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    Re: TNG S1: Encounter at Farpoint

    When this first aired in 1987, it seemed fine. Time hasn't been kind to the story, the acting or the special effects, though. It's not the worst thing I've ever seen...and not even the worst episode of the 1st season of TNG (I'm looking at you, "The Naked Now").

    It was clear the actors hadn't grown into their roles yet and hadn't discovered who the characters were. Also obvious is that the show hadn't decided what "Star Trek" was going to be without the TOS crew at the helm. This was the first time there had been a "Star Trek" without Kirk in the Captain's chair. They spent too much time trying to copy the old series instead of breaking out on their own at first. Luckily, they recovered.

    Re: VOY S5: Course: Oblivion

    My first ever comment on this site: I am a huge fan of Star Trek and especially of Voyager. I have read all of Jammer's reviews and all of the comments - in the immortal words of Mr Spock - "fascinating".

    This episode is particularly intriguing to me because of the huge diversity of reaction it receives from the commenters on this site. I find myself torn in terms of the illogical plot lines with holes so huge you could pilot a Borg cube through them and not scrape at all, vs. the utter entropic and gut-wrenching finality of it all when the duplicate crew simply de-molecularizes with no trace, no record, no nothing.

    I give it *** for being innovative, unique and bold.

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