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    Re: ORV S1: About a Girl

    Ok here's the problem. The show tries to deal with themes like homosexuality and sex changes, gender questions, however it uses Moclan's to try to get it's point across. It may as well have used amoebas.
    Ok so Moclan's are an all male race that lays eggs. Don't care. When Moclan's have a female child they swap its gender. Don't care. I simply don't care about Moclan sexuality. It literally has nothing to do with human society, morals nor ethics.
    They tried to bring the human element in by showing the reactions of humans to Moclan principles, but as far as I was concerned, do the srx change, don't do the sex change, whatever.
    They ignored the greater story, that being the interaction of the mucus creature and the doctor, Thatbwould have held my attention.

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