9 would care about an american sport. Even today the rest of the world doen't even know how baseball is played.
The Sisko
Every time I watch season 7 I can't get past how much i hate Ezri. She brings the season down.
Ezri isn't great, but she's no worse than Jadzia, really. They are approximately equivalent in acting ability and in what they contribute to the overall storylines (i.e. very little of worth). I don't find either of them annoying, however. How anyone could single out *Ezri* as annoying on a show that regularly features Rom, Moogie, and Zek, is beyond me. She's basically one of the least annoying things on a show of many annoying things.
BTW it makes perfect sense for Ezri to be very relaxed about so-called Trill 'taboos' because she received no training prior to being joined.
P.S. The Vulcans don't actually care about baseball, that's not what the episode said. What the episode said was that the Vulcan captain only forced his crew to learn baseball in order to get Sisko's goat. Mind you, it makes little sense for a Vulcan to go to such lengths in service of nothing other than an emotional ploy. Vulcans and the writers of DS9 just don't mix because in order to do Vulcans right you have to take Star Trek seriously.
At least Jadzia was not whiney and incompetent.
Ezri is horrible.
Based on what we know of Klingons, I find it hard to believe that a Klingon vessel would have escape pods.
Of course Klingon ships have escape pods. Death by technobabble never got anyone into Sto-vo-kor.
First time watcher here. Ezri continues to grates on my nerves. I doubt if in any of my rewatches I'll see season 7 again!
I hate Ezri more and more. She's terrible.
Jock Strapp
I like Ezri. But to be completely honest I wish Terry had wanted to leave sooner. That way Ezri could have been brought in with more time to slowly develop her character. But it is what it is. She did the best with what she had to work with and that isn't easy for such a long running show with many great established characters.
I find Ezri far less annoying than I found Jadzia. In fact, I quite like Ezri.
Decent episode.
I have said this before: I prefer Ezri to Jadzia. I think Jadzia was one of the worstly conceived characters in whole Trek. Not to mention that Ezri's portrayal, as bad as it may seem, is a lot better than Jadzia's.
However, yes we didn't have enough time for this character to be properly introduced. So it feels forced to jump her into more refined business like... well, what happens in this episode. I laughed instead of having the expected reaction. Really.
But the junk part was again the magictechnobabble. Oh, the propehts say Sisko cannot merry. Tsc, our beloved captain not only thinks he is really an emissary, i.e. an special human being for the people of Bajor, but he once again blindly obeys the Prophets. Nothing against people believing in what they want, but it is certainly odd that in a 24th without religions within the Federation a man with such an easy tendency to whatever the Prophets say to is still holding such a crucial position as Sisko is.
Again, this is DS9 going far away from the boundary that exists between shading shades of grey on Roddenberry’s reality and abandoning in favor of a different take on the Federation and on Starfleet.
@Ric Well, the Prophets exist outside of time, their non-linear nature seems to allow them to see not only the future, but all possible futures. Therefore if I was Sisko and they said "you shouldn't get married, it's going to end badly", I'd go "well, thanks for the heads up". In retrospect, since he did get married and we saw how that ended, they were trying to save him from heartache.
I'll admit it would be nice if they spelt things out a little clearer re: the whole "nothing but sorrow" business, but a) english is their second language; b) you can level that charge at just about any prophecy-based piece of fiction; or c) maybe they don't want to trigger the timeline where Sisko does what he is told without truly understanding why, they want the timeline where Sisko makes a mistake, pays the price and learns from it.
@Ric: It's odd to complain about how Sisko would be so affected by the Prophets by citing his (supposedly) non-religious background. Sisko's evolution on this stuff was well established throughout seven seasons. It was one of the core concepts of the entire series.
I'll grant that his actions would have been odd in the first or second season, but by season 7, Sisko has seen the Prophets predict the future on numerous occasions and (essentially) perform miracles ("Sacrifice of Angels").
As far as going too far with the "different take" on Roddenberry's vision, I can certainly buy that in much of DS9 ("In the Pale Moonlight" is as dark as Trek got, pre-Enterprise). But the religious/deity aspect was nothing new to Star Trek. TOS was full of all-powerful beings who intervened and had abilities that bordered on mystic -- the Organians, the aliens in "Arena", Trelane and his parents, etc.
The only difference with DS9's Prophets is that there was a whole society who had witnessed the powerful actions and built a religion around it. I never cared much for the pagh-wraith stuff, but having a religion built around non-corporeal aliens who occasionally intervene with corporeal and linear beings was a fascinating Star Trek concept, IMO. And, it's worth noting that most of the Federation folks (O'Brien, Dax, Ross) express doubt that the Prophets are gods of any kind even late in the series. In other words, while Sisko bought in over the course of the show, there was quite a bit of disagreement on the issue -- even by characters who witnessed the miracle-like actions for several seasons.
Lastly, while TNG was decidedly non-religious, TOS had distinct religious moments, most of them Christian. In "Bread and Circuses", the parallel Earth humans have a new religion about the "sun of God". And, in "The Ultimate Computer", Daystrom programs the M-5 computer with "the laws of man and God."
@DavidK I never complained about the prophets' intentions. I agree they were trying to save Sisko from a "heartache". I was questioning Sisko giving up his free will and his freedom to try to have a life just because the prophets have advised so. Yes, they had quite a high previous success rate in predicting things. But isn't this just the sort of excuse a lot of people have used in the past to blindly follow false prophets as well? I mean, believing they have had a high success rate before in predicting things? For instance, who could know whether the aliens called prophets were even being honest and good to Sisko? Couldn't it be the case that they were actually just using Sisko for with bad intentions?Our captain was just blindly following his faith. And worse, Federation and Starfleet were just letting Sisko do that.
@Paul And so what? Yes they have been sort of "developing" Sisko's transition throughout the seasons. I was only claiming that it still looks forced, artificial and unlikely. Btw, I don't agree that Sisko's transition was truly treated as one of the core concepts of the series, but it certainly does not matter for this debate anyway. Even though, it is really annoying how the Starfleet could really keep Sisko at the DS9 after the many signs he gave that he was believing he was the emissary of the prophets, that he was making decisions solely on faith (like preventing Bajor of becoming part of the Federation), etc.
And actually that is the sort of things I was talking about when I mentioned here the departure from Roddenberry's Star Trek. Not the presence of religion by itself. E.g. Starfleet being so lenient with Sisko and, in fairness, with all sorts of misbehavior from other officers through the last seasons. I really think you missed the point when mentioning the other previous religious/deity aspect in Trek’s universe. Of course, they have appeared before, especially in TOS. And in concept, I also enjoyed quite a lot the idea of powerful aliens being seen as gods by other less powerful bipeds. This stands for a very interesting metaphor. In concept.
My criticisms are toward the execution of this concept. DS9 started to throw all the sort of Indiana Jones-ish stuff like the sacred books with blank pages that get on fire when blood touches. And no matter how absurd, ludicrous, nonsense these things became (why the hell aliens would become free when magic words are read? Why Dukat became a Lord Sith with video-game superpowers in Season 6’s finale?), to any criticism people reply throwing back the easy magictechnobabble “they were powerful aliens that existed out of linearity”. Really? Is it that easy? So we can make any sort of story become good futuristic scifi just granting that we explain first that we are talking about all-mighty aliens?
Lastly, although by “departing from Trek” I was meaning the unquestioned acceptance of a faith-blind Sisko and not the presence of religion, it is still worth mentioning something. With all due respect, this is what is usually pointless in this debate. People frequently reply to criticism towards DS9 looking backwards for examples of religions in TOS or TNG, or of all-migthy aliens such as Q. Is it that difficult to differentiate between someone saying that a series is going far from the scifi tone it had and saying that something was unprecedented? Between someone saying that in general the overall DS9 reality is departuring and someone saying "aha, this was never portrayed in Ter before"? It is not a binary game where finding an example of deity in TOS invalidates the argument that DS9 went too far. As always it is a matter of execution and of degree.
The biggest problem I had with the episode were the inconsistencies. The rest was pretty decent.
First off, Dukat once again affirming that he hates Bajorans by saying he's not going to stay in his Bajoran disguise for too long. As we know, Dukat does not hate Bajorans. He had a Bajoran wife and even wept when he found her remains. He spoke of her quite normally. He also had a relationship with Nerys's mother. To say that ''well, he went insane is all'' is not good enough. He's been insane on and off - this time is no different.
And secondly there's Odo asking why Sisko let Ezri go. Sisko basically replied by saying she had to do it since she was in love with Worf once. Odo should easily realize this! He's got perhaps the most profound relationship on the station, and yet he acts like he doesn't know. Seems like new writers were hired, and they didn't get Odo's stance. It would've made more sense if they put Nog in his place. Besides, I know Odo is quite headstrong; he would most likely do something similar to what Ezri did.
A bit early to tell yet but a bit of an "untidy" mess here that does not seem to completely come together succesfully, it seems to be in too much of a hurry to throw Worf and Ezri together, but seems to meander around some fairly uninteresting boring and woolly phophets and destiny material for Sisko. Nice twist having the Breen appear at the end - will be interesting to see if the scriptwriters can sensibly extract themselves from this "build up" episode.
@Lionheart: you have a great point with Dukat. While the episode "Duet" is a great episode when taken alone, it doesn't feel consistent that Dukat actually hates Bajorans racially -- if that were the case, he'd like Cardassians. As is, we only have proof he loved Ziyal and himself.
However, I don't agree on Odo. While Odo may have known that Ezri still loved Worf, his question was why Sisko didn't take action. The question was about Sisko's motivations, not Ezri's. It's pretty strange that Sisko would let a person under his command go off by herself into enemy territory.
As for the Ezri vs. Jadzia thing, Ezri is at least cute. Jadzia, while a well-realized character, got on my nerves, and at times seemed to irritate other characters on purpose. Ezri...well, like someone said before, she didn't have time to develop, and it was weird that the final season of the show had someone that didn't really fit in.
Ric, if I may I'd like to shorten your term.
I hereby submit the following replacement for "magictechnobabble".
How about "magibabble" :) Much shorter and easier to say.
This episode to me is nothing higher than 2 stars. I don't have a problem with Ezri or Nicole, but this just diminished the taboo we learned was so prevalent in "relioned".
2 stars.
This is a reasonable stepping stone episode. It's more about setting up questions for the last stretch of shows, but it does so well enough. The nicest moments involve Sisko and his plans to get married, asking Jake to be his best man, etc.
The Damar and Weyoun bickering is nicely reintroduced, as is the disease in the Great Link.
When Dukat showed up, I couldn't help but think, "I forgot you're still around". It's always nice to see Alaimo back, but I still can't shake the feeling that his character is now so far removed from the meat of the series.
The Ezri/Worf stuff is fine. Jammer's bang-on about how it really is a lot of break up-and-reconnecting cliches. I wished we'd have gotten something a bit more... weighty? It's nice to see Ezri call out Worf for never being around, but it doesn't seem like it's going much farther than that.
Like I said, it's a reasonable show with some good character moments. Hard to judge on its own, but it's a fairly well done hour. 3 stars, I guess.
Damar: "No of course it doesn't."
Easily the best line in this episode.
Definitely undermines a whole lot of everything that happened with Jadzia, but well, what's new? How much more 'cheap' heterosexual plugs do we have to watch and not complain about! Rejoined was one episode and got called out for that. Here, with Worf/Dax, we can expand it across episode after episode I suppose, with any restrictions brushed aside.
Leaves me feeling bitter! ST never seems to tire of the 'stick two people on random planet which just happens to be completely habitable/breathable and around for a crash landing' thing, just so they can come together due to the enforced proximity.
Of course, if same-sex individuals become close in enforced proximity scenarios, that's unnatural perversion. (Rant :p)
Yes it is Aine.
The problem with Ezri is that she seems to get more screen time in one season than Jadzia got in SIX! She's a new frickin' character introduced in the last season of a character-heavy show, yet every other episode revolves around her. The only other regular I hated more for getting attention is Vic Fontain *blech*
Quark is completely diminished and his character perverted into an Ezri-loving baffoon. O'Brien gets hardly any screentime either.
I believe that the very facts that ds9 is a character heavy show and that Ezri was only introduced this season make it fundamentally indispensable that she get a great deal of character development, if she's going to be there at all. With that in mind perhaps it was the wrong choice to include her in the first place, but also remember that Jadzia leaving was based upon the actress' desire, not the screenwriters'
It was a sub optimal situation, and the response want perfect, but I think they did a fairly good job keeping a dax character while also making her more than Jadzia 2.0
bashir's steampunk brain
Why oh why did they have Kassidy ask for a freaking minister? Didn't humanity rid itself of the poison of organized religion by the 24th century?
Maybe because they actually believe in diversity in the 24th century?
I think they still have religion in the 24th century Federation. Janeway mentions Christmas several times (See also Star Trek Generations). Then there's "Devil's Due" where Ardra briefly takes on the form of a Judeo-Christian devil to attempt to prove her identity to the human away team.
There's probably more examples, but in DS9 of all shows, having a minister would seem extremely appropriate.
DeBoer's acting is quite awful here, I didn't think she was that bad up until this point but I can see what people mean when they say she is limited.
As for asking about a minister, people who aren't religious use them in wedding ceremonies and I can't see that changing. Marriage is traditionally a religious institution and like Christmas, will tend to carry on with its customs even if much of the meaning is lost. It would have been nice to see Trek's take on the future of marriage, however that's not really DS9's forte.
Diamond Dave
Something of a grab bag of themes, all of which laying groundwork for future resolution and so not entirely satisfying here. Some are interesting - where did the Breen come from - and some less so - wormhole aliens veto Sisko-Yates marriage.
Probably Damar is the highlight as he spirals downward - and doesn't Dukat look good as a Bajoran?! Worf and Ezri just feels wrong to me, and some of the dialogue was pretty cringe worthy. 2 stars overall.
William B
The DS9 final arc begins on a somewhat muted, low-key note, which overall didn't work for me this watch. Roughly, the episode has something of an A/B/D(/D) plot structure. The Sisko story gets the opening and closing scenes, so I guess it gets the A-story, though the Ezri/Worf story probably gets more screentime and is thus the B story. The C story is a pretty general "happenings on Cardassia" plot, which could, I suppose, be split into a C-story following Damar and a D-story which is the single scene of Weyoun talking with the Founder (or, perhaps, split further). Of note, here, is that this structure does more or less tell what the final arc will be about: Sisko and the Prophets, the Dominion War and internal fissures therein, and personal (mostly romantic) unfinished business.
So, plotline by plotline:
Sisko: You know, I applaud that Sisko/Kasidy was mostly kept a low-drama romance, "For the Cause" excepted. However, the consequence of that is that there hasn't been all that much material on that relationship, and I didn't find myself all that invested in their getting married. Arguably the best thing about the show's handling of Ben and Kasidy is that the relationship is/was somehow understood not to be the most important thing to Ben (or, as we see in For the Cause, Kasidy) and not the defining trait of the characters. However that does mean that the dramatic push of this plotline where Sisko has to choose between Kasidy and the Prophets' warning feels pretty abstract. And while it's not the choice I'd *like*, frankly the series has laid a lot more groundwork for Sisko doing what the Prophets tell him than for him to prioritize his relationship with Kasidy. Sisko was willing to risk his death for the visions back in "Rapture." While Worf/Dax got the goodbye in "Call to Arms," there was never any effort to state exactly how Ben/Kasidy dealt with being apart when the station was abandoned, or reclaimed. Sisko's choosing between duty and wormhole aliens' warning in "Tears of the Prophets" led to him leaving the station for months, with no mention of Kasidy between her appearances in "The Sound of Her Voice" and "Take Me Out to the Holosuite." Again, that's not by itself so bad, but it makes Sisko's Difficult Choice in this episode have a little less heft. Sisko has been somewhat MIA this season, too. On the Prophets' side, having Sarah be the avatar for the Prophets generally makes the Prophets seem that much more human and thus banal, which makes her/their refusal to come straight out and tell Sisko what will happen if he marries Kasidy more frustrating. I guess I will say more about the dilemma in my comments on "Til Death Do Us Part."
The dialogue is clumsy sort of throughout all the station material, but it's especially bad in that opening scene, where Sisko and Kasidy recap the season opener to set up Sarah's role and recap Sisko's "house on Bajor." Sisko's somewhat obsessive focus on that house model is sort of justified in dialogue by the idea that he's trying to keep his mind off Worf and Ezri's absence, but still feels odd to me. What the material emphasizing Sisko's connection to Bajor does is emphasize the connection between him and Dukat, who takes on a whole Bajoran identity but also, unlike Sisko who really wants to live on Bajor, emphasizes to Damar that he has no plans to stay a Bajoran. The set-up for the Emissaries of the Prophets/Pah-Wraiths as opposing figures continues.
Ezri/Worf: This is the plotline that annoyed me the most, for various reasons. Worf's disappearance leads to a series of scenes of Ezri being sad in her quarters, then sad in Worf's quarters, then sad on the Runabout. If anyone else on the station is concerned that Worf is missing and possibly dead, we don't see it, except for the brief suggestion that Sisko is working on the model to distract himself. Presumably O'Brien is concerned about his friend offscreen, and after all the plot is only there to justify the Worf/Ezri story, but the intense Ezri-centrism to the exclusion of showing any other reactions to Worf's death felt myopic and got on my nerves. The audio montage in Worf's quarters felt tacky to me (so you could imagine how I would react to a full visual montage!).
Then after rescuing Worf, the Ezri/Worf scenes are incredibly irritating -- her attempts to make conversation would drive me to distraction, too. I do get what they were going for; Ezri slips into Jadzia's skin and old conversational habits of bemusement and sarcasm with Worf because of the depth of feeling that's still there, and the line between her and Jadzia keeps getting fuzzy. Worf is initially very upset with Ezri's attempts to engage with him in Jadzia-like ways but then realizes he sees Jadzia in her, after all, and bounces back and forth between insisting that she stop bringing up Jadzia and comparing her to Jadzia. Ezri bounces back and forth between forgetting that she's not Jadzia and insisting that she's not Jadzia. It is no doubt a confusing, difficult situation.
Then they argue because they are stressed and have sex. The argue-sex cliche is unconvincing in and of itself, but, okay, tensions running high etc. After the sex, time to discuss the reassociation, at which point Ezri blithely dismisses it, which undermines "Rejoined" quite a bit. Worf, meanwhile, not only has a we're-married-now attitude, which, well, I guess that's how he takes sex and that's consistent, but also really seems to think that his relationship with Ezri is a direct continuation of his relationship with Jadzia, which requires seeing Ezri as being that similar to Jadzia. And I dunno. OK, so: obviously this has not been "building" since "Afterimage," because Worf has ignored her all this time, as Ezri mentioned. The way this can work is if Ezri and Worf are basically *so close* to falling back into old patterns that it takes just a tiny bit of time together for all the identity confusion to seize Ezri until she really thinks she wants to rekindle Jadzia's romance, and for Worf to think Ezri really is Jadzia 2.0. But Worf has barely spent any time with her, first off, and second she is not so similar to Jadzia that it reads to me that Worf would get to this love-forever point with her based on knowing little about her. It bothers me that Worf and Ezri seem so...*nonconflicted* about an obviously messed up situation, and while some of that is that they were captured by the Breen and can't exactly spend all their energies having second thoughts about having sex, it still seems to flatten the characters to suggest that their previous-life attraction is enough to spontaneously change on a dime like this. I am probably just insufficiently romantic.
I think part of the problem for me, too, is that I feel like Worf's perspective has been pretty lacking since "Afterimage" (or, okay, "Take Me Out to the Holosuite," where he had lots of lines). Yes, there's "Once More Unto the Breach," but that was one episode about a particular situation; otherwise Worf has had almost no material except as generic authority figure or as somehow imposing to Ezri in "Field of Fire." It's not just a matter of "how has Worf dealt with Ezri?" because, yes, I can certainly imagine Worf just ignoring Ezri for months and months. It's a matter of, what has Worf been DOING with himself, now that his wife is dead? What is his experience like on the station now? He did not move back onto the Defiant. Does he spend time with Miles and Julian? Is he only commanding Klingon ships? Did helping get Jadzia into Sto-Vo-Kor resolve things for him or is his life empty? I can imagine, and some sense of what Worf's experience has been like would maybe make his behviour with Ezri more convincing. Oh well.
On Cardassia: it's interesting how little actually *happens* in those early scenes, but they are doing set-up for Damar's situation starting to boil over, as well as reestablishing the Founders' disease. Dukat's entrance and odd plan works, in part, to underline for Damar how far he has fallen -- Damar has taken on Dukat's petty vices, but Dukat himself has grown beyond them (to grow worse ones -- who needs booze when you get periodically possessed by evil fire monsters). The embarrassment Damar feels at Dukat seeing him, along with the tension remaining from their previous encounters (and the unspoken but still present reality of Ziyal), is well portrayed and works as a way of kickstarting Damar's self-reflection.
Overall I found this episode slow, with often obvious or unsatisfying dialogue. Of the three plots, the Ezri/Worf one actively bothered me, the Sisko/Kasidy one felt neutral and I enjoyed the Cardassia material, so 2 stars for the whole package.
William B
Also, Sisko saying "she won't forgive me [if I don't let her go]" is such BS -- come on man, we have been through this in "Change of Heart." You disapproved then of this type of rogue life-saving with Worf/Dax. I know it's different (by a huge margin). But the point is that either Sisko should give Ezri permission to take the Runabout, or he should retrieve it; it's not like she owns the Runabout. I know he tacitly gave her permission by sending her the files, but it's the "tacit" element that's irksome. Oh well.
William H
Isn't all this talk of destiny and fate kind of linear for the prophets?
Jammer we also saw the Breen in the episode where Dukat rescues his half bajoran daughter.
Like I said in the season 7 overview. It makes since that the Cardassians wouldn't be the only race the Dominion is trying to ally itself with The Breen are clearly a small but well armed isolationist power(Heck we learn that they destroyed an entire Klingon Armada sent to conquer there worlds) What bothers me is that only the Breen and Cardassians sided with the Dominion. How many Authoritarian single planet governments have the Enterprise encountered? How many do you think would agree to join the Dominion in exchange for rival planets technology or resources? and again if they need cannon fodder for situations like AR-558 going to a primitive world and pretending to be gods sounds like a good idea. stuff a ship with 400 Neanderthals or iron age warriors and tell them to storm that group of Klingons or Starfleet security.
A quiet, entertaining episode. Ezri & Worf aren't making the smartest choice, but I don't think it's out of character for them.
Aine said:
"Definitely undermines a whole lot of everything that happened with Jadzia, but well, what's new? How much more 'cheap' heterosexual plugs do we have to watch and not complain about! Rejoined was one episode and got called out for that. Here, with Worf/Dax, we can expand it across episode after episode I suppose, with any restrictions brushed aside."
Well, in Rejoined, Jadzia Dax was willing to publicly engage in a 'forbidden' relationship, even though the taboo meant she would lose her ability for Dax to join new hosts. It was the other person in the relationship that wouldn't go through with it. Here, Ezri Dax is also willing to indulge in a forbidden relationship, and, in the short term, there is no possible loss, since there is only the 2 of them present. Noone is around to alert Trill authorities*. Now, if this relationship actually continues, this will obviously bring up those issues, but she's clearly not thinking that far ahead.
Regardless of hosts, Dax has generally been somewhat reckless, willing to ignore rules when it suits him/her, specifically including the 'reassociation taboo', so this is generally in character.
*This actually brings into focus the parallel between a homosexuality taboo and the reassociation taboo...the taboo may keep people from doing things in public, but the taboo doesn't necessarily stop people from doing what they want to do in private.
William B said:
"Worf, meanwhile, not only has a we're-married-now attitude, which, well, I guess that's how he takes sex and that's consistent, but also really seems to think that his relationship with Ezri is a direct continuation of his relationship with Jadzia, which requires seeing Ezri as being that similar to Jadzia"
That may happen in the next episode (which I haven't gotten to yet this rewatch), but it's not here. After sex, they're captured, followed by a brief scene locked up before their part in the episode is up. He seems somewhat tender in that scene, but he doesn't believe their relationship is permanent at the moment. He asks "You don't regret last night, do you?", and follows that up by bringing up the reassociation taboo. He's giving her the opportunity to say the previous night was a mistake. She rejects the idea, they realize they're on a space ship, and we don't see them again until next week.
Probably a nitpick.. but wouldn't a military organization like Starfleet have a protocol for who gets the comm unit when abandoning ship? Like lowest ranked person or something? Doesn't seem to make sense that Worf and Dax both think the other got one, especially something so important it would be fatal to forget it. It sets up the whole story on the planet, although I guess they could have gotten the comm unit and not been able to contact anyone (probably would have been better to maintain realism though).
Instead it just made them look like an old married couple bickering over who forgot the *some item* back at the car.
Smokey Kaye
My 1st time around for DS9 as been watching since episode 1 on Heroes & Icons network.. Rather enjoyed this episode tho so many story lines involved.. Love Ezri Dax.. She fills the role nicely after Jadzias death.. Tho would have been nice if she came in a season sooner to let her character more fully build & mature.. Am watching these final episodes closely.. And when it restarts I will pay more attention to the story lines & details.. Overall I do enjoy the DS9 series.!
"Overall I do enjoy the DS9 series.! "
That's because it's the best one!
Welcome to the fold!
I second Del_Duio, welcome on board Smokey Kaye.
The first 15 minutes of this episode are a disaster in several ways. Sisko's reasons for letting Ezri go in a runabout are downright lame and un-Starfleet-like to the highest degree. Ezri's expectation that her runabout would follow the same path once the engines are offline, in all the turmoil of the badlands, is completely outside the realm of possibility. Ezri (for the umpteenth time) confusing her identity with Jadzia in a dialog is by now nauseating to watch. Worf's reaction to Boday's relation to either Dax's is so infantile that Michael Dorn should have rejected the script for Worf's sake (ok I know Dorn probably is not in a position to do that, but come on writers...!)
Once you can make it past all that to the last 25 minutes, it becomes a nice set-the-atmosphere episode for the final run of the series.
As to the hate-Ezri crowd, I agree that she gets way too much screen time in Season 7, but to claim that Jadzia was a much better character is a stretch. As few people have pointed out, Farrell barely did (or did she?) more with Jadzia Dax's development in 6 seasons than did deBoer with Ezri Dax in one season.
No! Don't marry him! If he really wanted to marry you he would have asked you BEFORE he bought the house. He would have 1. Proposed 2. If you said yes, said, "I'd like to buy some retirement property on Bajor. What do you think of that?" 3. Had a discussion about whether you both want to live on Bajor, and, if so, where, and once that's figured out, what if anything you want to grow on that property.
Also, if your reaction to a proposal is an incredibly surprised "Really? You're sure about this?" don't marry him.
Also, Kassidy, this is not you. You are not a soft lit feminine supporting character. You are a tough freighter captain. As a man once said, Don't go on changing just to try to please him.
The prophet is right -- that marriage can bring only pain.
Sisko's desire to live on Bajor continues to be stupid. It would be like John Lennon at the height of Beatlemania buying a sweet single family house in some midwestern suburb. Yeah, it's nice for the first couple of days but not so great when people find out you live there and are constantly walking into your house because you're a celebrity and the public owns your xxx.
Worf is going to eat a wolf? Will he at least skin it first?
Back in 1999 I'd have given this installment 3 stars. It didn't age as well. Now I'd give it 2.5 stars. When I watched this originally in 1999 a large part of the fun was seeng how a
How all the plot arcs would play out and in some cases come together towards resolution. Now rewatching knowing how it unfolds and directions it goes not as invested in certain arcs and one of which was the heavy focus on ezri worf relationship
The Ezri-Worf stuff is what really bogged down the arc and didn't age well and unfortunately for the first installments takes up way too much time given how it's the least interesting part of all the other threads in play. Worf on TNG was an interesting and major character. Not so on DS9 when he's competing with the Founder, Weyoun, Winn, Dukat. Then when you've got him saddled with such a mundane through-line
The episode raised intriguing questions such as why the Founder wanted communication equipment and who was she contacting? What Dukat was plotting? And what was the Trial Sisko is to face? What are the Breen up to?
The Sisko and Kasidy plot wasn't riveting but it moved the story along and mostly held up over the years. It did effectively then and now convey a feeling things are coming to an end which was very bittersweet. Not only for the series but the place in my life at the time finishing up college that spring semester and on the weekends looking forward to the Final Chapter.
Liked the little touches--Weyoun keeping the room cold whether or not the Founder has been there in days or not and Wetoin not caring about anyone else's comfort but the Founder
Enjoyed the Son'a reference
I also loved the trailers the show did that aired after each episode previewing next week. I loved the VoiceOver and the DS9 the final chapter. The end of a Legend has begun
I think Ezri's disregard for the reassociation taboo is perfectly in character. Dax had shown itself willing to go against it in Rejoined, with great reluctance. It makes some sense that much of that reluctance would come from Jadzia, after all she was indoctrinated by the Trill authorities during her rigorous training to become joined. Without that indoctrination, Ezri probably doesn't feel that same reluctance. Plus it could be a case of 'Well I never wanted to be joined anyway so why do I care about their stupid rules.' Also what are they going to do? Exile her from Trill? She's never shown any interest in going back and her family doesn't even live there. Disallow Dax from seeking another host? Maybe but Dax has already been willing to disregard the taboo anyway.
Here it is: Kasidy Yates' family practices Christianity. Not only that, but Kasidy never converts to the Bajoran faith. If you're surprised that religion exists in DS9 after watching to the final season, you haven't been paying attention. There are references to relgion--respectful references--throughout all the Trek series, including TOS. Besides, the greatest Trek film, Star Trek V, was all about religion. :-D
Peter G.
@ Samuel,
You're absolutely correct. Those who imply that Trek is in some way anti-religion haven't been paying attention. However it's worth noting that as a 'secular humanist' show it has typically taken positions that don't require religion as a premise for its values, which isn't at all the same as suggesting that religion ought to in some way be absent from it. TNG, which we might say is the flagship of the current Trek fandom, did feature a Klingon with deep religious/spiritual beliefs, and if anything the show was reverent towards them. Picard, in particular, seems to have been portrayed as a rather secular scholar-type person, and maybe it's the image of Picard that creates the confusion. In some ways he is the epitome of TNG, but in other ways the show is about IDIC, which means that even Picard shouldn't be taken to be the end-all of what Trek is about.
There's nothing wrong with having a character who comes from a Christian background. Humanity is spread out all over the Alpha Quadrant. Not everyone is going to live according to the Earth mainstream culture. She's also a trader while Earth has rejected money. Older ideas may be more common in some of the colonies.
One of those episodes with many separate plots going on starting to set up the grand finale. Hard to judge on its own. These kind of episodes are all over the place and it really comes down to how compelling the subplots are. The Ezri/Worf one is mostly not that interesting, Ben Sisko proposing to Kasidy is the light-hearted subplot with a prophet vision kicker at the end, but most intriguing is the update on the Founder's illness and Weyoun/Damar butting heads with Dukat showing up and being surgically altered to look Bajoran.
So Ezri and Worf are supposed to become a thing. This feels too forced for me. Just let Worf be. But then Ezri would be pretty much useless. I liked Ben Sisko on letting her keep looking for the Klingon -- that was a nice moment when he explained his rationale despite the obvious violation. The dynamic between the Ezri/Worf gets more interesting when Ezri starts standing up to him on the planet, but then the kiss comes out of nowhere (bit time cliche) -- it's more bizarre than when Worf and Troi hook up in "Eye of the Beholder". And then, what are the Breen up to after capturing Worf/Ezri?
As for Sisko/Kasidy, it's about time they got married but then a prophet, in no uncertain terms, puts a wrench in Ben Sisko's plans. This makes sense in that as the Emissary, he has a role for Bajor. Bottom line is he won't have time for honeymoon and newlywed stuff, according to the Sarah prophet. But it was good to see Sisko much more at ease, blissful in the early part of the episode. Brooks does this well instead of his huffing and puffing when serious action is needed.
Dukat showing up was great -- he has such a commanding presence as a character. As a Bajoran, have to wonder what's next for him after that questionable episode as the leader of a Paghwraiths cult.
2.5 stars for "Penumbra" -- mostly teasing us for what's coming next, for now plenty of loose ends but definitely intriguing. Good to see Dukat back in touch with Damar, but I hope not much more time is wasted on Worf/Ezri. The DS9 writers haven't let us down so far but I would have prefered a different structure with a less scattered product. But maybe it's inevitable that an episode structured as such has to come about.
At least they didn't have Ezri wind up with Worf on a long-term basis. They were both very confused about their feelings, given Jadzia's sudden, brutal death and the fact that another Dax incarnation was interacting with Worf so shortly after.
Actually, Trill law as established should have required her to leave the station or at least stay away from Worf. The crazy emotions they were feeling led to bad feeling and then a preoccupation with each other which caused Ezri's illegal search and a one night stand.
After they got captured, escaped and got back, if I remember correctly, she ended up with Julian. There was no way she'd have had a long-term relationship with Worf--she didn't even particularly care for Klingons (but respected him) and couldn't stand the aspects of Klingon culture Jadzia thought were so great.
On Odo,
By this point I'm surprised he still has the trust of the crew.
Twice now he's essentially thrown everyone under bus when a visitor came. It happened first with the she-Founder, and then again with Laas.
And no matter how absurd, ludicrous, nonsense these things became (why the hell aliens would become free when magic words are read? Why Dukat became a Lord Sith with video-game superpowers in Season 6’s finale?), to any criticism people reply throwing back the easy magictechnobabble “they were powerful aliens that existed out of linearity”. Really? Is it that easy? So we can make any sort of story become good futuristic scifi just granting that we explain first that we are talking about all-mighty aliens?
Basically, Ric... if you are a critically thinking person with a high IQ, this stuff isn't okay and will bother you; and if you don't understand logical, good storytelling, then anything goes. Yee hAw!
A mish mash of an ep, not sure what to say about it.
Could have done without the Worf/Ezri stuff. Useless, I'm sure.
Kasidy and Ben - they're ok. I'm glad to see them engaged, though they've never really grown on me as a couple. We see so little of her or their relationship.
Something's brewing on Cardassia. I liked this part of the ep best. It showed some promise, unlike the relationships.
Jamie Mann
Not an episode I've got much to say about, as it simply sets the scene for the remainder of the season.
Let's see...
I was never really interesting in the relationship between Sisko and Kasidy, not least because as with so many other aspects of the show, it tended to wildly flip-flop depending on what the writers wanted to explore in that episode. So that bit didn't keep my attention, and layering some Prophet-based mumbo-jumbo atop it didn't improve matters any.
Worf and Ezri: it was perhaps inevitable/necessary to get these two together, given how they'd been deliberately kept apart by the writers so far. It's perhaps a shame this had to be tied into the overarching war storyline. And once again, the Federation has some appalling security around it's runabouts. And presumably, a set of equally weak procedures for prosecuting people who steal them, given how blase Ezri is about taking one (and - SPOILER - rightly so, given the lack of punishment when they return! Not even a slapped wrist!). Though first, they have to have some quality prison time together after being captured, which is handily perfect for soul-baring discussions and arguments...
Oh, look. Dukat's appeared on Cardassia and is merrily chewing the scenery. And shock, horror, he's going to get disguised as a Bajoran. I suspose Marc Alaimo would have enjoyed the lighter make up.
I dunno. As per above, it's not really fair to assess this episode as a standalone item.
This is when DS9 went full-on soap opera.
I'm 15 minutes in and, boy, it's a torment to slog through it. I'm only subjecting myself to it because this is a two-parter and it seems this episode also sets up a longer arc for the remainder of the season. It's a heavy and cruel punishment for not wanting to be out of the loop in the episodes to come...
I have zero interest in Cisco's or in Worf's relationship. I have zero interest in Dax v.8.0's reminiscences. I have zero tolerance for Cisco making command and resource decisions based on "she'd never forgive me." (I'm with Elliott on that one 100%.)
This is absolute garbage, Lord help me...
The Cardassia scenes were the only ones that--barely--made this not totally skip-worthy.
Is this a portent of what the rest of the season is about? Silly romances, military discipline going completely out the window, religious head-trips?!?
Quo vadis, Star Trek...?
A half a star.
Trek writers, please stop attempting romance stories until you get some actual experience on the subject...
It was painful to watch the normally-honorable and understated Worf tearing into *Ezri* because *Jadzia* had ever had a lover that wasn't him. Yes, attack the reincarnation of your dead ex-wife who meant the world to you because of what a different person did. To the point where he calls Ezri every filthy name in the Klingon book *to her face*. Thus, of course, Ezri is compelled to sleep with him for old time's sake...
You can argue Ezri's ignorance or disregard for Trill custom. But Dax certainly knew the rules. She comes across as a basketcase but maybe her self-esteem and agency really are lower than a doormat... somehow.
Guys, this is at best an extremely dysfunctional relationship fantasy that borders on exploitation, not how normal adult women behave. The women who actually behave like this generally haven't yet graduated from high school, much less Starfleet Academy's officer training corps.
Proud Capitalist Pig
"Trek writers, please stop attempting romance stories until you get some actual experience on the subject..."
Caught this line as I was scrolling through the comments section, and I just had to share how much it made me laugh. Trek writers, you have murdered by words. I didn't read the rest of the comment in case there were spoilers, but *good job* @Sah!
Ok PC Pig, stop bothering young people and stay focused on fantasizing about 80+ year old women/dead women from TOS.
The two main characters i have most trouble with take center stage.
Kasidy who doesn’t seem to have any character except as a plot contrivance. She worked for the maquis but seems to have no actual feelings for the cause since she abandoned it so easily. It’s not like she was doing it for money. And now here she is to be someone that sisko can’t marry. But again just feels like a contrivance. Other than that (in all episodes between) they give the character nothing to do.
Then dax. The trill started in tng as being solely the slug. The host is completely subsumed. I couldn’t understand why anyone would volunteer for that, but ok. Then throughout ds9, it’s become clear that the slug is little more than a collection of memories. It never inflicts its will on the host; it’s always which version of a previous host might impact the latest host’s personality.
And here again: plot contrivance: jadzia could barely speak to a former lover but ezri is left completely to her own devices without training or oversight in jadzia’s home and around her husband. There’s no threat whatsoever to dax, and if there is any, there’s no indication dax has any say or control over the decisions the host makes. It’s all ezri.
It’d have been interesting if always the trills had been played with some through line of two beings coexisting and actually sharing their will but it never happens.
I do like worf being happy tho. He’s such a stern guy and tends to be one note. Nice to have a reprieve again from that.
But also two people on the ship and not one of them sends out a distress call. In every episode u just click a button but plot contrivance: I guess everyone panicked? Because they definitely had time to click the button
and also prophets have no concept of time but they know he still has tasks to do?
Jason Voorhees
Long time reader but of all episodes to pick for my first comment it’s this one! I was reading the comments and I have to stick up for Ezri. She’s here for one season and she’s put into a tough spot. I’ve been watching Star Trek for decades and I find Ezri way less annoying than Kira. I like Kira a lot but there’s times where I could phaser her or shove her out an airlock but oh well. I have never once felt like that towards Ezri (or Jadzia ctually)
Now as for her talking to Worf during this episode I found it very relatable. It was a very relatable interaction between a married couple (I know they’re not married but the slug was). I don’t know what Jammer is expecting from Worf here? Is he expecting him to spill his guts to a woman who he doesn’t see as his true wife? Klingons are not exactly the kind of people who like to talk about their feelings on the best of days so I feel Jammer is wrong about a cliched scene when I got a lot out of it. In the scene they’re both feeling frustrated and hangry,also they might die and they both have a chance to get that out into the open so they do. It’s a very natural progression. Sorry Jammer, I don’t always see it the way you do anyway.
Question... How did Sisko buy that Bajoran property? Does he have money? The Federation itself supposedly doesn't use money. But of course this is DS9 where Starfleet is just serving as administrators. The station itself belongs to Bajor. So do the Starfleet officers get paid actual wages in this case?
Trek has often been rather vague about how the Federation handles property and labor in a paradise that has denounced currency and personal wealth. In fact, sometimes it contradicts itself and implies that people do have money, somehow.
In a world where you can just replicate anything to meet practically any need, it makes some sense that money may not be crucial in society anymore. You don't have to buy yourself to the top of the food chain because there is no food chain.
But people are still shown owning lofty private property and running businesses. Why?
Joseph Sisko (Cap Sisko's dad) runs a restaurant... why?
The Picard family owns a large house, winery, and fields and fields of grape vines... why? If there is no legitimate need for the winery, wouldn't the property be best used for something else?
The Fed probably gives grants to people willing to work keeping alive culturally and historically significant professions, foods, crafts and arts.
Jeffrey Jakucyk
"Question... How did Sisko buy that Bajoran property?"
I suppose it's possible that "buying" a property in a post-scarcity society isn't a monetary transaction, but a contract to maintain or improve it, basically a land grant. If you don't build the house or farm, or don't drain the swamp, or whatever other conditions are imposed by the government, then you forfeit the land. It's also possible that Bajor is still so much of a depopulated economic backwater that Sisko could easily afford the property with whatever gold-pressed latinum he was able to scrounge up over the years through gambling, trade, etc. Plus I suspect there's plenty of Bajorans who'd be happy to sell some property to the Emissary at a steep discount.
"Joseph Sisko (Cap Sisko's dad) runs a restaurant... why?"
Because he likes to cook, and likes to make others happy through his cooking. He also likes the social aspect, and it gives him something to do. Even nowadays there's tons of hobbies (including cooking) that people do for little or no monetary gain, like knitting, woodworking, drawing, painting, photography, video production, genealogy, museum docent, astronomy, gardening, etc. They CAN be jobs, but a lot of people do them just because they enjoy them, and because they like seeing other people enjoying their craft.
"The Picard family owns a large house, winery, and fields and fields of grape vines... why? If there is no legitimate need for the winery, wouldn't the property be best used for something else?"
Because it's the family home. There's historical and sentimental value to them. Also who says there's no need for the winery? In a society with replicators, there's still going to be demand for the real thing, especially when it's high-quality and a long-held traditioni. Anyone who wants dollar store wine is going to just get it from the replicator. Those who want the real stuff may not pay for it with money, but perhaps through barter with their own boutique goods or services, or through more ephemeral social capital and accolades. There's plenty of "value" to be found that's not strictly monetary. Also, this is a society with huge space ships and large numbers of planetary colonies. Earth isn't going to be so land-constrained in that scenario, leaving much more room for things like artisanal wineries. France's food culture would almost demand locally-sourced non-replicated ingredients, exemplified in Robert's and Marie's home.
I don't find any of this to be particularly hard to understand. If material needs are met and money doesn't work because of a lack of scarcity, then authenticity and sharing become a lot more important. Some people would be content to get their replicated food and sit in their replicated house and watch TV all day, but many would get bored with such a life. We already have a lot of people in our current society who give things away for free because they like doing them and like the community that surrounds them. Most YouTubers make no money and are just doing it for fun. Same for many digital (or even non-digital) artists. They just want to share, and their reward is recognition and praise. Historians research all sorts of things just to find out about them and to share what they've learned.
Jobs that only provide money and nothing else will mostly go away, but a lot of jobs have secondary and tertiary benefits that will keep people doing them. They certainly won't do them as much, but they'll do other things that they didn't have time for when working a 9-5 or multiple part-time jobs. It becomes discretionary, and that's all good.
Jason R.
"I don't find any of this to be particularly hard to understand. If material needs are met and money doesn't work because of a lack of scarcity, then authenticity and sharing become a lot more important."
Right but who is waiting tables in Grandpa Sisko's restaurant? Is serving customers their life's ambition?
But more to the point, what if someone else wants to have a go at running a restaurant in downtown New Orleans? Or wants to live in an run an old French winery? How many are there to go around? And what if supply doesn't meet demand?
Peter G.
Hey don't forget that Benjamin was also the recipient of Nog's life savings! Which included the proceeds of the JaNo Consortium.
Dirty Dancer
Peter, an honest question. If we remove fiat currency but nevertheless allow for a Federation that sanctions various forms of material transaction, are we still adhering to Roddenberry's vision?
Peter G.
Star Trek has always employed a "credit" system, which appears to be the basis of the rations allotted to the crew. In TOS we already had this, but it appeared to persist in TNG, and certainly must have existed in DS9. How else could crew members ever take shore leave? Shore leave on a Federation world would no doubt have a basic exchange rate between Federation credits and the local currency, and for non-Federation worlds it would be more complicated. Trade on an individual basis would seem to be impossible in that situation, whereas the Federation itself (or a given world) could negotiation with a non-Federation world through direct barter. Now I suppose a Starfleet officer could use replicator rations to replicate something of actual value (composed of wood, etc) and barter it to a merchant for something else, or even for latinum. Perhaps nothing in the Federation charter prohibits this. But the society in a Federation setting *itself* doesn't require money in the traditional sense; it is purely a matter of available resources and power. I think what often confuses people about a post-scarcity economy is that it definitely would have a currency; that which determines who can have how much. But what Roddenberry's vision prohibits is that there be *money*, i.e. capital: that which, by itself, generates more wealth just by possessing and allocating it. Instead of a ration, wealth is an engine that grows itself. Trek's world does not have such a mechanism; you can't use a replicator ration to create two rations out of thin air, and thereby have those around you owe you twice what you were previously entitled to.
Aha, you may ask: what would prevent a cunning sort of person from going about collecting rations from others, and if not multiplying them, at any rate creating a large collection, and by virtue of controlling such a massive hoard, leverage this through loans and promises into a larger hoard? Could not the multiplication be done through direct verbal contract, if not direct usury, through inciting others to spend more credits in a time period than they're entitled to? Trek doesn't endeavor to address this type of economic problem, but many potential solutions present themselves to correct for this scenario. One would be a depreciating currency (which in fact we now have!), where its rate of depreciation would have to be significant enough to prohibit any advantage to collecting it. This would result in all credits spent to their maximum capacity at all times, and indirectly would result in a very predictable quantity of matter to be consumed at all times. Another solution would simply be to prevent the exchange of credits between individuals. Even this solution couldn't prevent you spending your credits yourself and handing over the replicated article to the creditor, as a material payment. And so the law would have to go further and outright ban the verbal contract to exchange present favors for future payment of any kind. And I think for the most part it wouldn't be too difficult for the average person to abide by this doctrine, since want would have been eliminated. For the uncommonly cunning person, it seems to me that even this would not prevent all malfeasance. Those trying to game a system - and they will always exist - will have to be placed into quite a tight regime to prevent their attempting, or at any rate succeeding, in doing so. Your Harry Mudd type, for example.
But I expect the strongest deterrent against attempt using credits as capital, and also the best solution to our problem, would be to instigate a statewide belief system so tightly knit amongst the population (in the vein of Plato's Republic, but of a different sort) that they would strongly prefer not to achieve capital domination, and if it had even the force of religious dogma, then perhaps even those bent on manipulating those around them to their own advantage would perhaps find better avenues than capital allocation to do it. Seeking prestige, for instance, like Richard Daystrom, would possibly be a greater currency than a large collection of 'things', for someone like that. And so this form of solution would be to sublimate the inclination to dominate into some other avenue of pursuit that didn't involve gaining material dominance. No doubt one would still have to be on the lookout for the Daystroms and the Ira Graves' out there.
So the human problem remains, but not necessarily in economic form.
@ Jason R.
"Right but who is waiting tables in Grandpa Sisko's restaurant? Is serving customers their life's ambition?"
Maybe they're extraverted and enjoy the human interaction?
Maybe they one day want to start their own restaurant and want to learn from the best?
Perhaps they're a teenager like Jake and Dad pestered them to get a job because it's a "rewarding experience"? (words to that effect in the episode where Sisko guilt trips him into going to work for O'Brien)
When you don't need MONEY for your basic needs why the heck wouldn't you wait tables? My job is stressful AF. If I could make the same money waiting tables, or better yet, didn't need money, hell yeah.
The Orville:
Kelly: People still want to be rich, only now rich means being the best at what you do.
John: Not everybody wants that. Some people like to keep it simple. Some people want to go to work, go home, drink a beer and pass out.
"But more to the point, what if someone else wants to have a go at running a restaurant in downtown New Orleans?"
Well, as someone who lived in New Orleans, right before COVID there were approximately 1,500 restaurants there. That's a lot more per-capita than the typical US city.
Point being, space isn't really an issue, not today and certainly not in the abundance economy of 24th Century Earth.
Also, Sisko's isn't downtown, it's in the French Quarter. :)
And it's pronounced craw-fish, not cray-fish, lol (I'll never forgive DS9 for that slip of the tongue!)
I’d imagine that not everyone in the Federation would be as enthusiastic about technology as your average Starfleet cadet. There would most likely be a massive number of people who would view over-reliance on tech with a wary eye, and amongst those folks an “all natural” culinary culture would seem likely. In that context, many people might seek out any number of jobs in a restaurant out of an almost philosophical belief in building something “real”. For example, the hippies in The Way to Eden might view waiting tables as a noble gig, flagrantly defying enslavement to the reining technocracy. As such, waiting tables could in fact be in sync with someone’s life ambitions in and of itself.
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