Reviews of The Orville were written from 2017-2022 during the original run of the series. Note: All reviews contain spoilers.
Content Listing
Season 1 (2017)
9/10/2017. Old Wounds — Following the collapse of his marriage, Ed Mercer is named captain of the USS Orville, an exploratory vessel whose first mission is to answer the call of a science team that has invented a device that can accelerate time.
9/17/2017. Command Performance — When Mercer and Grayson vanish unexpectedly without a trace, the inexperienced Lt. Alara Kitan finds her resolve tested as she faces her first command experience.
9/21/2017. About a Girl — When Bortus' child is unexpectedly born female — something considered abnormal among his people — he asks Dr. Finn to surgically change the baby's gender, prompting a controversy among his shipmates.
9/28/2017. If the Stars Should Appear — The Orville encounters a massive starship adrift in space that is actually an alien bio-dome housing an entire civilization that does not know the true nature of its world.
10/5/2017. Pria — After the crew rescues a woman from a crashed mining ship, Mercer begins to fall for her while Grayson suspects she is not who she says she is.
10/12/2017. Krill — Following an unprovoked attack on a Union colony by a Krill vessel, Mercer and Malloy go undercover to infiltrate a Krill ship in the hopes of learning more about the mysterious enemy.
10/26/2017. Majority Rule — The Orville crew investigates the disappearance of two Union anthropologists who vanished on a world governed solely by popular opinion.
11/2/2017. Into the Fold — When a shuttle carrying Finn, her two young sons, and Isaac crashes on an unfamiliar planet, Finn must escape her alien captors while Isaac looks after the children.
11/9/2017. Cupid's Dagger — While mediating a dispute between two warring societies, the Orville takes aboard a specialist who turns out to be the man at the center of the affair that ended Mercer's and Grayson's marriage.
11/16/2017. Firestorm — While struggling with guilt over the death of a crewmate she was unable to save, Kitan begins experiencing strange events aboard the ship that are not easily explained.
11/30/2017. New Dimensions — Grayson discovers LaMarr has hidden potential that might make him a candidate to replace the departing chief engineer, so she gives him a challenging assignment when the Orville discovers a realm that exists only in two dimensions.
12/7/2017. Mad Idolatry — A seemingly small action has massive consequences when Grayson heals a wonded girl on a primitive planet, which leads the society to establish an entire religion around Kelly.